Ketchup and the Goldenboys


Ten Thousand Club
So if Chejop was to encounter a group of Solars, how do you think it would play out? Would he just open up on them and wipe the floor with them? Try to pull of  some Siddy shinanagins and get the hell out? Stick to whatever Resplendent Destiny he had on and interact with them? Or if the encounter was somewhere he was forced to reveal himself as Chejop Kejak (such as Yu-Shan, or a spirit court somewhere) how do you think it would go down?
I don't think he's a murderous thug. He'd leave them in peace and then get his minions to kill them later, like a civilized person.
He would definitely not engage them in combat unless attacked and even then he'd probably just duck fate out. He is the single most important person for the wellbeing of creation (at least in his book) and it would be extremely selfish from him to risk his life in a battle with entities that can /perhaps probably kill him.
Even though he could, I doubt very much he would directly atack them. The most probable thing is that he wouldn't even reveal himself, passing as an old man in his resplandent destiny.
If he thought he could win he'd attack.  He brought them down by the hundreds in the first age and I doubt he's afraid of a fight.
If he thought he could win he'd attack.  He brought them down by the hundreds in the first age and I doubt he's afraid of a fight.
...When and where did this pipe dream come from?
What possible reason would he have to not attack foes he once exterminated if he knew he could win?  Other than GM's wanting him to be in the plot without attacking the PC's directly there isn't a good reason for him to not attack and kill Solars directly if the opportunity presented itself in his day to day activities.
... you do know he didn't exactly best the Solar in single combat during the Usurpation right?
Yeah, no crap.  I didn't mean to imply he killed them himself.  Only that a person who planned a coup to kill them by the hundreds wouldn't let a chance go to kill a few more if he had the chance.
Uh, taking into account that the people we are talking about can be immune against 80% - 100% of his high essence tricks by buying half a dozen charms I think he would surely think twice about taking on a group of them.
I'm not so certain Chejop would jump right into the fray either. While there's no doubt he could probably take down a group of Solars on his own, I don't think he'd try it unless he seriously had the drop on them. There's enough crazy Sidereal charms to allow an unexpected attack to drop a Solar with little effort, but I think he'd only do that if the Solar was alone, not with the rest of his Circle.

How do you think he react to the Solars if he was forced to deal with them in a nonviolent situation, and as who he truly is. Basically if a Solar, or group of Solars, was in Yu Shan. Since they aren't residents of the city, they would have a guide, probably one of the Lions, who would probably introduce them if they crossed paths, and Chejop couldn't do them any harm because its a Severity 4 or 5 Offense to harm another Celestial Exalt. How do you think he'd handle that encounter?

On a side note, would any Solars in Yu Shan be entitled to Ambrosia from the Cult of the Illuminated since they are the object of the Cultist's prayers? or are the prayers too general or would the Unconquered Sun get the prayer?
If he thought he could win he'd attack.  He brought them down by the hundreds in the first age and I doubt he's afraid of a fight.
Yeah' date=' no crap.  I didn't mean to imply he killed them himself.  Only that a person who planned a coup to kill them by the hundreds wouldn't let a chance go to kill a few more if he had the chance.[/quote']
... of course he would, if he thought he could. But the question is, could he. That right there is circular logic. Could he? He would if he could ... meh.
I've always thought of Chejop as more of the schemer type.  I'm thinking if he didn't plan to ambush the group he wouldn't (and if he did plan the ambush he wouldn't be alone).  I do think he would engage in social combat IF it was within his resplendent destiny to do so.  

I figure the old man would try to play up the hubris of the solars maybe even give them a quest that could conveniently kill a player or two. Of course Chejop running across a group of solars should send him a fury of planning for sidereal assassins targeting any weakness that he could discover about them.
Seriously? I think he would do what he did during the Usurpation... Sit back pluck the Threads of Fate and arrange for the Solars to be bushwhacked by 3 Talons of Dragon Blooded. Why in the hell would he ever want to scuff his own hands?

YogoIshida said:
Seriously? I think he would do what he did during the Usurpation... Sit back pluck the Threads of Fate and arrange for the Solars to be bushwhacked by 3 Talons of Dragon Blooded. Why in the hell would he ever want to scuff his own hands?
Because the atrocities he witnessed in the First Age filled him with a powerful hatred, and although he can play the distant schemer when he's actualy, y'know, distant, actually having them in the same room as him fills him with a boundless rage that will see them rendered to the merest dust under the Celestial might of his furious fists powered by the terrible screams of helpless mortals which echo across the ages to fill him with remorse at the idea that he ever did anything to support the rule of the Solar Exalted?

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