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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Kingdom Death: King of Monsters (IC)

Turn 1

Then even non-existence was not there, nor existence,
There was no air then, nor the space beyond it.
What covered it? Where was it? In whose keeping?
Was there then cosmic fluid, in depths unfathomed?



Her temple throbbed.

"Today, child."

She took the queen into her shaking hand, focused more on the piece than the move. Clenching it between three fingers, she tried to raise it from the board, only for her hand to spasm and scatter the armies across and beyond their checkered field.

The tapping at her cerebrum began to pound at her thoughts. A frontal lobotomy that would claim everything. Blinking, she willed the spots in her vision away while her small hands mechanically gathered the pawns, knights, bishops, rooks, queens and kings, muttering to herself their annotation like scripture.

A hand fell on her shoulder and all became still. "Arianrhod. Look at me. Just reset the board."

He leaned back, skin and eyes black with ink, and she woke up to a knuckle pressed to her cheek.


"You were speaking in your sleep. Did you have a vision?" Ceridwen asked as Arianrhod started carding her hair.

"No." She smiled. "Just a nightmare." Arianrhod punched her cheek and let her arm fall to the swaying carpet. We've arrived?" She asks.

"Nearly. Lleu knows the way. Get dressed." She planted a kiss to her cheek before withdrawing to the howdah's lower tier.

Arianrhod rose up, breathed in, breathed out, and wept.


1. (Co-op Action 1) Clear a pit and prepare it as an arena.


Arianrhod (mindforce) (animal kinship) (educated and clever) / (workaholic) (rags) (lantern) (t6 shadowbone/silk staff sling) (sharp rock).




50 Ciun (lanterns) (t6 shadowbone/silk staff slings) (sharp rocks)


(Co-op Action 1) Clear a pit and prepare it as an arena.


Grand Sage Enyo (Sixth-Sense, Lore Darkness [5])


48 Great Sages (Lanterns, Sharp rocks, [Mindshield])

2. (Co-op Action 2) Challenge the horrors of the tribes to a duel / marry off Hopes.



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- I -
The Dust Settles
~ High Sage Collective ~

~ Chief Sage Khaoul ~


Ancestry 1 - Mindforce

Chief - Chief Sage Khaoul
Ancestry 2 - Mindshield

Hope - Grand Sage Enyo

- I -
A Fateful Encounter

The Chief gazed upon darkened wastes with a watchful eye.

The Grand Sage Khaoul had travelled far, as had his ancestors before him, in search of weathered lands that might sate the lust for shelter his tribe so ravenously desired. They had arrived during an exodus that took them further still across the dark, and now he sensed the time for settling.

"Celestial blessings, Grand Sage. Do we rest here?"

Before the Chief and his disciple was a large pit depressed into the darkness. The telltale wisps of lantern-light told of a fledgling tribe attempting to convert this nook into an abode. The time for ink-swept eyes had passed. Perhaps they would share in common interest?

- II -
The Chosen's Quest

I hear thee, O' Celestial One.

The Vessel named Enyo heeds.

Yes. I am. Yes.

Your will be done, my lord.

I am your chosen. This fate is bound.

The Blessing of Rafael aligns. I am sundered, reborn...

This Vessel accepts.


  • Co-op Action 1: The High Sage Collective will join the Ciun in exploring & clearing a pit for habitation, using their [Darkness Lore 5] knowledge of the land to make use of suitable spots and [Mindshield/Sixth-Sense] to avoid detection from hostile entities: Grand Sage Enyo [Sixth-Sense, Darkness Lore (5)] / 48 Great Sages [Lanterns + Sharp Rocks]
  • Hidden Co-op Action 2: To be revealed by another player...
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Sikander Troupe
Turn 1

And so we fled the Cresh
Blood flowed there
Warning Heeded, they fled
Into the Sands we went
Change came with fear
We learned to hide
Shadows and puppets

"This will not do!" Bion snarled, his masked frame shaking in outrage as he looked over his people and his puppets. Like all the Sikander, he was in tattered robes hiding a naked frame, wooden mask hiding his face. All Sikander concealed their true forms. Which was a lie for a Sikander had not true form these days. They assumed the looks of various tribes beneath their robes to sow confusion.

"Father, we do what we can," Cleon said from the left of his father.

"The people are gathered. We have made contact with those willing to engage with us for a new home," Dion offers from the right of his father.

The twin's masks mirrored one another, and annoyingly enough they would swap them to confuse people often as a prank.

"Yes, we may find a home now. Build it potentially with these Sephirah and Agread should there prove space for us all. If not... we will slip in amongst them until we MAKE space," Bion said with huff as he again looks to the puppets.

"UGLY! They are ugly! And WEAK. Unacceptable. They are an INSULT to my glory. I must rework them immediately. The Monsterbone we found in our exile, I will use it now. We will make them better. Come, my sons, we have work to do!" Bion marches towards the puppets with purpose, pulling forth the Beloved Ruby Sewing Kit. They had much work to do to soothe his vanity and that required the puppets to be remade more gloriously,

Player Action - Use the Unit of Monsterbone and Beloved Ruby Sewing Kit to upgrade the Puppets.
Cooperative - Work with Sephirah and Argead to seek and claim settlement space.
In the heart of the Suspension, where the darkness reign eternal and the light dares not trespass, there dwelled a tribe of humans. They were the forsaken ones, born of darkness and shaped by its relentless embrace. Their existence, a fragile dance upon the edge of fear and hunger, where every breath drawn is a battle against the encroaching abyss. Within their crude dwellings of bone and sinew, the tribe huddled together against the chill that seeps from the very ground they tread upon, hugging what meager supplies they had recovered from the Crystal Sands. Eyes dulled by perpetual gloom flicker in the dim light of flickering lanterns, wary of the unseen horrors that lurked just beyond their meager sanctuary.

Their days are spent in silent reverence to the ancient rituals passed down through generations, rites born of desperation and whispered in tones laden with dread. They know not the warmth of laughter nor the solace of peace; theirs is a life steeped in the raw instinct of survival, where each day brings not hope, but a renewed dread of what the dark may bring. The elders spoke in hushed tones of a time before the darkness, a time when the world was bathed in light with a brilliance now forgotten. They wove tales of a paradise lost, a realm beyond the reach of shadow where their ancestors once roamed free and unblemished by the stain of perpetual darkness.

Yet such stories offered little comfort to those who now eke out their existence in the oppressive gloom. Hunger gnawed ceaselessly at their bellies, a relentless reminder of their fragile mortality. But it is not only hunger that haunts their waking hours. Fear, too, coils like a serpent within their hearts, its venomous whispers echoing in the caverns of their minds. They fear the darkened woods that encircle their enclave, where unseen eyes watch and unseen claws await the unwary. They fear the chill that creeps through their bones, a harbinger of unseen terrors that prowl in the endless dark.

And yet, amidst the despair that clinged to their weary souls, there lingered a spark of defiance. It is the flame that flickers in the eyes of the young as they listen to the elders' tales, the ember of hope and faith that refuses to be extinguished. They are the descendants of those who refused to surrender to the encroaching dark, who chose to face the darkness rather than cower in its shadow. Their people had come far. Guided by the light illuminating the darkness, which only they could see... such was the blessing of the Argead and the third eye. They were not defenseless like their ancestors once were. Muttering prayers and humming hymns... the Tribe of the Argead steeled their minds and souls. They tended to their Inner Light as their faith in themselves and each other grew. For among them were heroes, ancient relics and most importantly... the Argead himself.

