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Kidnapped (Closed.).


☯adventure awaits☯
The plot is simple: You/I decide to go to the club with a few of your girls/guys, and after the club, I/you follow you home subtly, although you get suspicious every few minutes, but you ignore the strange feeling and continue your way home, and I find a way inside of your house, slipping you out of the comfort of your home and into the darkness of the night. I will play the part of the kidnapper, and you will play the part of the kidnapped. The plots a little rough around the edges, but note: this is my first time creating a onexone.This plot is inevitable to changing, and depending on both of our opinions put together, the parts could change, and you could end up being the kidnapper and vice versa. Hope you join! PM me if you're interested.

Khloe. xx
Please send me a bio of your character in a PM with this format, and I will choose. Thanks!!

Full Name:

Age (17-21):

RP Preference (MxF, MxM, FxF):

Gender You'll Play (Male or Female):


Writing Style (Script or Detailed):





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