Kim Ye Na


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)




Kim Yena






Hetero-romantic, asexual




Face claim:

The Fabulous IU


A person of many faces, Yena has to wear a different face for every occasion. Naturally shy and introverted, those traits do not bode well with society. Instead, she must force herself to be more outgoing, louder and meeker. In truth, there isn't anything else that she hates as much as parties. Being the daughter with parents of high expectations, Yena works surprisingly well under pressure. Calm and intuitive, Yena, despite her hatred towards attention, is a natural leader, though she only uses her leadership skills when she needs to.

When you first meet her for real, she is actually quite unassuming and reserved, a far cry from the display she puts on in public. Not particularly outgoing, she is passionate in the things she enjoys and will stand by her opinions and morals no matter what sort of opposition. Because of this, she is surprisingly strong willed and decisive, a stubborn little streak that her parents have tried in vain to get rid of. The only downside is that she is extremely proud, and has issues admitting she was in the wrong at times. The young woman realizes that things would be simpler if she could have just admitted she was wrong, but Yena just seemingly cannot force the words out. Contrary to belief, Yena is relatively open-minded and will accept your opinion, and even allow her own thoughts and decisions to be swayed by a strong argument backed by stoic evidence. There is nothing more that she hates, other than those dreaded parties, of course, than an ignorant fool rambling with no real backing. 

The antithesis of an emotionally sensitive person, Yena prefers logic over emotion. Bluntly honest, the young woman doesn't intentionally mean to hurt anyone's feelings, but rather, she just isn't equipped to deal with. In other words, she is just a "no-nonsense" sort of person. She keeps her emotions bottled up inside, and because of all the pent up pressure and stress, her anger can be explosive at times, though not easily triggered because of her unfaltering logic. However, her emotions and actions are in earnest, and she is stoically loyal and will not budge from anything.

Witty and intelligent, Yena is a fast thinker, a necessity in the whirlwind of college and school. A little bit of a chess player, the raven haired girl prefers to lay low and observe all the situations before carefully calculating her moves. Dedicated, she is good at anything she puts his mind to, but she is a perfectionist and sets everyone to the same regimented and impossible expectations as herself. Because of that, she can also be extremely arrogant, and has a slight issue to looking down on certain people. Given that, the young woman has a low tolerance for stupidity. Judgmental and not the most patient of people, the raven haired girl is quick to judge and if she doesn't like you, it'll be clearly written on her face. Too analytical, she can be distracted easily, and may have trouble seeing the larger picture. A little bit of a grudge carrier, though she might not black mail you with it, these little arguments and injustices will always be there like a shadow.


















-Loud noises


-Rock music

-Obnoxious people



-White lies

-Small talk


-Open Heights

-Close spaces

-Not knowing something

-Being alone


-Large crowds

-Being forced to do something


Born as the youngest of three, Yena's childhood was relatively normal. She did alright in school, played the piano, enjoyed sports to a degree, and her parents held Yena to the same high standards as everyone else in the family. Born and raised in America, her parents were both Chinese immigrants. Therefore, the young girl was raised to be bilingual, speaking both Mandarin and English. From an early age, she was slightly fascinated by other cultures, and the older she got, the more interested she became in Korea. Due to her initial interest, the young woman has decided to enroll in College in Korea, despite the strong opposition from her parents. 

Unsupported, Yena moved across the world to pursue her interest, where she now lives in South Korea. However, the previous years have been difficult, since she still has a very limited understanding of Korean, and she doesn't know that many people. 




Hair color:


Eye color:


Clothing style:

Simplistic is one word to describe her dress. While she is interested in fashion, she dresses quite modestly and prefers simpler patterns over louder articles of clothing. Yena's actual style isn't really limited to anything, and she's down to try most things, though she enjoys her jeans and sweaters in the winter.

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