Keychain #348-350


Elder Member
That lady just used her fingers as firewands.


I'm just waiting for Ten to use a double-jump.
And how can we win

When fools can be kings!?

Don't waste your time

Or time will waste you

No one is gonna take me alive

The time has come to make things right!

You and I must fight four our rights

You and I must fight to survive

It's what's happening on my head as the battle goes by
Concerning the comic: it's awesome and I wish I had more to say.

What I'd like to see is someone post the following BBcode the first post of a new comic(example using the current comic):

[spoiler=KoC #348][img=][/spoiler]

(though using spoiler isn't mandatory, but could shorten the height of the post when hidden)
I kinda knew she was going to shoot something out of her fingers, since she has been making "THIS IS A GUN" hands ever since we first saw her. But I never posted these thoughts, so I have no proof that I have thought that. D:
Maybe we'll get to see some Immaculate Custom Charms!

And Ten WILL have to invoke all 5 elements at once,in the form of five dancing dragons around him.And then *cut to Kukla* "Shit...good thing the Unconqured Sun will never let me get freaking out of here"
I think it would be wonderful if the Fire Aspect was using Righteous Devil Style using her own hands as form weapons.

Also, I actually expect this to be a Curb Stomp Battle, based on the Conservation of Ninjutsu
The segue to this comic wasn't as smooth as I would like. Ten going from right next to Misho to walking down the road was a little awkward.

Other than that, coolness.
magnificentmomo said:
The segue to this comic wasn't as smooth as I would like. Ten going from right next to Misho to walking down the road was a little awkward.
Yup, it would have been nice if I didn't think I skipped a comic. Still awesome, though.
I missed getting the placeholder in place (how pathetic is that?) because of a problem with my internet, so I need to wait on flagg to run the update script for me again. Sorry for the wait!
aww, my 2nd post in this topic disappeared


oh well

Although, on second thought, I should have put a note that the image would show up as the word "Image". At least till the placeholder was put up.

I would have used an "alt=" attribute in the img tag like so:

[img alt=The image will replace this text once an image shows up][/img]

if the BBCode this forum uses supported it (like others I know that do).

(I obviously broke the image in the URL since the ip is the loopback address, and by what the image name is)
So, wait.

The fire has fire guns

The air has lightning guns

If the water tries to use offensive techniques, she'll probably have water guns.

That will be hilarious.
I also noticed something else.


Fire >:(

Earth | :(

Water < :(


They must be so odd to interact with sometimes.
I think someone needs to get in touch with Monty Oum and see if he'll animate these fights. The Earth Aspect flinging the other two into the air looks like something straight out of Dead Fantasy.
I've not really read DB charms all that closely, and he is an Air Aspect, but in my mind the reason why Ten Winds is not bothered by gravity is that he beat up its god and demanded that he be exempted from it. And lingered long enough to make sure the paperwork got filled out and processed correctly.
Ascension said:
I've not really read DB charms all that closely, and he is an Air Aspect, but in my mind the reason why Ten Winds is not bothered by gravity is that he beat up its god and demanded that he be exempted from it. And lingered long enough to make sure the paperwork got filled out and processed correctly.
Athletics is actually Fire Aspect charms, there is no mechanical basis for what Ten Winds is doing, I demand my money back and a stricter adherence to the rules in the future. >:(
Fifth panel: Using your willing partner's water-stream from the foot as a lightning-rod shield is awesome.

Just thought of throwing that out there.
Thanqol said:
Ascension said:
I've not really read DB charms all that closely, and he is an Air Aspect, but in my mind the reason why Ten Winds is not bothered by gravity is that he beat up its god and demanded that he be exempted from it. And lingered long enough to make sure the paperwork got filled out and processed correctly.
Athletics is actually Fire Aspect charms, there is no mechanical basis for what Ten Winds is doing, I demand my money back and a stricter adherence to the rules in the future. >:(
Air Aspects don't accelerate beyond a certain speed when they fall. They fall much slower than everyone else.

Also, Ten has used Fire Charms before.

Ice also belongs to Air Aspects.

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