King of Thieves


New Member
(ooc: Hey, everyone! This is my first post. Jump in if you wanna play! I'm a little rusty, so please be kind to the new kid. ^^; )

To say that the market was lively that day would be an understatement. The dusty streets were lined with vendors, their weathered carts packed tightly end to end, as they proudly displayed their wares. Naturally, they all claimed to offer the best quality of goods for the price and haggled loudly whenever a passerby seemed inclined to buy. The air was thick with the familiar sounds and smells of Market Day, a weekly event that every commoner looked forward to with great anticipation.

The King of Thieves was no exception.

Market Day was, by far, the most profitable day for thieves, as well as the most dangerous. With so many people in one place, a quick escape was nearly impossible, and the chances of getting caught were a thousand times higher. And getting caught meant certain death at the hands of an angry mob. It was the sort of situation that made the King’s heart race with excitement.

At first glance, the King hardly seemed to fit the grandeur that the title implied. A slight build and angular features gave a distinctly boyish appearance, as did the overly large hat that was pulled low to hide intelligent, brown eyes. The title was in fact earned through hard work, impressive skill, and the uncanny ability to rally a group of loyal, if somewhat immoral, followers. In return for their loyalty, the King offered shelter, food, and something very akin to family.

The King, though a thief, did have a sort of code of honor. The group as a whole was expected to follow it to the letter. Anyone found in violation of the code was given a chance to defend the action before being punished. Violations were rare, however, because the code was really very simple:

  1. Any stolen goods must be shared equally with the rest of the group.
  2. Only steal from the wealthy.
  3. Only steal from men.
  4. Never steal from children.
  5. Never get caught.
With this code in mind, the King set out to the Market

The townspeople paid no heed to the boy in the tattered trousers. Indeed, he seemed to flit invisibly from cart to cart like a ghost, quick hands darting into coin-purses, pockets, and baskets alike to relieve them of their contents.

It was not long before the King’s own pockets grew heavy with stolen goods. Nobody noticed when the slender boy in the oversized hat slunk away. The King was ready to pronounce this Market Day a success and make a hasty retreat to the encampment where the rest of the group would be waiting when a completely new and entirely unpleasant feeling came over him.

Someone was watching.

Name: Kash (wich is elvin)

Age: Uknown

Personality: Meet her

Gender: Female

History: Kash was abandon because she was an elf with two human parents.from that point on she lived with her furry friend a whitelion who watched over her as she grew older. she learned how to be a thief on her own however being an elf she was born to be an master at pickpocketing,sneaking and lock picking.

Other: she lives with a white lion and is an elf what kind of elf unknow.

(oh and is it ok if i w as the one watching the king? if you already have another carry for it thats fine to and welcome to rpnation! =3)


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(ooc. Absolutely you can be the one doing the watching. Could you clarify something for the newbie first? How is Kash an elf if she has two human parents? I still don't know the rules of the site as well as I should, so maybe this is a totally stupid question. Or maybe studying for my genetics exam has made it extra difficult for me to suspend my disbelief. Anyway. Sorry if that was silly. Awaiting your post.)
(No one has any idea how that happened) Kash silently was siting on a roof.she had her legs crisscross and she was watching him carfuly. Her Hood slightly covered her face but not enough to keep her from shaking.her stark white hair blew in her face yet she sat still.she knew exactly what he was doing by the way he dressed and moved.she jumps down from the roof and follows him from a distance.
Name: Lite Rige

Age: 27

Gender: male

History: Lite was born from two Hylion Masters and came form a long line of Hylion Masters, so naturally he became a Hylion master. He excels in all his training and is seen as a high ranking officer. He was born into it so he became master at a very young age. His blood line connects to the lead Hylion and as well he contains some beast blood. He has come to this foreign land to help as a Hylion of the East, where the two academies of the Rising Sun reside.

Other: Rising Sun

The two academies with in the city are the Hylion's academy of the sun and the Deathbringer's academy of the just. The academies were started by the same to men, Lucifer Die Hylion and Sickle "Death Bringer" Harver. Lucifer sought peace through smart leaders and equal power. Sickle sought justice and order through judgment. Lite is Hylion and in the rank of Deacon

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