The prayers were abruptly silenced when a small group of men emerged from the darkness, among them a man baring the Lantern of the Third Eye, which illuminated the region to the tribe. Before them stood Antipater, the chieftain and patriarch of the tribe, who had led the Argead to the Suspension. In a curt, yet confident manner, Antipater spoke "These lands are foreign to us. We must learn to survive... and then thrive. Food, water, shelter. That is what we need. Our scouts have encountered some of the other tribes fleeing the Crystal Sands. We will... cooperate with some of them to suit our needs and purpose. However, the tribe and the Argead come first. Food, water, shelter. That is what we seek."

Antipater turned away and walked forward into the darkness, illuminating the horizon with a light that only they could see.


1. Cooperative Action: In coordination with Sephirah and Sikander tribes, begin searching for a new place to settle... though if they happen to find a particularly interesting place or object then the tribe might keep mum about it especially if they find it with the help of the Lantern of the Third Eye.

The Argead - Flight, Echolocation

Cooperative Perk
Critical Thinker Perk
Devious Chieftain Quirk
Darkness Lore (5)
Mindscreen x2
Animal Handling and Mindforce Ancestry via Ciun Hero

"The Screen" -- Individuals or groups (the power magnified with number of adherents) become resistant to all forms of damage and gain stealth and invisibility as long as they eschew aggression and intend to disengage/flee from danger. This is not something that can be used for static defenses, but for fleeing, scouting, or otherwise non-violent travel it can be very useful. Gathering can be done under the "Screen" to increase yields because you can gather more not distracted by dangers.

Lantern of the Third Eye -- this lamp conveys bright light in a mid/long range AoE, but does not attract predators (unless GM warns otherwise) -- the light can also be invisible to non-tribals, allowing the tribe to see while others must depend on other or no light. Depending on brightness this grants Fear (8) to lesser creatures, and Terror 5 to any animal with less than 1 melee die (so insects, muckhoppers, and other vermin flee in swarms, or are kept from the area) Once per season it can be focused into a beam during a combat to grant Fire (20) to the wielder. I am thinking that except for shorter periods, the bright light is visible only to your people.

2. Cooperative Action: With the trade agreement with tribe Ciun in place, the tribe visits the Ciun arena to celebrate the union of the two tribes. What better way to celebrate such an occasion than with an event such as the duel between the Oliphant and the Argead? Besides, such a spectacle presents an opportunity for the Argead to display its splendor and bring back the children of the Witch into the faith.

-2x Principled Perk
- Social 15
- Lore People (5)
-Bonded to Horror
-Mindscreen x2

The Argead
-"Emanates (faith/wonder)" (10) - this manifests as reinvigoration 2 (mental AND physical) to people who "accept"/"believe in" it. If they don't believe awe 6+ instead. (they may be too awestruck to attack)
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Sephirah Clan - Turn 1

Order 1 (Shared): Cooperate with The Argead( Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon ) and the Sikander Troupe( Crocodile Crocodile ) to establish a settlement in somewhere nice with hopefully some cool resources. The Shamans will work to establish the Sanctuary Ward (establishes a sanctuary. expels hostile creatures.) around the settlement as well as the Barrier and Hidden(stealth) ward on the main encampment of the Sephirah Clan.

Note: You allow me to settle ahead on the Triple Ekes but I would have to make this action a STRAINED action.
More Order Details
Make the first stages of the home! We'll focus on the ward defenses and maybe we could also find cool resources nearby?

Materials Used
1 unit of Shadowbone. If this is not enough for all three wards, I will rather focus on the Barrier and Hidden Ward for the Shaman's own territory instead of the additional Sanctuary Ward for the settlement in general.

Enchanting Bonus (+75%)
The WARDFORGE - in crystal sands, the Vivaldi great forge was destroyed and abandoned, with only it's crucible saved as a relic. You took the remains of the forge (basically a conical ruined oven) and made it into a magic mill for producing wards and runes. This is anathema to the Vivaldi (who will know or at least have rumors it was taken) -- but grant an additional +25% to crafting enchants and wards, and the effective increase in material quality is 1d2 per craft.

Enchantingx2: This is an art of etching, tatooing or inscribing runes and wards. Runes generally go on items and people, wards on larger things like doors/buildings/areas. Wards can be broken unless HALF their creation % is overcome. Runes generally cannot be removed except by the tribe that crafts them, so are generally boons or curses.When a rune or ward is made, roll 1d100 (+50% for x2) -- if you get 100% the rune/ward is "perfect", less than perfect wards become more temporary, less than perfect runes can have unexpected properties. Wards cannot (even is bonus allows) exceed 100% quality. Runes can go up to 120% with expense of fatigue, resources or wealth.At this level, wards and runes can do most anything the player desires at GM's discretion. You can attempt to make a rune or ward invisible but it takes -30% from the crafting, and you must decide if you are doing this before the enchantment is attempted.

Possible Character Bonuses
[Daring], [Insightful], and [Ambitious]

Order 2 (Solo): Create the [Sacrarium]
More Order Details
The [Sacrarium] will be established, located in the deepest and most protected part of the Tribe settlement. It will be right under the [The Bound One], the tribe's monster. 4 units of Shadowbone will be used to erect four corner pillars with. 1 unit of Ruby, and 1 unit of Liferoot will be used to construct a core in the middle. The purpose of [Sacrarium] will be to fully focus and maximize the effects of the monster. As it is right now, it has [Emanate - Mental Energy] and [Reinvigoration 2] but it's only from its passive aura. The Sacrarium's purpose is to focus it all in one spot for a true powerup. Where the Shamans could also do their most sacred of works and channel the monster's energy to the enchants itself.

The Shadowbone Pillars and Ruby Liferoot Core will also be heavily enchanted to make all this possible. The Ruby Liferoot Core will be used to tap into the mind and powers of the [The Bound One]. Additionally, the WARDFORGE will be attached to the [Sacrarium] and 2 units of gold will be used anywhere to make the Sacrarium better, more powerful, and look cooler!

Then after this is finished.... The Shamans will initiate the [First Sacred Baptism]. All full shamans (you mentioned each tribe has like 50 people) will undergo a full baptism in the [Sacrarium] where they will be baptized by the energy of [The Bound One] through the Ruby Liferoot Core. Those who fail means they will die and then they will be fed to strengthen [The Bound One]. This will be the first step of the tribe's goal to be able to fight against the monsters by themselves without raising a monster.

This MIGHT significantly reduce the number of Shamans BUT shamans never really relied on numbers in the first place. Back in the Cresh, there were only 5 Shamans and they were very powerful.

Moving forward, [The Baptism] will be part of the Shaman culture where you cannot become a fully fledged shaman unless you undergo baptism.

Enchanting Bonus (+75%)
The WARDFORGE - in crystal sands, the Vivaldi great forge was destroyed and abandoned, with only it's crucible saved as a relic. You took the remains of the forge (basically a conical ruined oven) and made it into a magic mill for producing wards and runes. This is anathema to the Vivaldi (who will know or at least have rumors it was taken) -- but grant an additional +25% to crafting enchants and wards, and the effective increase in material quality is 1d2 per craft.

