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Eyyo, Yu has entered his work area, its early planting season, sooner done, sooner folks can live a little and do other things.
Mqueserasera Mqueserasera

Having read your post, it's kinda 'funny' how opposite Zhu and Wín are. One has immense conviction and fervor in her heart, yet lacks tact and growth. Another was seemingly blessed with talent, yet holds little convictions and true passages of the self. A tree without seemingly having room to grow and sunflowers trying to grow in a devasted field. I like it. Would surely enjoy seeing their dynamic in action, principally given they seemingly have history together.
Mqueserasera Mqueserasera

Having read your post, it's kinda 'funny' how opposite Zhu and Wín are. One has immense conviction and fervor in her heart, yet lacks tact and growth. Another was seemingly blessed with talent, yet holds little convictions and true passages of the self. A tree without seemingly having room to grow and sunflowers trying to grow in a devasted field. I like it. Would surely enjoy seeing their dynamic in action, principally given they seemingly have history together.
They are both flames but of different breeds truly. Which could be a reason for Xuexia to think of Win as a rival to overcome
They are both flames but of different breeds truly. Which could be a reason for Xuexia to think of Win as a rival to overcome

I think both are put in fitting positions for their characters but believe somewhat otherwise. Wín has respect for Zhu's convictions and ideals and things of her as perhaps better suited for leadership positions -- no different to how he felt about his brother, after all.

I don't think Wín would see anyone as a rival. He's not a man to hold people in such regard -- he's simple at heart, after all. But I can definitely see him picking up on traits of her character around him and allowing that to grow.
Good man. I've been busy with niece and nephew in the past few days. Will be catching up with the recent posts soon!
I must've opened a floodgate, folks filing in o.o
Quality posts, children!
Zhu when she gets a role she didn't know about and probably wasn't looking forward to: "My disappointment is immeasureable. But it's better than being in the rear. Mlem."

Zhou: "Hmmm yes. Preparations. Very wise, Monk-san."

Yu: "Till till till. We'll get our fills! From the fields to the mills. We'll get our fills!"
Quality posts, children!
Zhu when she gets a role she didn't know about and probably wasn't looking forward to: "My disappointment is immeasureable. But it's better than being in the rear. Mlem."

Zhou: "Hmmm yes. Preparations. Very wise, Monk-san."

Yu: "Till till till. We'll get our fills! From the fields to the mills. We'll get our fills!"
Also Yu: Work harder! Take me seriously! I am very threatening!
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 can we acquiesce more equipment for the garrison, like providing them shields to pair with whatever shit they have? I can figure it out in rp but I want permission first.
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 can we acquiesce more equipment for the garrison, like providing them shields to pair with whatever shit they have? I can figure it out in rp but I want permission first.
You may with however you wish to augment the troops with said equipment. So long as you justify it with the appropriate action. How they acquire it.
If I see "Oh hey, look at all these shields we didn't manufacture, but appeared out of thin air!", there will be consequences.

But other than that, the rule of "do stuff and the GMs will generate the corresponding outcome" still applies.
You may with however you wish to augment the troops with said equipment. So long as you justify it with the appropriate action. How they acquire it.
If I see "Oh hey, look at all these shields we didn't manufacture, but appeared out of thin air!", there will be consequences.

But other than that, the rule of "do stuff and the GMs will generate the corresponding outcome" still applies.
okay so i can go talk to the analytics guy character and be like “hey can we get some shields for some of the troops?” or just like going to some random shop and being like “can ya make me 500 shields please”
okay so i can go talk to the analytics guy character and be like “hey can we get some shields for some of the troops?” or just like going to some random shop and being like “can ya make me 500 shields please”
Plausible. Granted, you are paying for them and have the patience to wait for the forge to deliver, yes?

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