Key Blade wars Legendary Keyblades

Vulcan Xanthis

Junior Member
Forward until dawn- This keyblade has a unique ability. This blade has unique magic, magic that can copy the blade in

upto eight copies. Each of these copies can be controled by the users mind. They can float and moved according

to the users thoughts.Duel wield possible

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Fateful Memory- Is a keyblade with magic that lets your read a persons thoughts by making contact with the opponent

or his weapon. Although when used with forward until dawn, the true power comes out of the fateful memory,

once combined the fateful memory can bring out the light in people Duel wield possible

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Fortune Striker- This keyblade is a powerful keyblade with the power of lightning, it can not only fire this

element but it can absorb and amplify that power. But that isnt the limit to this keyblade, who ever wields this

becomes naturally lucky.

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Last Echo- This keyblade is a blade forged of darkness, its power is only limited by the souls it devours. The last

echo can feed from magic spells. Once it comes in contact with a spell it devours it and turns it into darkness.Duel wield possible= Taken By Geara

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Heaven and Hell- A key blade that can be used in three possible ways, it can turn red with the power to control

flames and produce flames. It also can turn blue with the power to control and produce ice. The final possible use

is it can turn into duel keyblades with booth modes.

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Blackened Sun- The second keyblade of darkness, blackened sun thrives off of Last Echo's power. It is said that

without last echo the blade is useless. Once a wielder possesed booth Last echo and thebBlackened sun the wielder

could absorb light and convert it into darkness.Duel wield possible = Taken By Geara

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Radient Guardian- A kekyblade forged of light created to restore inorder in even the darkest of night. This keyblade

has one of the strongest abilities giving the user the great power of light and adding that power to each spell and attack.

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Omega Strike- This keyblade is said to be the strongest blade of all the legendary eight. It has raw power forged

of evil. Although once a user touches the sword they become obsessed with power, there personality completely

changes. They become a monster with one desire to become stronger and fight the strongest. Its said the only

way to stop the Omega strike is for a wielder to use the Fateful Memory combined with the Forward until Dawn blades.

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