Enchantingx2: This is an art of etching, tatooing or inscribing runes and wards. Runes generally go on items and people, wards on larger things like doors/buildings/areas. Wards can be broken unless HALF their creation % is overcome. Runes generally cannot be removed except by the tribe that crafts them, so are generally boons or curses.When a rune or ward is made, roll 1d100 (+50% for x2) -- if you get 100% the rune/ward is "perfect", less than perfect wards become more temporary, less than perfect runes can have unexpected properties. Wards cannot (even is bonus allows) exceed 100% quality. Runes can go up to 120% with expense of fatigue, resources or wealth.At this level, wards and runes can do most anything the player desires at GM's discretion. You can attempt to make a rune or ward invisible but it takes -30% from the crafting, and you must decide if you are doing this before the enchantment is attempted.

Possible Character Bonuses
Perks: [Daring], [Insightful], and [Ambitious]
Quirks: [Entitled], [Psychopathic], [Erratic], and [Coldx2]

Materials Used
5 Units of Shadowbone
1 Unit of Ruby
3 Units of Necris Jelly - Necris jelly preserves undead, increases the (Undying) value for those who already have it, and gives +1 to death saves if applied quickly to the patient.
Note: Wardforge has an effective increase in material quality of 1d2
2 Units of Gold
1 unit of Liferoot
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A deadwood stood silently in the way of the tribe. Row upon row of twisted dead trees, rooted since time gone by, now lifeless.

Ballon's people went in pairs everywhere, as it was dangerous to go alone. Everyone knew that. Elders and children picked at little plants, mushrooms, pale worms from the dirt. Standing sentry were the men and women. With faces tired beyond their years, they faced outwards into the unending mist and nothingness of the Dark World. Chief Ballon had assured them their path was the least dangerous, which made them ever more vigilant against letting down their guard. In its entirety, the tribe was quiet; noise was death, they knew, almost as bad as overly bright lights.

Ballon himself had lent the flashcube to a little old woman. She was a mother of eight, a grandmother in the tribe, and all loved and cherished her as much as they could afford. She directed two children over the precious scource of heat and fire, as the less-than-slave fare sizzled on a flat stone. Mushrooms, worms, filthy scraps, but to them it was a feast.

He ignored the sizzle and scent of precious grub (and the few literal grubs). He pressed his hand against the cold, blackened bark of the nearest tree. His minds eye furrowed its 'brow' and peeped itself open a touch. Images and impressions came like molassas flowing out of a tiny crack...

'Light ... Light... Nothing ... ' The tree had once begged, 'Death.'

Nothing. Treedeath was loud, due to the fact that trees seldom died alone unless it was from persistent pestilence or mens cutting. No, treedeath was the raging of a fire, or dark monsters, or the miasma of the world killing life as it had all-too-regularly done. No, this deadwood would provide no real information. Ballon thought, and then thought some more.

Scents of food being done came to him, and with them a new impression. A new voice. From within the deadwoods, came the idea of food. Where had that scent come from? Where was the maker? The thought would know, and it rose up larger. Dead trees were shoved aside and a direction was picked.

Ballon snapped out of his thoughts. Time to leave. He motioned to the old woman to close shop. The flat cooking stone was emptied as food was hurriedly shoved into mouths by dirty fingers. Hiss, hiss, snap, the future seemed to indicate. Yes, now would be a good time to leave, Ballon concluded. No sense waiting around to listen to the future, only lose his precious workers.

He kicked the flat stone off of his precious light, picked the cube up, and as quickly as the Lesser Concordat had came; they left.

Action 1: Hillhome. Instead of a crater, the tribe seeks out a home for itself on higher ground, relying on the wisdom of Ballon.

Collaborative w/ Player: Using their extensive knowledge of the Suspension (Lore) the Idafaoda and Lesser Concordant will seek out an, off season if possible, ant lion nest or similar in an attempt to find loot, materials and even security from the creatures of the dark. Flash cube will be used in it's sheltered mode to attract waywards.
Perks: Gallant (X3), Intelligent (X3),
Quirks: Audacious, Chaotic, Amoral, Blindly obedient.
Skill: Lore (15) X2 Suspension, Creatures.
Perks: (Self-Sufficient x2) (Resourceful)
Quirks: (Oppressive) (Selfish)
Skill: Lore (All) (10)

Turn 1
[Things to look for! Passionatex2, Artist, Bravex2, Deceitfulx2, Power Hungry, Glory Seeker, Spiteful and Messy]

Kostis tossed and turned on the hard ground, low growls rumbling from his throat as he barred his teeth at some nightmarish foe, his body was slicked with and the silk bedding clung to his body like a second skin that would no doubt have to be peeled away when the mountain of a man awoke. His muscled body was tense and his limbs were flayed out, his leg over and almost crushing a tiny mousy looking woman who was sleeping nearby. His arms flayed out, his right arm over the edge of an immense throne seeming to consist of the bottom jaw bone of some great creature, his hand opened and closed around a tooth as if, even in his dream, he was unable to let go of what was his [Power Hungry/Messy]. Beads of sweat continued to roll down his dark olive skin, his long, wild and rough hewn hair sprayed out around his head like a dark halo without rhyme or reason as his face jerked left and right by some unseen force [Messy]. Suddenly Kostis body jerked upwards, his spend bending as from his chest burst a mighty roar that split the darkness around them, a roar of fury, of anger, of defiance [Bravex2]. The clearing filled with sounds as the people, laying sprawled around him as the tribe slept in a great 'pile' for protection, were startled awake, jumping to their feet to look for unseen danger as Kostis, himself, was slowly risen from his slumber by his own fury, his eyes fluttering open as he moved to set up..

His dark eyes scanned the darkness, barely illuminated by the lanterns, as the men and women on patrol had just come rushing back to the edges of their bedding to see what was wrong, Kostis waved them off, "Its nothing, check our left side, I think I heard something although I don't double it turned tail at my fury," [Deceitfulx2].
The guards gave each other looks but gave a deep bow and turned on their heels to investigate what was absolutely nothing. Kostis dark eyes fell on the small woman under his leg and he pulled his leg back before he shot it back out, kicking her in the stomach and sending the tiny woman rolling and tumbling down the throne and across the bedding [Spiteful], "Get up," Kostis growled as, he, himself, rose to his feet before stumbling to the throne and collapsing on top, drawing deep breaths as the beads of sweat felt cool in the 'evening' air.

Despite their size difference, the mousey woman made no noise when she was kicked besides the 'oomph' of her breath being knocked out. In silence, the tiny woman drew in a few breaths before she climbed to her feet and moved over to him, she tugged down the silk sash of his body and with a clean silken cloth, gently wipped away the sweat and grime of the floor, her hands strong despite their size. Her almond eyes, under the dark bangs that so often covered her face, almost expressionless as she worked. She reached to his side into his herb backed, crushed many in her palm, and then gently began to dab and rub it into his skin. The herbs were harmless and useless, nothing more then to help him smell better.. Water was precious and so bathing was a rarity, but Kostis refused to stink and smell, he was more then that [Glory Seeker, Power Hungry, Artist, Passionatex2... Deceitfulx2].

