Khayar Heart-of-Silver [Incarnadine Waters]


Unlucky Member
Type: Lunar

Caste: Full Moon

Totem/Anima: White Tiger

Concept: Kuble Kahn's Heir

Motivation: ?

Intimacies: 1


Description: Human

Description: War Farm

Description: Tiger From

*Strength 4(5)

*Dexterity 4(5)

*Stamina 5(6)

Perception 3

Intelegence 3

Wits 4

*Charisma 5

Maniulation 2

Appearence 5

Archery 3 Flame Weapons

Athletics 1

Awareness 3

Bureaucracy 0

Craft: Air 0

Craft: Earth 0

Craft: Fire 0

CrafT: Magitech 0

Craft: Water 0

Craft: Wood 0

Dodge 0

Integrity 3

Investgation 0

Larceny 0

Linguistics 3

Lore 1

Martial Arts 4

Medecine 0

*Melee 4 (Scythes X3)

Occult 1

Pressence 3

Resistence 1

Ride 2

Sail 0

Stealth 0

Socialize 4

*Survival 4

Thrown 0

War 3

Compasion 2

Conviction 3

Temprence 2

Valor 4

Willpower 7

Essence 4


Personal 17/17

Peripheral 46/32

Comited /14


Deadly Beastman Transformation



2nd Constitution Excelency: Essence Triumphant

Bruise Relief Technique

Halting the Scarlet Flow

Ox Body Technique +4 -2, +2 dying

Relentless Lunar Fury

Might Bolstering Blow 2m (or 2m Fury)


1st Charisma Excelency 1m/dice

Dog Tongue Method

Sharing the Gifts of Luna

Nature Reinforcing Alocation

Wolf Pack Training Technique


First Dexterity Excelency 1m/dice


First Strength Excelency

Impressions of Strength (Activate 1 pick as part of Relentless Lunar Fury for +2 motes.)

Rock to Pebbles : Increase Post-Soak Damage By 1

Undeniable Might: Increase Pre-Soak Damage By 3

Artifact 3 Grand Grimscythe

Artifact 4 Moonsilver Plate Mail.

Cult 3 God King of Xanadu

Followers 3

Heart's Blood 1

Influence 3 God King of Xanadu

Manse 2 Palace of Xandu

Resources 4

Grand Grimscythe

Speed (6) 6

Accuracy (+2) 12 (13)

Damage (+12L/5) 16L/5 (17L/5)

Defense (-1) 9/10 DV 5

Rate (2) 2

Str Min 3 3

Attunement 8 8

Fire Wand

Speed 5 5

Accuracy +1 9 (10)

Damage 12L 12L

Rate 1 1

Range 10 10

Strength 2 2

Finger Claws

Speed 5 5

ACC 1 10

Damage 2L 7L

Defense 2 11 (DV 6)

Rate 3 3

Fangs/Foot Claws

Speed 5 5

ACC 0 9

Damage +5L 10L

Defense -2 7 (DV 4)

Rate 2 2

EXP 101/000 EXP Defecit 71


1 Enhanced Sense of Taste and Smell

1 Fangs and Talons

2 Fur (+2 Armor)

1 Night Vision

1 Tail (+2 Dice to Athletics Pools)

1 Wolf's Pace

ARMORED (Mobility 0, Fatigue 1)

Soak: Hardness Soak Hardness

Bashing 5(8) 19(22) 8

Lethal 2(5) 14(17) 8

Aggrevated 0(2) 12(13)


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His Shimata (Lion horse)

Strength 10

Dexterity 5

Stamina 9

Percpetion 4

Intelegence 3

Wits 4

Athletics 3

Awareness 3

Dodge 3

Integrity 3

investigation 2

Martial Arts 4

Pressence 3

Resitstence 4

Stealth 4

Survival 4

Willpower 6




Southern Adaptation


Dodge (7) DV 3

Claws: Speed 5 ACC 11 Damage 10L Defense 11 PDV 5 Rate 3

Bite: Speed 5 ACC 10 Damage 13L Defense 8 PDV 8 Rate 2

Soak: Perfect Lamelar Barding (-1 Mobility, 1 Fatigue)

Bashing 11 19

Lethal 6 13

Agrevated 2 7


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25 Sons of Kahn

Strength 6

Dexterity 4

Stamina 6

Perception 3

Intelegence 2

Wits 3

Charisma 2

Maniulation 3

Appearence 3

Archery 2 Flame WeaponsX2

Athletics 3

Awareness 3

Craft: Fire 2

Dodge 2

Integrity 3

Linguistics 2 Flame Tongue, Low Realm, River Tongue

Lore 1

Medecine 1

Melee 4 2 Handed BludgeonsX2, Lances

Occult 2

Pressence 3 Braging, Intimidation, Seduction

Resistence 3 Disease, Desert Tempurates

Stealth 3

Socialize 2

*Survival 4

Thrown 2 Grenades X2

War 3 Xandu Units


Huge +2 Stamina, Strength.

Thick Fur +2 Armor

Claws May punch for lethal damage.

Fangs May bite for Kick +3 Lethal damage.

Low Light Vision

Keen Sense of Taste and Smell +2

Increased Lifespan X2

Defecient Sense of Hearing.

Dietary Restriction: Carnivores

Thier 10 Wives

Strength 4

Dexterity 4

Stamina 5

Perception 3

Intelegence 3

Wits 3

Charisma 3

Maniulation 3

Appearence 3

Athletics 1

Awareness 2

Bureaucracy 3

Craft: Air 2

Craft: Water 3

Craft: Wood 2

Dodge 3 Unarmored

Integrity 2

Investgation 2

Larceny 2

Linguistics 3

Lore 3

Martial Arts 4

Medecine 3

Occult 4

Pressence 3

Performance 3 Southern Dances

Ride 2

Resistence 2

Stealth 2

Socialize 2

Survival 2

Thrown 2 Grenades

War 1 Disengage


Large +1 Stamina, Strength.

Fur +1 Armor

Claws May punch for lethal damage.

Fangs May bite for Kick Lethal damage.

Low Light Vision

Keen Sense of Taste and Smell +2

Increased Lifespan X2 mortal lifespan, youth maintained for most of their lives.

Awakened Essence

Defecient Sense of Hearing.

Dietary Restriction: Carnivores





Shimata of Xanadu: (Adept Level Thaumturgical Rite of Husbandry assures that these Shimata Breed True.)

Strength 8

Dexterity 3

Stamina 7

Percpetion 2

Intelegence 2

Wits 3

Athletics 3

Awareness 3

Dodge 3

Integrity 3

investigation 2

Martial Arts 3

Pressence 3

Resitstence 4

Stealth 1

Survival 2

Willpower 6




Southern Adaptation


Soak: Lamelar Barding (-2 Mobility, 1 Fatigue)

Bashing 9 15

Lethal 5 10

Agrevated 2 7


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