Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - The 15th Generation

Rank ZZZ

Lead Guitarist
Hello, As I expect you will have probably heard of Katekyo Hitman Reborn! If not then you will find most information on their wiki. If you still don't understand something send me a message. Here is the character sign up

Name -


Flame of the Sky/Earth

Appearance -

Biography - (1 or 2 paragraphs)

Weapons - (Preferably suiting your flame)

Skills - (Preferably suiting your flame)

Box - (Can only be opened by the flame of a particular wave)

Personality - (Either a paragraph of information or 5 traits listed and explained)

Other - (I apologise for the inconvenience but if I have missed something I will ask you to post it here)

The abilities of flames are as follows -

Flames of the Sky

Sky - Harmony - Among all the seven attributes, Sky Flames possesses the greatest propulsion power, specially those of high-purity. Described as having many mysteries, its special trait, Harmony, represents a state without contradiction nor flaws in which the balance of the whole is maintained. Furthermore, two different "types" of Sky Flames have been presented. One is the normal, "soft" Flame that has great stability. The other is the high-purity, "hard" Flame that is more volatile but packs more power. Bearers of the Sky-attribute are said to be exceptionally rare and most of the known ones share the common trait of possessing great insight.

Storm - Disintegration - Highly offensive Flames, its Disintegration special trait can induce anything that touches the Flames into decaying and breaking apart, including other Dying Will Flames.

Rain - Appeasement and Dulling - These Flames are in many ways more similar to water than actual flames. Its Tranquility special trait carries the meaning of stillness and pacification. Thus, these Flames can be used to weaken a target by robbing its strength and capacity of movement.

Sun - Stimulating and Augmenting - The Activation special trait of the Sun Flames has the power to induce and improve the efficiency of any type of activity. As such, it is an optimal Flame for purposes of fulfilling support roles such as healing and strengthening individuals. But that same characteristic also makes it difficult to use Sun Flames in direct combat.

Lightning - Hardening - Lightning Flames are in many ways more similar to electricity than actual flames. The Solidification special trait of these Flames can be employed harden and increase the firmness of objects. By themselves, the Flames can used defensively by projecting a solid barrier and offensively by cutting as if sharp blades or electrocuting as if real electricity.

Cloud - Reproduction and Growth - The Propagation special trait of Cloud Flames carries a meaning of increase and replication. As such, it is suited for anything that involves increase of size and multiplication of numbers. Also, this Propagation effect is highly advantageous when performing techniques meant to cover a great area, such as creating a cyclone or a a impervious force field. Coincidence or not, a number of Cloud Box Weapons have the ability to pull out and/or absorb the Flames of the enemy.

Mist - Construction - The Construction special trait of the Mist Flame makes it optimal to be used along Illusions, specially during the creation of Real Illusions. They are described as having a low hardness and, consequentially, it has a weak offensive

Flames of the Earth

Earth (Terra) - While using this Flame, Enma can manipulate the local gravity to any extent that he wishes. This power was previously misconceived as a form of telekinesis due to his ability to manipulate objects by carefully manoeuvring the gravity around it accordingly.

Forest (Foresta) - Forest Flames have the ability to create and control plant life. These plants can be used to create barriers of wood or to create a barrage of razor sharp leaves. Unlike other flames, Forest Flames do not burn, but instead cut the enemy with its razor edges.

Mountain (Montagna) - The Mountain Flame penetrates and synchronizes with soil and sand and is said to have complete control over flamed earth and sand. Users of this Flame are capable of even making mountains grow from the earth.

Swamp (Palude) - The Swamp Flame has the ability to ferment any inorganic substance, causing it to decay and rot away.

Glacier (Ghiacciaio) - The Glacier Flame has freezing properties, as seen where the user was able to instantly freeze an entire waterfall.

Desert (Deserto) - The Desert Flame allows the user to create illusions, although with un-told properties.

Metal (Metallo) - All that is known is that one user can use it to cause severe lacerations in his opponents.

