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Keys to the kingdom (Nyssa Al Ghul and Nerdygeekflower, Roylaty/servant)

Candace Hart

It was a very busy morning in the 'Kingdom Of Ciladda'. Princess Eva had come of age, and the King had all the plans to have her married soon. From the past month, the Kingdom had been very busy in the search of a Prince for their wonderful Princess, and finally after a long search, the King had decided to marry off his daughter to one Prince Peter from a Kingdom in the south. That day, the King of the other kingdom was to come to their Kingdom along with his family, so that both the families can extend their warm hands to the other so that a new relationship and a friendship can arise.

Princess Eva, even though not much excited about the prospect of getting married, was very eager to meet her so called Betrothed. She had heard from many people that he was a handsome man with charms that could woo any woman in this world. She wanted to check if this was indeed true. If it was, she had to ensure she was in a proper attire and hence called for Candace.

"Candace", called the Princess, her voice echoing down the hall, till it reached the ears of her servant. At once, Candace left her work of stacking the book shelves and ran up to meet her beloved Princess. With a huge smile on her face on seeing the Princess, Candace walks into the room and bows down to her. "Your Majesty" she said, with utmost sincerity. Even though they had grown up to be the best of friends, she couldn't help but call her with respect, and hence, never used her name.

"You called for me?" she asks in her sweet little soft voice. Candace nods at the her as she walks and stands in front of her "The Prince and his family will be coming today. I want to look my best, so that I can shatter their hearts at first sight" she says with a smirk. Candace's face lit up with a huge grin at once and she takes the hand of the Princess making her stand in the middle of the room in front of a mirror. "I know exactly what to do" she says with a smirk as she opens the cupboard of the Princess and starts rummaging for clothes.

In the next 45 minutes, the Princess is totally dressed up. Candace takes a last look at the Princess and smiles to herself for doing such a good job. "You'll definitely have them bowing down for you in an instant ma'am" she says with a smile as she walks out of the room and down the corridor, so that she can go out. She had heard from the window that the other family had arrived, and she had come down to see to it that they get everything they need. She was always willing to help the family of the King, and knew that this marriage would be of a great importance to him, and hence she was on her full alert so that she could do anything the King wishes her to do.
Peter Hamlet Camilette

The ride from the airport was entirely too long, at the airport they had dressed Peter and all his brothers in very old fashioned clothes. Peter wore white with black flowers across his color and accenting other parts of the jacket and pants while his brothers were in the opposite black with white.

The final touch was white gloves, Peter alone was gloved, all the rest in the party were bare handed, his brothers had ceremony swords at their sides while Peter remained un armed. It was tradition in the Joul Kingdom that the bride groom remained unarmed before his bride until the wedding to show a pledge of gentleness, he would be armed during the wedding to show his pledge to protect his bride. The gloves were another tradition, skin to skin with a bride to be was banned as well until the ceremony.

The car they pulled up in bore the royal seal of a black rabbit stalking a white wolf on a blue field of ice. Blue, white and black were the colors of the nation, after the story of the black rabbit that had killed the white wolf. Meant to teach that inside values outweighed outer strength.

The car stopped and Peter adjusted his color.

"Do you have the ring?" Aron, the second youngest asked. He nodded, though they were betrothed, the actual proposal with the ring would happen today, when they met for the first time. A public show of affection. He held out the simple white silver band with a tiny ruby in the middle, the blood of the wolf on the snow, another tradition. The door opened and Peter's brothers piled out, Jared reached a hand back to help him out and he stepped into the light.

((Hey can I get a pic from you for Eva?))

Oldest to youngest

1. Jared

2. Hamlet

3. Carson

4. Aron

5. Peter
[Damn! I'm so sorry, I had checked the notification that day and thought I'd reply later but then forgot :( I'll reply to this soon! I'm really sorry]
Candace Hart

Candace hid behind the doors as she peeped out to see the other royal family making their way to the palace. The King, seeing her hiding, brings her forth, "Dear Candace! Come on front. You don't have to hide" he says with a smile. The King was always too nice to her. With greatness filled in her heart she steps forth, standing right behind the King, Queen and The Minister.

The path from the Gate to the Door of the Palace was lined up with servants with flower petals in their hands. The whole path had been filled with flower petals as well. At the gate waved a flag of white with a circle in between filled with the color of rainbows. It was the symbol of The Wuford Kingdom. The Kingdom was formed by 7 brothers, who were known to be as different as the colors of a rainbow, but they had unity amongst them, and when brought together, there was nothing that they couldn't achieve. To emblem of this Kingdom was designed to showcase the wonderful relationship shared by the Wuford Brothers.

As the other family got down from their chariot, the parade troupe in front of the gate, started off with their music, by beating their drums, and humming in their wind instruments. The King and the Queen stood up, so as to welcome their to-be-family. Candace stood right at the King's heels, looking over at the royalties as they made their way to the King on the flowery path. As they got closer, Candace scanned all their faces, finally resting on that of the Prince's who was to be wed to her friend. He looked charming, and he was dressed very elegant as well. She smiled at the thought of Princess taking a liking to this man at once. 'Let's just hope he is as good from inside, as he is from outside' she thought. She didn't want any harm to befall her friend, who had given her such a wonderful life.

Before the other family could reach their King, she quietly slides off into the Castle running up to go meet the Princess. She had taken the steps in twos and threes, in order to reach quickly, and by the time she did, she was gasping for breathe. The Princess was standing right at the edge of the staircase waiting for her. "They... Are.. Here" she says as she breathes in between. "The...Guy.....Looks......Good" she adds with a smile, to which the Princess just grins. "Come on! There's water in the room" says the Princess as she takes Candace in. When it was time, the King himself would call them down.


There really wasn't much overly memorable about the welcome for Peter, there were flowers and his bride to be was led out by a beautiful girl with light brown hair. She looked quick strong and steady, he liked tough women, if he was being honest he liked women who didn't act like women, he liked to be the one to sit and watch as men fought, if he married a warrior? Perfect. She was quite beautiful and for a moment he thought her to be his bride and he felt a small swell inside him, a strong bride? yes please. Then he saw the dark haired girl, delicate and graceful step forward. Ah, eva and her maid, Candace. He remembered her to get a mention. Ahh well, at least he had someone picked out for the time between now and the wedding. He knelt and extended a gloved hand to Eva, the smaller dark haired girl. She was pretty, but right off the bat Peter could see she wasn't all that interesting. He held back judgement, or tried to. She was just so.... girly.

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