Katrina || Wyrmspawn of Nox

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Within the Depths of a Dream
28 || Female || Wyrmspawn || Nox
Height: 5’ 2”
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black with visible pupils
Build: Lean
Complexion: Pale
Distinguishing Features: Her eyes
Image: click
Dragon Form Description: Only standing 10 feet tall, she has dark violet scales with spikes sticking up along her spine and face. Her eyes are similar to a reptiles although gold in color, with a rather lengthy tail and wingspan.
Dragon Form Image: click
Personality: Katrina is normall a rather soft spoken woman, a trait drilled into her by her grandfather. When pushed or not around him she tends to speak out more, being friendly and kind but lacking in key social skills.
History: Katrina is a bit different than the rest of the Wyrmchildren in that she isn’t one of them at all. Rather, when Nox grew nervous about what Lucian could be planning, he decided to create a backup, if you will. Someone to fight the battle for him. So he created Katrina using the remains of a mortal woman, her soul, and his own power. Unbeknownst to the woman, she wasn’t raised by the gods from childhood at all, but a woman stolen from her home, killed, and then resurrected with her memory wiped and appearance altered by her “grandfather’s” power. This was because Nox didn’t want to deal with the troubles of childhood, despite how many didn’t approve of his methods.

She was told that she was truly related to them, being instructed on how to live within the stronghold and alongside Nox and his children. It was quite the learning curve, unable to escape her grandfather’s constant torment and berating. Eventually Katrina learned to respect but also fear the man, he not being all that forgiving when it came to discipline. Then there was the topic of her abilities. She hadn’t yet shown any signs of having magical talent, and Nox was purposely holding back her transformation for fear of her not being able to handle it with a mortal form.

However with the invitations now sent out to the Wyrmchildren, she’s eager to meet some new faces and believing it would be a chance to actually begin making some progress. Being kept locked up in the stronghold her entire life as left her longing for a glimpse into the world, and now she finally might just have it.
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