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Multiple Settings King needs adviser, gender-bend plot-twist. Or cyberpunk (Long term, literate-advanced lit, daily poster)


Supreme ruler of all things (that I wrote)
Hi, I typically go by Serenity and I’m going to keep this short to encourage people to come out and play.

If you read through the non-spoilered stuff you are good to go! Hit that DM and chat with me

**My intro**
  • I have AnXieTy, so tell me everything so I don’t blame myself.
  • It’s almost impossible to hurt my feelings so talk to me.
  • Feel free to say hello again if we’ve already met
  • I’ve roleplayed for as long as I can remember and now that I’m 30… well that’s been a while.
  • I am happy to match.
  • I primarily use Discord for RP but I also get notifications from DMs
  • Literate/ Advanced Literate
  • Romance isn’t necessarily but preferred to have that as an option at least
  • MxF or any combination of Nb for romantic pairings.
  • I don’t Fandom. (Except maybe starwars)
  • High or low Fantasy, Cyberpunk, Sci-fi, Military, Prison camps…
  • Time Zone: PST
  • I RP to escape real life... NO Modern or Real life
  • Definitely hoping for more people to play male characters in my life soon
  • No real triggers on my end; please don’t forget to tell me if you have any!!
  • Almost always double

King x Advisor

The previous corrupt was recently removed after a terrible tragedy, the Saven, or monarch of the neighboring Viking-like tribes came to deal with the problem and ended up removing him from this realm. Saven is now claiming rights as the new monarch and their culture is significant different, including strong sexism, hence they need an adviser, and call on a local noble of good reputation. If you would prefer a spoiled plot twist feel free to message me for the whole thing, or let me know you’d prefer the adventure! This plot does call for MxF Romance later on.

AI Spy x Handler (bit more than he bargained for…)
A handler is assigned a new piece of tech, a fully autonomous android. But he soon finds she’s a lot more than robot. He may have a whole team already of special forces type personnel, giving the group a found family vibe.

Guard x (Alien?) Prisoner (escape?)

She’s in charge of the night shift of a large prison camp, and strangely each night she seems to be the only one. But their inhuman guard wishes she were on the other side of the fence. One day she makes a connection with one of the prisoners, willing to listen to her story.

Rebel x Spy/bounty hunter (spicy)

Rebel Leader is in charge of training new recruits and easily spots him as something out of the norm. He’s too… professional, hiding training he’s already had, in shape when the others are not. She keeps an eye on him as she takes them into their first engagement and risks her life to keep the group safe. There he discovers she’s not at all what she seems, leaving him to reevaluate whose side he’s on.

She was one with the force and the force carried her through some of the worst years of her life. Being chained to the wall was fairly typical. The guard that came to get her disturbed her meditation, stirring as they unlocked the cuffs and let them drop painfully on her chafing skin. Finally someone had come, she was long overdue for some time with a med droid and she made the guard shove her to her feet for assistance. She knew a droid could easily take care of the wound her master had left her with after refusing him, could wave a magic wand and kill the infection in chest that caused her to wheeze with every breath. If they cared. But whoever had summoned her would be able to order the droid as soon as they realized she wasn’t well, so she tried to bury the worry, she couldn’t remember being this weak and totally ignored. But she also had something else in mind, this was an opportunity and she purposefully fell, snatching the shiv she hid under her cot and concealed it in her sleeve before the guard could realize she’d reached for something. He hauled her back to her feet.

The walk was brutal, as she limped on both legs and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the visitor in the main chamber. His rank insignia and white uniform had nothing to do with it, rather his eyes.

She’d met a few Pantoran people in slavers dens as they were all waiting to be auctioned off, but they’d all told her that there was no subset of their people with red eyes. She’d thought maybe she and her mother had been albinos or something, but they were still blue skinned…

She had more defined whites to her eyes and pink lips, that revealed she was only half Chiss, despite being pale and emaciated, her beauty was a curse.

Until that moment she’d not realized that she found the pale or brown sinked people unattractive, but the feeling that exploded in her stomach was definitely new. She felt like she could look upon him forever…

After a moment she realized that he’d been speaking with her master, she’d missed a good part of the conversation. But she tuned in now, trying to figure out why he was here.

Let’s Get Started:

Here are some ideas to help you introduce yourself after my abbreviated interest check:

• Do you use Discord? (Please send me your handle. I’m Serenity over there.)

• How long are you interested in role playing for? A few weeks/a month or two/summer/this semester/winter/a year or two?

• What kind of activity level are you interested in?

• On a scale of one to five, Five being, that you like to write completely Improv, and One being you like everything planned out no matter what, what number would you assign yourself?

• How long have you been RPing?

• Triggers?

• How annoying can I be before I get my ass in trouble? This will tell me what frequency you’ll receive cat gifs.

• What’s your favorite/craved Genre?

• What plot did you like? (See above for ideas.)

Lol. Don’t read too much into these.

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