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Realistic or Modern Keith/Shiro band AU!!


New Member
Hello!! I’m looking to find a roleplay partner to roleplay Shiro from Voltron!! I have really bad angsty band AU brain rot!!
I’m a Semi lit /Lit roleplayer!!! I give up words of 7 paragraphs depending on how I’m feeling!!

Here’s the plot!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Keith and Shiro had been close friends since Keith had entered Shiro's college as a freshman. Shiro, a senior, had taken Keith under his wing, and they had quickly developed a bond. However, their friendship took a romantic turn, and they began a fling.

Tragedy struck when Keith flunked out of college. As he moved back to Texas, Shiro's texts abruptly ceased. Unbeknownst to Keith, Shiro had begun dating a man named Adam and had effectively ghosted him.

Heartbroken and filled with anger, Keith spiraled into a cycle of poor coping mechanisms. He joined a band and immersed himself in loud music and endless parties. The pain of Shiro's betrayal consumed him, driving him to seek solace in the cacophony of metal concerts.

Meanwhile, Shiro's relationship with Adam was far from perfect. One fateful night, a heated argument erupted between them. Shiro stormed out of the apartment to clear his head. As one of Shiro's friends offered him tickets to a metal concert in town, Shiro hesitated. He had never heard of the band before, but something in him compelled him to attend.

As the band took the stage, Shiro's eyes widened in disbelief. It was Keith's band. The music was raw, powerful, and filled with an intensity that resonated deep within Shiro. He couldn't tear his gaze away from Keith as he poured his heart and soul into every note.

In that moment, Shiro realized the magnitude of his loss. He had cast Keith aside without a second thought, and now he was witnessing the consequences of his actions. Keith had transformed from the shy freshman he had once known into a confident and passionate musician.

Overwhelmed by guilt and regret, Shiro approached Keith after the show. He poured out his heart, apologizing for his past behavior and explaining the circumstances that had led to his silence. Keith listened in stunned silence, his anger slowly melting away.

As the night wore on, they talked for hours, rekindling the bond that had once united them. They realized that their love for each other had never truly died, and they vowed to make amends for the past.

From that day forward, Keith and Shiro rebuilt their friendship on a stronger foundation. They supported each other's dreams and stood by each other through thick and thin. And though the pain of the past would always linger, they had found a way to heal and move forward together.

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