Kettō no sekai-Duel worlds


Pokemon, awesome story, game and franchise.
Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs!

Im about to go into bed will start at 11oclock 2morrow
im back and ill start with an example

IRL: (your info in the real world)

Name: First-name "Nickname" Surname

Age: (e.g 17)

Sex: Male or Female (e.g Male)

Occupation/Job: any job or schooling you have (e.g year 11 at a public school)

Bio: A description or yourself useing 15 or more words (a fairly cheeky teenager who has a habit of annoying his friends, he prefers to be by himself when around strangers)

Desc: a Description of what you look like in real life ( Black hair with Blue eyes and a red over shirt and a black under shirt he also wears black jeans and cheap red, black and white sports shoes)

DW: (your info in Duel worlds)

Name: First-name "Nickname" Surname

Age: (same as IRL due to a system making it easier for people to make bonds with people there age

Sex: Male or Female

Class: What Class are you (e.g Mage)

Bio: a description of your DW self

Desc: How you look in DW

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