As the mousy woman worked, Kostis took her in. He had no idea where she had come from, his 'Napkin'. This tiny slave with strange exotic features, she had merely emerged from the darkness one day, without a word, and to this day, he had never heard a peep from her. She was his personal servant, his assistant, the one to clean up after him as he tended to be a whirlwind of destruction and waste [Messy]. Kostis reached out, his massive hand cupping her chin as he tilted her head back to look at him, her soft features, small nose and ebony eyes gazed back up at him without hint of fear or love. They simply were. He examined her like this for a bit more before he shoved her head to the side, but she was back to him in a moment, rearranging his robe back into its place [Spiteful/Messy]. As pathetic as it was, as cruel as it was, Napkin was the only person he 'trusted'. Even his own daughter..

His eyes searched out the darkness, checking yards away from the group for the telltale 'tent' of his daughter, of Thaleia. It didn't take long for his eyes, long adapted to the darkness, to make out the outline of her place. The strange sticks, silk and spike barrier she used to keep small predators away outside of it. She never slept with the clan, and she rarely spoke to him these days outside of pleasantries. She.. hated him. He knew this although Kostis didn't think she realized he knew. She was not the liar he was [Deceitfulx2], in fact, she was not many things he was. She was... A good child. A good person and so he had let her fly.. even when he knew he should have broken her spirit for the betterment of the Clan but love and the refusal to crush something beautiful and unique were stronger then any petty desire [Held Back Power Hungry because of Passionatex2 and Artist]

Kostis hoped she found happiness someday, a partner of her own, well, he'd rather that then wake up in the middle of the 'night' to find her stuff gone and that she had simply upped and vanished [??]. He let his thoughts idle for a few more minutes as his clan started to gather their belongs and prepare for the journey to continue.. "Come Napkin, we have much to do today and Glory waits for no man." [Glory Seeker/Power Hungry]

Co-Op Action 1 [Singer/Seimari {Eliasdagood/Cosmo}]
The two clans will explore the Suspension together to try and see what they can find. They are looking for three things specifically:
1. An NPC village of decent size in a well placed location
2. Animals/Plants

But if they can find more that'd be nifty! But village most important followed by animals/plants! I have Junk Points to spend to modify the roll if I can/is needed, perhaps Thaleia tinkering up a tool to help explore! [Like a dowsing rod or something]

Useful Perks/Quirks/Abilities for this action
Black and white low-light vision
Animal Kinship [Ancestry]
SEG [Ancestry]

Elias Perks/Quirks that may effect this
Capable - Reroll on any noncombat endeavor but must take second result. Repeated use causes mental/physical fatigue.
Compassionate - Synergizes with Animal Kinship Ancestry
Focusx2 - More consecutive turns/rounds you work or concentrate, the higher the bonus.
Calm - +s while concentrating, which stacks with focused

Herculean Ancestry [Can go for longer, more agile and fast for scouting]
Healing Ancestry [For finding plants]
Tinker with Junk Points!

Perks/Quirks that may effect this
Passionatex2, Glory Seeker, Bravex2
Co-Op Action 2 [Singer/Seimari {Eliasdagood/Cosmo}]
Once a suitable village is spotted [or chosen if multiple], the Singers and Seimari will prepare. Singers will remotely MIND CONTROL children to have them sneak out to receive poison crafted by the Seimari as well as be 'touched' by the Singers so they can be remotely viewed. The children will then return to put poison in their people's food and water, as best they are able.

When the time is right, and chaos has spread, the mind controlled children will RISE UP and attack their parents. In this chaos, the Seimari will lead the charge from outside to cut down the defenders and claim the village, its people and its goods. The Remote viewing will be used to help guide the children's poisoning as well as make the attack time perfect for the Seimari [or as close as can be].

Useful Perks/Quirks/Abilities for this action
Black and white low-light vision
Animal Kinship [Ancestry]
SEG [Ancestry]
CHILD POSSESSION [Remote by Hope and some members]
Remote view anyone they've touched, 50% to remove view people they've seen.

Elias Perks/Quirks that may effect this
Capable - Reroll on any noncombat endeavor but must take second result. Repeated use causes mental/physical fatigue.
Focusx2 - More consecutive turns/rounds you work or concentrate, the higher the bonus.
Calm - +s while concentrating, which stacks with focused
Invisible - Easier to go without being noticed

Herculean Ancestry
Healing Ancestry [Midnight Nettle Poison (10)]
Tinker with Junk Points! Perhaps making some gizmos to help scale walls and what not if needed to improve roll.

Perks/Quirks that may effect this
Passioantex2, Deceitfulx2, Power Hungry, Glory Seeker, Bravex2
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The hand is a beautiful thing. Bones slotted together in perfect unity, tendons and muscles arranged in such marvelous ways so as to allow complete and utter flexibility. The flesh distributed to allow dexterous movements while still providing cushion. The skin! Tough in some places, loose in others. It was a damn shame. But also a blessing, because are the most beautiful things in this world not also the most fragile?

Novan did not have a hand that he could crush at the moment, but he did have something almost as good. A dog-like creature, its hind legs smashed beyond repair, but stil breathing. To call it alive would be a falsehood. It had already given up, laying weakly on a cold stone floor, and soon it would be gone, but not before he had his share.

One giant foot rose up, and slowly, ever so slowly, he brought it down on the poor thing’s front paws. A sound of bones snapping and a pitiful last moan before it fainted, from shock or from pain. He bent down and ripped off an ear, a trophy for himself. Then he turned and let the lesser tribesmen take the soon-to-be corpse.

“You are inconceivable.” From the shadows, a low graveling voice.

Novan paused, mid-way through attaching the ear to his belt. Nobody else was near. “Father. You are truly one with the night.”

“I am not your father any more than any other, which is why I cannot allow you to prance around up there, as you seem so keen to do.” The voice was perhaps colder than when its owner had taken Novan’s fingernails, as a punishment for attempting to put together a broken spoil of war. The threat was implied.

The hair on the back of his head stood up, but he was careful to keep his face still. “My hunts are necessary. They-”

“They waste resources!” The shadows roared. “What, you think parading yourself and ten men out to capture small game is, is, IS A GOOD IDEA? You believe yourself so invincible, so important, that you will bring the rest of us down with you.”

Novan roared back, straightening his posture until he was absolutely looming over his father. “They improve morale! They prove we have culture, class! And besides, it’s not a huge deal. We are thriving, we’ve finally found our prophesied-”

A flare of pure disgust choked his throat, and the words suffocated in his mouth. Finally his father stepped out of the shadows. “That is precisely why we must be cautious. As Deimos foretold, when darkness becomes stronger, so too does light. A precarious balance, and the side that loses will be, I see it now, the side with the utter buffoon too prideful to recognize his faults [Witty]. Now get out of my sight.”

Novan made his way out, but under his breath, he muttered something audible only by the animal, its ear hanging limply at his side. “You are the buffoon. These are good for the tribe, and the only one who thinks otherwise is you. I'll show you a hunt, the greatest hunt in the history of the tribe...”


Free action, approved by GM:
The elders of the tribe are plied for information regarding other local tribes. It has been long since any strangers have come to the storehouse stair, but the elders know of people(s) that wander beyond the lamplights, and who's own lanterns trail far away from the hills.

Single Action: The tribespeople gather granite and wood/herbs from the area immediately surrounding the Storeroom Stairs, seeking out any possibly hidden treasures.

