Keychain #186 - 190

Yay! Berengiere is my favoritest demon ever! It's nice to see a Solar who's willing to make a few deals with the demons to get what she needs. Shows Conviction.
For some reason I'm having trouble visualising Karen as being female.
Am I the only one?
No, she really just doesn't look like one. There's the hair, chest bindings, muscular build, and FREAKINGLY BIG SWORD. She just looks like a slim young man.

And DO note that Ten doesn't bow for the new 'Anathema'.

Oh, I like the old black borders better.
Hush...let me be content in the illusion that the art is good enough to make a slim individual look exceedingly buff...
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I figured that she'd long ago chugged about two gallons of Maiden Tea to avoid just this sort of potential issue.
And lose the potential to create a race of sexy fox ladies!? This is Sexalted! We do not close options for creating new and interesting ways to debauch!
Marena can change sex at will. She can abort at any stage of pregnancy by making her baby-maker go bye-bye. She has no need for maiden tea.
Brickwall said:
Marena can change sex at will. She can abort at any stage of pregnancy by making her baby-maker go bye-bye. She has no need for maiden tea.
Only if she's the Mother rather than the Father.

And if lunar pregnancies don't disappear into elsewhere for the duration of Two Faced Hero.
Fine, she can also kick women in the stomach very very hard. Picky.

Lunars don't use Elsewhere for shapeshifting. They just shapeshift. Exalted doesn't have laws of mass conservation.

If she had an accidental child anywhere in Creation, she wouldn't know about it unless it was born before she Exalted.
I thought it seemed failry obvious.

Secret is having trouble learning Charms and the like because she has Inheritance from being the child of Marena. :roll:
If Marena were Secret's mother, they wouldn't have to go LOOKING for the daughter, now would they?

Seriously, basic logic here, people.
Brickwall said:
If Marena were Secret's mother, they wouldn't have to go LOOKING for the daughter, now would they?
Seriously, basic logic here, people.
If Secret isn't Marena's daughter, I most sincerely hope her actual daughter thinks Secret is. Because that will be awesome to see. Especially if this daughter picked up any of Marena's..."Morality" before going missing/getting kidnapped.
Nova probably found out and might have told Misho.

So, if Misho knows then all Marena has to do is think to ask.
Thing is, Abyssals don't actually die. They are GOING to die, and are prevented from such. An Abyssal is still alive.

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