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Name Hitsyuga Oshima-Flame of the Sky:storm -Appearance: -Biography - (raised on the streets by his brother as an orphan spent most of his time fighting with gangs for money or food, eventually earned enough money to take up martial arts lessons and was taught judo and akaido. his brother died in the crossfire of a gang fight on the streets and he has been struggling to survive without him )Weapons - (fists mainly, carrys his brothers combat knife in a sheath strapped to his leg )Skills - (Red eyed Rage:enters a state of mind where he feels no pain and acts only out of anger for a few minutes

Bone Touch: a quick few strikes at the shins of an enemy that if done correctly can shatter the shinbone )Box - (?)Personality - (Edgy and alert all the time)
You'll find information regarding boxes now, I would also suggest 2 more skills, you also need to go into more detail all around, I'm looking for about 14 lines bio minimum and already included my request about personality, also apologies but I edited the character sheet to include age
Name Hitsyuga Oshima-Age(16)-Flame of the Sky:storm -Appearance: -Biography - (raised on the streets by his brother as an orphan spent most of his time fighting with gangs for money or food, eventually earned enough money to take up martial arts lessons and was taught judo and akaido. his brother died in the crossfire of a gang fight on the streets and he has been struggling to survive without him, because of his strong offensive skills he is often hired to interrogate people, and sometimes is hired to assasinate rouge members of gangs, he has no a criminal record for murder but the police ignore him because of the fact that he murders wanted men which is of gain to the police he is very well known on the street and has yet to find someone he cant kill, he looks foreward to that day. transferred to the same school as Alden and became freinds straight away, he always looks to Alden for advice or if he needs someone to talk to about anything. )Weapons - (fists mainly, carrys his brothers combat knife in a sheath strapped to his leg )Skills - (Red eyed Rage:enters a state of mind where he feels no pain and acts only out of anger for a few minutes- Bone Touch: a quick few strikes at the shins of an enemy that if done correctly can shatter the shinbone -Storm kick, a powerfull kick to the ribcage that if done correctly shatters the ribs creating a loud sound like thunder -Concentrated strike, a swift strike to the pressure point on the enemy's shoulder, this sends agonizing pain all the way down the enemy's body, immobolizing them. -Box(Mink )Personality - (Edgy and alert all the time, always looking out for crime against the innocent that he can provent )

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Name - Alden "Snooze" Tokito

Age - 15

Flame of the Sky - Sky

Appearance -

Biography - He was born into a wealthy family. The wealth accumulated was due to his father being a famous business man and his mother a member of parliament. They were kind people but Alden was frequently ignored. He could be out of the house for days and they wouldn't realise it. The family maids were like mothers to him. They taught him all he knew about life and people. In school he never really fit in. He was accommodating and had many acquaintances but no real friends. He enjoyed school without friends. He could hang around with anyone he liked and be accepted. The one thing he hated seeing though was people praying on the weak. If he saw someone being prayed upon the next day he would join them at free times. If anyone threatened them he wouldn't hesitate to bare his fangs. He had practised various martial arts growing up and experienced using various weaponry. His favourite was the bo staff. It wouldn't mortally harm someone if you were careful and was easily concealed. He carried an extending bo in his bag for protection. Certain people targeted him but he handled them himself. The school knew who he was and knew that he wasn't the type to start fights so he escaped trouble frequently.

It was his 14th birthday when the tutor arrived. It was a man dressed in a black suit with a matching hat. He was hired by his parents to raise his grades as they had begun to slip. The tutor was not an ordinary tutor. He was sent by the Vongola XIV. He was to train Alden to become the Vongola XV. Alden was the last heir so he was given no choice in the matter. The tutor didn't sugar-coat the situation. The Vongola family had deteriorated from the intentions of the Vongola Primo and Neo Vongola Primo. Alden was to create his own family from people he knew. The first member he recruited was Hitsyuga Oshima. He had recently transferred to Alden's school. They quickly became rivals and end up brawling often. The brawls led to mutual respect and the two ended up as extremely close friends. Just a few days ago they each received a letter along with a ring. The tutor, who was called Alive, explained the situation to the two. The rings received were Vongola rings. They were rings of great power and each corresponded to the users dying will flame. All of the rings were sent to the most capable people. With suggestions from the outside organisation, CEDEF and the Vongola XIV. The ring signified that the person was to become a guardian of the Vongola boss.

Weapons - Staff

Skills -

Flames of Killing Intent - If Alden experiences killing intent this skill activates. Flames form the blade of a scythe at the top of his staff. They maintain that form until his feelings dissipate

Vongola Intuition - The power that could see through all (Maybe)

Harmony - The power to adapt

Flames of Brotherhood - Can partially absorb a willing ally's flame attributes. Causes severe bodily damage due to conflicting waves

Box - Dragon

Firebreather - Breathes flames mildly similar to Neo Vongola Primo's X Burner

Personality -

Protective - He will never let any member of his family come to harm

Strong Willed - He will never give up

Arrogant - Mildly big headed

Ruthless - Allows his emotions to cloud his thoughts. Especially when it comes to a member of his family

Socialable - Friendly

Other - Ciaossu!

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