Sharp Rocks
Plant Lore (10)

Collaborative Action, with Xelthas (Mechking), Beastly Blood (Birb): A GREAT HUNT! The tribes move stealthily in the darkness, tracking down animals and avoiding the most troublesome nightmares. They seek to gain meat, hide, and bone, but also attempt to catch and domesticate useful beasts for a permanent source of food. Xelthas in particular sets up traps and ambushes, helped by the Nightstalkers' tracking ancestry. The Nightstalkers in particular raze as they go, acquiring small material gains.

Nightstalkers: Sharp rocks, Lanterns, Tracking Ancestry, Perks: Observant, Quirks: Destructive, brutal x2
Novan, equipped with T12 enchanted Living Caber. Quirks: Violent, Brutal, Stubborn. On the hunt, he attempts to talk to and interact with the other hopes as much as possible

Beastly Blood:
Sharp rocks, Lanterns, Fear (10 due to Seg Blood), Beastly and Mindshield (Seg) Ancestry, hunting culture
Wyrmjack armor (Hegallia): Perks: [Calm], [Cultured] Quirks: [Perverted], [Oppressive], [Remorseless]
Hellion: Perks: [Strong] & [Skillful] Quirks: [Extremist] [Hideous], Extra Weaponskill ancestry (large set of claws), can set up ambushes, also gains an 3d6 for one attack in a season, rejuvenation 2, for the first 2 death saves has +2 without including bonuses or minuses, can run for a while without getting tired, illiterate Descriptors: [Martial Artist], [Swimmer], [Survivalist], [Trapper]
Hellion will help when it comes to setting up a trap for whatever they encounter, preparing an ambush and lying in wait for whenever the opportunity arises.

Shark rocks, Lanterns, Ancestries: Camouflage, Amalgamations, Perks: Curious, capable, efficient, cold
The Weaver also has Ancestry: Hunter, has extra stealth, and is Brave, Reliable, and a Primadonna
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Kingdom Death: King of Monster






“Ah, another successful crafting, my dear.”

Zaas turned and gave a toothy grin to his daughter Taas. She was the Light of his life, the HOPE of the tribe. Clan Vivaldi would be a smaller place without her in it. BUt he knew that one day, he would have to marry her off to an eligible suitor. No matter how much he would feel lesser for it (Dependent).

“Yes, Father. Both our new and Old Allies are already enjoying the beautiful work that we’ve done. Brainstorm has been a big help. After all, if he couldn’t carry a forge inside his handsome frame, we might have lost everything………”

Both were thinking back to their GREATEST LOST. When the evacuation was underway from the Crystal Sands, there was one thing that they needed above all else. Everything else could be lost to the sands of time, except this one thing.

THE GREAT FORGE. A movable relic of immense power that gave the Vivaldi Clan an edge, further above their natural crafting capabilities. Build by the very hands of Dass Vivaldi himself while wearing the Helmet of Protection gifted by the elder before him.

Zaas slammed a fist into the ground.

“If it wasn’t for those sneaky shamans backstabbing us and killing the Vivaldi Crusaders, we would have THE GREAT FORGE even now, instead of just a piece of it. We WILL get it back one day, even if it isn’t in my lifetime. (OBSESSIVE)”

Zaas motion to the large piece that was a boon to all the clan, but would be even greater once attached to a Forge of some kind. Until then, it would INSPIRE as it should.

“But for now, we need to help our allies find a new place to call home in these strange lands and continue to churn out our carefully crafted artistic weapons, armor and items. We shall spread the greatness of the Vivaldi Clan through these new lands.”

1. CO-OP Action: Find a New Home with Allies

Hunting Ancestry (x2)
Perception (x2) on Chief and Hope
Dedicated on Chief
Wild Card on Hope
All Tribesmen have Survival skill
Lore Monsters 10
Lore Creatures 5

I can fly, I have my dusk dawn ability which increases my perception, I can summon cherubs to help look, and I can use my order power to give us speed.

I have Lore Creatures, Place, Monsters, 5
Good Listener x2, Dependable x2, Driven

Me: Hardworkingx2, Obsessive, Alert, spoiled, smart, compassionate

2. Craft: Tools (Building)

FREE ACTION: Gives Taas 1 Unit of Amber and 1 Unit of Black Granite

Tribe Perks: Dependable x2, Good Listenerx2, Driven.
Tribe Quirks: Tactless, Reckless, Hedonistic, Overly Competitive.

Hope Perks: Passionate, Good Judge of Character
Hope Quirks: Audacious x2.

Co-Op action 1: A new home. Applicable - Dependable x2, Good Listener x2 (boosts listening to others and thus cooperation), Driven - monster can FLY and is capable of water manipulation, improves its ability to look for things. Lore, Creatures, People, Monsters 5.
Search alongside with the Vivaldi, Archons, and Urjagar for a settlement location or locations that might befit a burgeoning coalition of tribes. NOT settling it. Considering how many tribes are involved, 'close' settlement locations that might fit the tribes together into two-three groups that are near each other are also acceptable.

Co-Op action 2: See DMs.

"... Must we really be so willing to aid them, father?" Ylesiyan rests on a rock, watching the tribe drill at their camp with their new, gleaming arms. "They are... Deceivers. Self-obsessed. And that... that plan..." (Good Judge of Character)

Her face is hidden behind a mask of mourning, polished bone stark-white.

"... The tribes must be united one day, yes. But is there really no other way? We could go forth and tell them to seek something else! A better path!" (Audacious x2, Passionate)

Dralyan's eyes are on the elemental, as he holds his own shield and spear in formation. He stands a full head above the rest of the tribe, but he is only a novice in their arts - hesitant, and nervous despite his bulk. But he is trying. There is a fire in him, one the tribe sparked, but now growing- his spear and shield moving in the honed patterns of the rest of the tribe. The Chief looks to his daughter, letting her work the tension out of her mind in her own way. (Good Listener x2)

"... We swore to protect our people as we left the Crystal Sands, daughter. We must." (Dependable x2, Driven)

He stretches his hand out towards the distant wastes.

"This land already possesses its own people. As we meet them, our actions will define the course of our presence- and they must not be a threat to us." (Driven)

Dralyan clenches the hand into a fist.

"It may be cruel. The other tribes may see what is done as a terrible act, no matter how great or justified... But no matter how many we must trample into the dust along the way, no matter their lamentations, we cannot let it waver our will. We face the darkness together, and we conquer it. It is our way." (Tactless, Hedonistic, Reckless)

"But they won't stop here," mutters his daughter, "there will always be another foe for people like them. And if we stand beside them... then..."

"Their choice of foes is their choice. It need not be ours. We are steadfast to those we might call friend, yes, but we have a higher calling." (Dependable x2, Driven)

"... I won't let it happen. I won't. If there is to be war, then let there be war- but it won't be blood-madness! I won't see the fate of the Crystal Sands again!" Ylesiyan grits her teeth, as she looks off into the distance. (Audacious x2, Passionate)

Dralyan just goes quiet, as he looks off into the distance. He really hopes his daughter could. But on the horizon, in the wind, the old Chief can hear it. The war-drums on the wind.
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The Next Evolution
[Karak] - [WIP]

Eras change, kingdoms rise and fall. Nothing ever lasts forever. Changes and continuities. They say nothing can be done. That this life will never get better. The mantra of many around us and to those we will encounter. And we move, filled with purpose, to change hearts and minds. To undertake the next trial and begin our ascension. For they have accepted what they have been told without thought of their own. And that cannot be had. (Rational) And my heart twitches at the thought of it. Do I believe it? No, my heart reaches out to it. To her. I want to believe and yet my mind, my head holds me back. To demand evidence, to demand proof. To solidify these hallucinations that linger and leap from my mind. (Dubious & Rational) And I deny it so. No matter how comforting it can be.

