Kim Ye Na


Full Name:

Kim Ye Na








Introverted and intuitive, Yena is nothing but a collection of glaring contradictions. The most starry-eyed of dreamers yet the bitterest of cynics, the young girl holds the belief that anyone can achieve what they want through their own hard work and intelligence, however she is not naive enough to think that people are motivated enough to do these things. With that said, Yena will not limit herself with these cynical views and will continue to work towards her own goals in life. A very bright student, but not the best test taker, she is able to pick up on patterns very quickly, making her a fast learner. Good in anything she puts her mind to, Yena is also an expert in her own fields of interests. Decisive and self-confident. the young girl knows exactly what she wants, and no will be able to dissuade her from achieving it. Because of this, she can also be very stubborn and not listen to the advice of others, causing her to take a lot of detours through her paths. Another contradiction would actually be that Yena is a relatively happy go lucky sort of person, though it might not seem like it. Despite her easy and quick to come laughter, the young girl can be terrifying when she's serious, and is a natural leader, through she prefers not to be the center of attention and only uses it when she absolutely has to.

Strategically capable and analytical, everything is a puzzle to Yena, including emotions. Because of this, the way she deals with other people's problems and emotions can come off as being very insensitive. The logical approach may work in theory, but many people, especially more sensitive personalities can be deeply upset and hurt by the way she deals with problems, though Yena means no harm. She is simply clueless to the ways of social order. 

Not one for small talk, Yena is uninterested in white lies and societal expectations, meaning she often doesn't really care what you think of her. Honest to a fault and extremely judgmental, Yena can be extremely hard to get to know very well, and often will decide whether or not she wishes to interact with another person based on their appearances, which also gives her a slightly arrogant outlook at times.

Reserved and unassuming, Yena is quiet soft-spoken, however, that does not mean her ideas are unsaid. During her passionate topics, winning a debate is far more important to her than anyone else's potential feelings. When you really get to know Yena, you'll experience her more compassionate and caring side, though she doesn't divulge her own emotions very often, and usually keeps them pent up inside of her.  


Pushed by her parents and teachers, Yena isn't particularly sure why she was accepted. Her grades were pretty, but they weren't the best of her class. Her fencing was good, but there were others better than her. Her piano playing was melodic, but her friends playing was far more eloquent. Perhaps it was based off of her personality or something else out of her reach. Perhaps it was fortune and luck. Yena might not ever know. Born and raised in South Korea, Yena's mother is also Chinese, meaning she is able to speak some Chinese and understand it fluently.

Her parents had high expectations for their only daughter, and pushed Yena to apply for this high school, and Yena did, in an attempt to make her parents proud. Much to her surprise, she was accepted, being the first of her family to attend. 

After school activities/club(s):

Fencing and Piano


Yena is human.

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