Grey Bird Asylum

Name: Mathias Dakwood

Age: 24

Height: 6'3

Eye Color: Left Grey Right Green

Hair Color: Black

Distinguishing Characteristics: Various scars, most prominently the scar that crosses his throat. Two tattoos

Personality Flaws: Very untrusting

Disorder: Schizophrenia

Personality: Mathias is very quiet and closed off. He avoids physical contact and hates more things than he likes. He is annoyed easily and and uses his intelligence to outwit many of the Doctors and nurses. When angered he has a tendency to lose it.

Short Bio:To be revealed.


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Name: Mira La’Mar

Nicknames: In first grade no one could pronounce her name and Suzanna Haygood said she was from the Lemur family because Mira loved to climb on the monkey bars. She’s kept this name because she grew up with the same friends and it stuck.

Gender: Female

Birthday: January 15th

Physical Characteristics

Age: 18

How old does she appear: In her early twenties

How old does she act: She is far more mature than her age might suggest. Having had to grow up with such an extreme problem, she has matured much faster simply because she has had to deal with a lot of traumatizing things on her own.

Weight: 124 Lbs

Height: 5'5"

General Appearance: Mira has very creamy, pale skin. She has an average body build. She's a little bit muscular from all the running and climbing she does, but most of the bulk she has doesn't really show. She is a woman that people describe as “all legs”. She has long legs that meet a curvaceous torso. She isn't flat chested, but she definitely isn't as well-endowed as some of the women her age. She describes herself as average. Mira has a face of innocence: soft skin with round cheeks and large eyes.

Eye color: Blue

Glasses or contacts: Most of the time, Mira wears contacts. Sometimes, Mira prefers to wear glasses. She is wearing these to travel because they're easier.


Skin tone: Pale cream color

Distinguishing marks: Mira has a scar in the shape of a ring on her stomach. She fell off her bike when she was little and the bike handle cut her skin. She also has various scars from being clumsy over the years. She has one that moves from the first knuckle on her left hand halfway up her forearm. She acquired it while running through a forest when she was fourteen.

Hair color: Chocolate Brown

Type of hair: Mira's hair is quite thick and long. It is long enough she can tie it back if she needs to.

Physical disabilities: Mira has a bad ankle that sometime collapses beneath her when she runs for a very long time. It has been the cause for many unnecessary panic attacks throughout the years.

Tattoo: She has a tattoo like this one on her wrist. She got it when she turned 16.

Mental Characteristics

Hobbies: Mira used to play the Saxophone in her spare time. She likes to read, listen to music, run, take photos, and do Suduko puzzles.

Personality: Mira is quiet and reserved around people. She doesn’t easily open up easily; She has far too much to hide. She tries to be sweet and kind. If you aggravate her, expect a not-so pleasant response from her. She prefers her music than talking to people, but she is very flexible with the way she acts around people. In her current situation, she can be irrational. She really hates confrontation, and being alone with people. She doesn’t really like talking to people anymore because it has seemed to hurt her in the past.


When she was younger, Mira was always made fun of in school. Early on she made the mistake of telling the person she thought was her best friend about the people she saw. Her parents thought that they were just imaginary friends, but it was strange for a little girl in kindergarten to still have an imaginary playmate. For that, she was the target of their taunts. She learned quickly not to open up to people—especialy as she got older and the glimpses of little kids and adults alike seemed to become more and more frequent. She didn’t know what it was, but it soon consumed most off her waking hours. If she wasn’t seeing small fragments of an old life then she was worrying about seeing something. She never got over many of her childish fears—like swimming and the dark. Too many bad memories and fears are connected to those places. Besides her gift, Mira was pretty average, had a couple friends, got good grades, and even got a date to prom, but there was something about her that made her the scapegoat for everyone’s evil high school fantasies. Wanted to shove someone in a locker? You found Mira. Wanted to have someone do your homework? You found Mira. Needed to cheat on a test? You found Mira. Wanted to spread dirty rumors and cause drama? You talked about Mira. She knew what made her different, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. She didn’t stand up for herself, and usually she didn’t have an escape from their torment except her time at home. She would brush it off as them being funny and help them the next time they needed it. She was stupid like that.

The older she got, the more she was kept awake at night. Soon, her grades started to falter, and she wasn’t able to keep up with anything. She stayed home more and more often until she finally dropped out of school. She confided in her mother, who decided to send her to a psychiatrist.

At the beginning, Mira was fine living in her mother’s home and going to therapy twice a week. Soon, her therapist noticed the increasing distrust and exhaustion within their relationship and soon, Mira’s therapist realized that she couldn’t help her. Months of tests went by before they could diagnose her with schizophrenia. Keeping this from Mira, her mother decided to send her away to hopefully help her with her problems. Having been told she was going to live with family for a month so she could get away from bad memories and hopefully cure her of her visions, Mira boarded a plane and flew across the country where her ‘family’ would pick her up at the airport. No one knew that what she was seeing was actually real.​

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