And yet clawing at me is there. There is evidence, proof. By the mere fact of my existence. I validate it. And yet, I must deny. For... I have too! And the pain grows. My chest seizes, as if to admonish me. To remind me I exist. To torture this divide within.

My daughter, my sons, my love, my lovers all beseech me so. Most of the tribe does. To believe.... To believe in myself. (Dubious) For I am not worthy. Amaraa, Jozef, why did you choose me? What made me so special? I am neither of those things. (Rational) (Dubious)

Lips crash into mine and my thoughts whisk away. As they always have. (Absent-minded) My eyes open and I see his face. Rowan. Golden hair with deep eyes. Sweet tender skin and a wholesome, wolfish face. Oh how he tends me so. He laid upon me. His hand on my chin, his legs entwined with mine. (Hedonistic)

He rolled his eyes as claws receded from my hands, darkness faded, and I felt my body return to normal. The beast had made its appearance in my thought and considerations. (Monstrous)

"So you return from the depths of your mind, Shepard. What pains you? What hurts you, Karak?"

I cough, "Nothing new.... Nothing need more breath exhaled on." (Rational)

"Some things are. Some things are not. You lead us and you have done well. Our path is not an easy path. All know of it."

"It is not that which bothers me so. What laid past us, behind us on that path that concerns me. How absurd it is." (Dubious)

"Hmm, perhaps it is absurd. But when all that remains is the absurd. It must be true. And that reasoning has carried forth. Our powers reign in the light and the dark. Masters of it we are. And our legendary tale shows the ever present detail of power. Karak you know this."

"I do."

  1. [Co-op Action] Work with other allied clans to find a home. (See Trek's post).​
  2. [Gathering] The clan on their travels and at their eventual destination will search for plants or other items capable of cultivation, resources usable for construction, and other items of interest. If mana is available, they will summon cherubs to help gather and use their duskdawn power to enhance their perception and hide from threats. Finally, if there is some mana remaining, experiment with sanctification and see if some resources change in result of the interaction. See also if this cleans the waters of the suspension. Orphea has animal 6 plus her celestial form awe. She also has cultivation and agriculture skill.​
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The Amalgamation of Xelthas
Eins Xelthas​

Finally, the tribe had escaped the horrors of their old home. Beasts and monsters of all sizes and shapes falling upon the residents of the wastes. But now they have found rest. Tribes willing to share their home, water, and power. Fellow women and men, from their old home and their new one. As the three tribes, all touched by the shadows and horrors in the dark, unite for a singular purpose: Survive.

Eins could only hope that that they also tolerate their more "inhuman" features. Because although he shared it with them, he had not shown them what it truly looks like. The oncoming hunt should change that.

Eins, the chieftain, laid his emotions bare in a remote tent, near his own, yet better hidden. He sat on the barely covered floor with only a dark sphere giving him companionship. It was their tribes patron beast, though perhaps "Horror" was a better descriptor.

None of the tribes elders nor him remember how they obtained it, stories and memories conflicting with one another. Eins himself is convinced that they found it in the dark, only guided by strange waves of emotion and a dull light. But who knows, as this perfect black sphere is an enigma to all. Noone even knows if that is its shell, its egg, its dormant form, or something else.

Yet it reacts and communicates, in its own strange and alien waves. Eins describes it as it "tasting" ones emotions. And feels himself waves of conflicting emotions radiating from it. The only thing he is sure about is that it seeks to understand them, as they are probably as alien to it as it is to us.

And while Dis/Harmony is tasting the chieftains emotions, conflicted as they are, it finds them muted, colder than others. Not as radiant as, for example, as The Weavers. The tribes Hope, an honourable title reserved only for the greatest among them. And he certainly lives like it. And radiates strong emotions as befitting of him.

A mix of cold and hot waves wash over Eins, dotted with a feeling of comfort and repulsiveness. Radiating back comfort, relief, stress, and discomfort alike. Although, perhaps to imitate him, Eins feels as if it is a lot colder than usual.

He stood up and patted the sphere gently as he turned to leave. "I will be back, as always. Maybe I will have changed, maybe I will bring back gifts. But I will be back, I promise."
An intense wave of emotions hit Eins as he left, and the lantern in his hand slightly dimmed.

There is still much to do, if they want to survive.


(Ancestries: Abomination and Camouflage (Stealth plus Discovery))
(Chieftain/Tribe Perks: Capable, Curious, Efficient. Quirks: Cold, Hypocrit)
(Hope: Duty (3), Body (2). Perks: Brave, Reliable. Quirk: Primadonna. Excptionality: Extra Hunter ancestry)

Solo action:

Search for useful materials and make basic necessities with them.

Collaborative Action, with Nightstalkers (Heterological), Beastly Blood (Birb), Sunborne (Obsidian): A GREAT HUNT! The tribes move stealthily in the darkness, tracking down animals and avoiding the most troublesome nightmares. They seek to gain meat, hide, and bone, but also attempt to catch and domesticate useful beasts for a permanent source of food. Xelthas in particular sets up traps and ambushes, helped by the Nightstalkers' tracking ancestry and the Weavers Hunter ancestry. The Nightstalkers in particular raze as they go, acquiring small material gains, and use their knowledge of plants to find any herbs along the way.

Nightstalkers: Sharp rocks, Lanterns, Tracking Ancestry, Perks: Observant, Quirks: Destructive, brutal x2
Novan, equipped with T12 enchanted Living Caber. Quirks: Violent, Brutal, Stubborn. On the hunt, he attempts to talk to and interact with the other hopes as much as possible

Beastly Blood:
Sharp rocks, Lanterns, Fear (10 due to Seg Blood), Beastly and Mindshield (Seg) Ancestry, hunting culture
Wyrmjack armor (Hegallia): Perks: [Calm], [Cultured] Quirks: [Perverted], [Oppressive], [Remorseless]
Hellion: Perks: [Strong] & [Skillful] Quirks: [Extremist] [Hideous], Extra Weaponskill ancestry (large set of claws), can set up ambushes, also gains an 3d6 for one attack in a season, rejuvenation 2, for the first 2 death saves has +2 without including bonuses or minuses, can run for a while without getting tired, illiterate Descriptors: [Martial Artist], [Swimmer], [Survivalist], [Trapper]
Hellion will help when it comes to setting up a trap for whatever they encounter, preparing an ambush and lying in wait for whenever the opportunity arises.

