Keeps Me Searching (bluesummers x kalilynne)


(Don't think we need to repost char. Sheets but we can)

The sun had just set when Liev started walking through the forest to the new town. He had no clue how long he'd been walking now, too lost in thought. To think it was was fun ounce upon a time, bouncing from town to town. Now even when he tries to stay in one place someone always ends up making trouble for him. Most disturbing of all, this last time it was a vampire. All because Liev is pure blood. It's impossible to establish meaningful relationships it seems. Maybe he just be what the world keeps telling himto be. Maybe, but he can't pretend to be happy like this. Something in the distance brings him back to reality. A female... human? Out here, in the dark?
Callisto just came from the small town headed towards the forest. She had a rough day avoiding all the theifs while trying to get her own food and was definitely ready to find a place to sleep. She walked up to the forest edge looking in.
Liev goes towards the presence he feels trying to sum up the situation without being seen. Was it hunter? Before he knew it he was looking directly at Collisto. She sure didn't look like her. He hoped she wasn't. He wanted to say something, but taken in by her eyes, he opened his mouth to speak but the words didn't come out. Then he realised his fangs were showing, and closed his mouth hoping she hadn't noticed.
She stopped startled to see the man. She tried to see him closer but it was too dark. "h..hello?" she called out hoping the man wouldnt cause her any harm. she pulled up her hood and wrapped her arms around herself unsure whether or not to go in now.
Well definitely not a hunter, he thought to himself. He approached her slowly as to not freighten her worse. "What are you doing out here? Are you looney?"
She stood glued to her spot, she tried to move but her feet wouldn't listen, "" she stuttered trying to see what he was, if he was more than a human. she started shaking.
Her fear suddenly enticed him. ''Your right to be scared..." he whispered as he stood close to her. Leaned in to her neck but only breathed deep as he slowly moved his mouth to her ear. "You smell good... are you all alone?"
She thought about lying but knew it wouldn't matter so she just nodded looking at the ground. She wondered how far she could get if she took off sprinting.
He he gently lifted her chin till they're eyes met. "Don't bother running, i don't plan on hurting you. But if I had... your story would be over just like that. Why are you out here? Where are your friends, family and what not?"
She still felt nervous even after he assured her he wouldn't hurt her. She looked at him, "I don't have any. I'm an orphan. What do you want." she said finally gaining her courage.
He didn't really know what he wanted. "Well, some company I suppose... I don't have any friends either. Havn't had what I'd consider a friend in a very long time. Your free to carry on wherever you were going."
"Humans don't trust vampires, vampires wanna kill pure bloods. The few people who have tolerance I can't take with me as much as I wish I could. I have to move town to town after I can't hide what I am anymore. I hate hiding. I'm tired... just tired."
She nodded, "I understand" she said looking at him, "if you promise not to kill me I'm more than happy to keep you company she said giving him a small smile.
Liev smile just a little. "I promise you." He didn't know how to deal with that smile and those big gorgeous eyes for very long. He turned his head forward. "So where exactly were you going?''
She smiled, "um just going to find a place to uh...sleep." she said a little ashamed about that. "what about you?" she asked?
"Well I hadn't really planned that far ahead. Prolly just check things out. Have you found some place safe to sleep?"
She shook her head, "nope not yet, last night i found a tree but i usually find places to sleep during the light hours. Its dark now...." she said. "I don't know what I'm going to do now."
"Ive got a tent and sleep bag you can have. I can can keep watch for you tonight, but we've got find you someplace to stay. I was gunna look around tommarow anyways. You can help me find my way around town."
She smiled "so we are a team now?" She said teasingly and nudged him. Then sighed, "I honestly don't know. No ones ever wanted me so I've just sorta not been with anyone. I got raised by a vampire." She said smiling.
"No one wants you? What do you snore?" He joked. "Raised by a vampire you say? Now that is interesting. I happened to be raised by humans. I think we'd make a good team. The names Liev."
She laughed, "no I don't snore. I'm just damaged goods." She replied sticking her tongue out at him. "And mines Callisto" she smiled wrapping her arms around herself

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