Shark rocks, Lanterns, Ancestries: Camouflage, Amalgamations, Perks: Curious, capable, efficient, cold
The Weaver also has Ancestry: Hunter, has extra stealth, and is Brave, Reliable, and a Primadonna
Tries to learn from everyone


The Urjagar Pack - Turn 1


The tall grasses and dry brush barely moved as hulking figures stalked through the early dawn. No thing of this size should move as silently or as swiftly, yet the Urjagar vanguard moved in defiance of any such fears. Proudly covering themselves in little more than a collection of fur rags and bone trophies, the small group huddled together with their chief, signalled by just a low hiss. Khopex Urjagar, first of his title, was already crouched over the faint tracks of some unfortunate creature maneuvering the wastelands in the twilight. His eyes narrowing, the chieftain followed the path with two feline-like leaps, before a small, sharp gesture commanded the rest of the vanguard to move ahead and claim the kill themselves. [Perception]

Only one tribesman remained with the chieftain, but he was a special one, as great hope lay upon him. Haduwig Urjagar moved a little closer to his father, eyeing him up and down in bewilderment. "You are allowing others to claim the honor of the first kill in these new lands?", he inquired, causing Khopex to frown and huff. "Never. Just giving them a head-start to make it more challenging. This beast is still far ahead. We need to discuss something.", the chieftain spoke harshly. [Overly Competitive][Daring]
Haduwig smiled faintly and nodded. Any opportunity to talk about something other than this hunt was welcome to him, as such moments grew rarer for his father. He had worried about the Khopex becoming more and more like a cornered beast himself, a beast he would need to slay one day. But for now, Haduwig didn't want to let it weigh down on him. "The other tribes... what do you make of them?", Khopex Urjagar demanded to know, causing Haduwigs brows to furrow. "We spoke of this already...", Haduwig was hesitant, causing his father to leap closer. "I didn't stutter!", he hissed, but Haduwig stood his ground. "And neither did I. My opinions haven't changed. They are the best way for our people." - "For now. Perhaps."

Silence fell over the two hunters again, as they both stared into the distance where their prey would reside. "There is this Vivaldi girl...", Haduwig tried to start, but a sharp glare interrupted him and he smiled sheepishly as he took a step back. "Not this again...", the Khopex sighed. "Focus!", he demanded sternly, after which he looked back to where they came from. "You weren't there... you didn't witness the Hetzegrimm tear us apart...", a heavy weight now carried through the great hunters voice. "And I was to weak to slay it myself. It must never happen again. We must never again be the prey, only the hunters! The Apex Predators! Do you understand that?!", anger and bitterness rung through, as Khopex spoke unusually much. "I vowed to protect our people in these lands and make all monsters fear us, and so it shall be, no matter the effort it takes! We are the hunters, we are who they fear!" [Dedicated][Overzealous]

Despite his palpable anger, the chieftain did not yell. His words were hissed through gritted teeth, so as to not alert anyone or anything of their presence. Haduwig slowly followed his chieftains gaze back, before turning again towards the strange lands ahead. "I think... they have had enough of a head start...", he slowly spoke and Khopex drew a deep breath in. "Indeed... come, witness me show them how it is done." [Overly Competitive]

"Perhaps I will be the one to show them.", Haduwig suggested with a smirk, but Khopex was less amused. [Wild Card][Humourless]

For a moment, the two looked at each other, than they both started to move with terrifying pace. [Strong][Overly Competitive]

"You are learning.", Khopex praised and Haduwig nodded. "From the best.", he agreed. "But is this really just about showing them up?" - "Not just. A day without bloodshed is a wasted day. We will do our scouting for a new home soon enough, but we must always test the hunting grounds." [Violent]

Haduwig kept moving along. "And what about...?", he began, but the chieftain cut him off. "Thats a different hunt. You can pursue her once we settle down for a while." - "I think I know just which fur to wear..." [Immodest]


Action 1 - Search for a new Home (Cooperation)
As per Trektek Trektek post, the Urjagar join the Vivaldi, Xygaras and Yanmen tribes in finding suitable spots for a settlement. They will value good hunting grounds.
Hunting Ancestry (x2)
Perception (x2) on Chief and Hope
Dedicated on Chief
Wild Card on Hope
All Tribesmen have Survival skill
Lore Monsters 10
Lore Creatures 5

Tribe always finds enough food to sustain itself.

(Perhaps this might also trigger, its not a hunt, but I thought it might fit thematically and logically, so am just going to mention it)
Passive Gathering -- all during any hunt, tribals look for useful materials. You roll 1d6 after every hunt and then 3d10, taking the 2nd best number. You get some of this material (GMs discretion subject to size and length of hunt)

Action 2 - The Big Game Hunt (Hidden Cooperation)
-- See DMs --
The Idafaoda



Perks: Gallant x3/ Intelligent x3
Quirks: Amoral/Audacious/ Chaotic/ Blindly Obedient

Perks: Playful/Eloquent/ Innovative
Quirks: Brutal x2/ Blunt

Turn One

Ilauf, the Chieftain of the Idafaoda, led her people of 50 or so through the darkness. Led only by the dim light of lanterns, they strode without fear into danger again. (Gallant/Amoral Audacious) Behind her, the playful banter of her twin girls, Flir and Bante, kept the atmosphere light amongst the Wolofighters. (Playful) Intelligent and brave, Ilauf was determined to gather much-needed resources for her people, but her plan was audacious. (Audacious) With extensive knowledge of the Suspension, their home, and its creatures, Ilauf had decided to search one of the various nests that pockmarked the landscape (Intelligent/Chaotic). There were perhaps safer ways to go about her plan, other paths that didn't endanger her people, but what was life without risk. (Audacious/Amoral/ Gallant)

As if reading her mother's mind, Flir spoke aloud to her mother. “Putting the tribe in danger again with another audacious plan, mother?” Flir’s voice broke through her thoughts like a blunt hammer. “Remember the last time?” (Blunt)

Bante chimed in, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm. “Yeah, the one where you decided to help those tattoo-covered settlers escape with some strange loot from another tribe?” (Playful)

Flir laughed, her eyes sparkling with the memory. “You had us covering their flight, just butting into who knows what, running headlong into trouble. And when we did, all hell broke loose.” (Chaotic)

Ilauf couldn’t help but smile. “It was a calculated risk,” she defended, though she knew how chaotic it had been. “And we did come out of it okay, didn’t we?” (Chaotic/Amoral)

Bante’s grin was wide. “Thanks to the Stand Up Man." She thumbed behind her at the moving bit of landscape that walked beside the tribe, the rustling of its branches sounding like laughter in the breeze as if the meaty tree itself fondly reminisced. "Without him coming out of nowhere and turning the tide, we might have been captured or worse.”

Flir nudged her sister. “And now, here we are, thinking of taking over... an ant lion nest? Talk about a repeat performance.” (Audacious/Amoral/Chaotic)

Ilauf’s voice was steady, laced with determination. “It’s not the same. This time, I have a plan. Audacious, yes. Amoral, perhaps. But chaos is where we thrive, my daughters. Life in the suspension is always a dance with death. Why not laugh and enjoy it?” (Amoral Audacious/Gallant/ Intelligent/ Chaotic)

Ilauf’s thoughts drifted back to that fateful day. Her plan to assist the thieves and steal from another tribe had gone horribly wrong, spiralling into chaos. (Chaotic) But in the midst of the battle, The Stand Up Man had emerged, a person of unnatural skill who championed any blow that came against him with unflinching resolve. Though he was struck down, he was reborn as the horticultural horror and kept on fighting. Ilauf had been in awe of the Man inspired to run back into the fray, to embrace bravery in the face of danger. )Gallant/Blindly Obedient)

“The Stand Up Man showed us what it means to be fearless,” Ilauf said, her voice filled with reverence. “That day changed everything. It made us stronger, bolder.” (Audacious/ Gallant/ Blindly Obedient)

Ilauf stopped, raising her hand. In the distance, she could see another group lurking, a powerful light emanating from its forefront. Her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. “We have company," she warned. (Intelligent)

"We have two eyes each, mother!" retorted the twins as their horror kept up its slow march, coming to a halt in front of the group. (Blunt)

This was unexpected. Ilauf began to think, trying to devise a suitable strategy, her mind pulling her towards conflict. (Intelligent)

However, her daughters had another plan. "We could try talking to them first, mother? Perhaps avoid any unnecessary conflict?" (Eloquent/Innovative)

Ilauf blinked her eyes a few times before pursing her lips in thought. "That could work. You girls are far more eloquent than me, so perhaps you should do the talking." (Intelligent/ Eloquent)

"Way ahead of you, Mother," replied the two girls, who quickly slipped by their Chieftain. "Oy You! Can we have a word!" (

Collaborative w/ Player: Using their extensive knowledge of the Suspension (Lore) the Idafaoda and Lesser Concordant will seek out an, off season if possible, ant lion nest or similar in an attempt to find loot, materials and even security from the creatures of the dark. Flash cube will be used in it's sheltered mode to attract wayward. Robe of many hands will help search.
Perks: Gallant (X3), Intelligent (X3), Innovative, Playful, Eloquent
Quirks: Audacious, Chaotic, Amoral, Blindly obedient, Brutal x2, Blunt
Skill: Lore (15) X2 Suspension, Creatures.
Perks: (Self-Sufficient x2) (Resourceful)
Quirks: (Oppressive) (Selfish)
Skill: Lore (All) (10)

Collaborative w/ player: Enter the Arena fights. Prove the might of the Idafaoda and their horror. Win or lose, the Idafaoda will fight bravely, with a smile on their faces. Darkwood Beer will also be brought to celebrate the all but certain victory, shared among all participants (Happy for it be used in the wedding and anything else. Just being trying to write this bit IC).

Perks: Gallant (X3), Intelligent (X3), Innovative, Playful, Eloquent
Quirks: Audacious, Chaotic, Amoral, Blindly obedient, Brutal x2, Blunt
Skill: Lore (15) X3 Suspension, Creatures, Carousing

-2x Principled Perk
- Social 15
- Lore People (5)
-Bonded to Horror
-Mindscreen x2

The Argead
-"Emanates (faith/wonder)" (10) - this manifests as reinvigoration 2 (mental AND physical) to people who "accept"/"believe in" it. If they don't believe awe 6+ instead. (they may be too awestruck to attack)
The Singers

Valanas is agitated. Already, they accept outsiders as allies. He has no idea whether this shaman, or these Seimari are safe for his people. He has to watch them closely [Intolerant] . His daughter, meanwhile, seems to be thriving. It's probably good for her to be around people who can appreciate her without so much worship as here, so he will try his best to behave [Compassionate].

At least he knows their new allies are far from soft. This... Will be quite the undertaking. They must begin immediately.

Co-Op Action 1 [Singer/Seimari {Eliasdagood/Cosmo}]

The two clans will explore the Suspension together to try and see what they can find. They are looking for three things specifically:

1. An NPC village of decent size in a well placed location

2. Animals/Plants

But if they can find more that'd be nifty! But village most important followed by animals/plants! I have Junk Points to spend to modify the roll if I can/is needed, perhaps Thaleia tinkering up a tool to help explore! [Like a dowsing rod or something]

Useful Perks/Quirks/Abilities for this action


Black and white low-light vision

Animal Kinship [Ancestry]

SEG [Ancestry]

Elias Perks/Quirks that may effect this

Capable - Reroll on any noncombat endeavor but must take second result. Repeated use causes mental/physical fatigue.

Compassionate - Synergizes with Animal Kinship Ancestry

Focusx2 - More consecutive turns/rounds you work or concentrate, the higher the bonus.

Calm - +s while concentrating, which stacks with focused


Herculean Ancestry [Can go for longer, more agile and fast for scouting]

Healing Ancestry [For finding plants]

Tinker with Junk Points!

Perks/Quirks that may effect this

Passionatex2, Glory Seeker, Bravex2

Co-Op Action 2 [Singer/Seimari {Eliasdagood/Cosmo}]

Once a suitable village is spotted [or chosen if multiple], the Singers and Seimari will prepare. Singers will remotely MIND CONTROL children to have them sneak out to receive poison crafted by the Seimari as well as be 'touched' by the Singers so they can be remotely viewed. The children will then return to put poison in their people's food and water, as best they are able.

When the time is right, and chaos has spread, the mind controlled children will RISE UP and attack their parents. In this chaos, the Seimari will lead the charge from outside to cut down the defenders and claim the village, its people and its goods. The Remote viewing will be used to help guide the children's poisoning as well as make the attack time perfect for the Seimari [or as close as can be].

Useful Perks/Quirks/Abilities for this action


Black and white low-light vision

Animal Kinship [Ancestry]

SEG [Ancestry]

CHILD POSSESSION [Remote by Hope and some members]

Remote view anyone they've touched, 50% to remove view people they've seen.

Elias Perks/Quirks that may effect this

Capable - Reroll on any noncombat endeavor but must take second result. Repeated use causes mental/physical fatigue.


Focusx2 - More consecutive turns/rounds you work or concentrate, the higher the bonus.

Calm - +s while concentrating, which stacks with focused

Invisible - Easier to go without being noticed


Herculean Ancestry

Healing Ancestry [Midnight Nettle Poison (10)]

Tinker with Junk Points! Perhaps making some gizmos to help scale walls and what not if needed to improve roll.

Perks/Quirks that may effect this

Passioantex2, Deceitfulx2, Power Hungry, Glory Seeker, Bravex2
Turn 1


Cormyr Inaris sighed, running his hand down his face. A quick glance behind him showed that his tribe was beginning to flag. The march had been long, and having left last of all the tribes, they had been subject to monster attacks constantly. Not that his tribe wasn't able to handle such a thing, but he was beginning to regret it now. They would be running straight back into battle, and he wasn't sure all of them could keep up. Another sigh escaped him. Those too tired to fight would just have to remain behind and rest.

"Arryn," he called over his daughter with steady words and stony face. "You will stay behind for this battle. Keep the Omen and the tribe safe."

"But fa-" She began to argue, hoping to join, but was quickly silenced when her father cut in.

"No, you will do this. As is your duty." He watched as any fight left her, replaced with steel will. "Our tribe will win great riches if this goes well. But if it doesn't, someone will need to keep the survivors safe. I feel as though the coming fight will not be so easy." He glanced towards the Omen, then back to the hope of the Inaris. "Our people are weary from our travels. Find somewhere to set up camp while we are away. You know what to look for." With that, he turned away, calling for half the war dancers to follow him. The coming fight would be difficult, but he couldn't wait to get his hands on the reward, should they succeed.


1) Scout the surrounding area, looking for defensible positions to set up a somewhat safe camp. If none is found, then settle for whatever is least disagreeable. (Settling in the wild for now, as a monster hunting group)

2) [Co-op] The Inaris waits in support of other tribes entering the Suspension

Relevant info:

Clan Leader
perks - [Level-Headed x2], [Flexible], [Efficient]
quirks - [Blunt], [Reckless], [Corruptible]

Perks - [Level-Headedx2], [Clever], [Dynamic]
Quirks - [Remorseless]
Expertise - Construction, Lore (Monsters) 10

Hope can ride my horror, which is capable of flight (may help with scouting)

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