Kasanampra, The Harvester Of Sin, Sixth Soul of the Ebon Dragon


New Member
He rides through the night, a shadow across the moon, seeking out the guilty and rewarding the virtuous. He dyes his cloak red with the blood of his victims, and turns their bones into flutes and toys which he then turns around to gift to those he approves of. He is a monster and a saint, a laughing devil that you would do well to appease, for his wrath is terrible and his eyes see all. He is the Harvester of Sin, and it is a terror to have his attention upon you.

In the Time of Glory, Kasanampa spent much of his time within the hearth-frost of Hununara, hiding away from the sun and the moon. He feared moonlight more than anything, for Luna’s touch confused his senses and his beliefs, and tore aside the thin veil of morality that overlaid his true self. Only during Calibration, when the moon vanished for five nights, did he ride forth, in a great sleigh drawn by a dozen wolves. Where he passed, he laid judgments and destroyed entire villages, using their souls and bodies to craft wonders that he would present to the few he spared.

After the Primordial War, Kasanampa was confined to Malfeas just as all of the demons of the Third Circle, but he continued to be summoned forth. A powerful Solar bound him to cross his domain and deal out punishment or rewards. Another charged him to unmake his enemy and transform him into a spear of terrible puissance. All of these things, Kasanampa did willingly. It was not in him to blame the Solar Exalted for their deeds, for they were now the inheritors of divine law. He would have been willing to serve them, save that they found him too uncontrollable without bindings.

Since the Usurpation, however, none have called him forth. He is remembered in legends across Creation’s north, and some tribes and nations mimic his deeds, but the demon himself remains safely bound. But now the Time of Tumult is returned – it may only be a matter of time before he is called forth once again…

Summoning (Obscurity 3/6:( Legends of the powerful tools that Kasanampa can craft, and of his terrible vengeance against those who transgress, have filtered down to modern days, although the truth of his nature is more difficult to reveal. Kasanampa cannot be bound to attack anyone who has not violated the laws of their homeland or their current location, nor may he reward those who are severe violators.

Virtues: Compassion 4, Conviction 5, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Traits: As a Third Circle demon. Kasanampa is particularly skilled at speed and investigation of guilt.

Sample Powers:

Sugar Or Spice: The Harvester of Sin can always tell, just by looking at someone, whether they have violated any of the societal rules and mores of their current home. This is a perfect Investigation effect that can only be opposed by perfect disguises or deception, and which applies +5 dice to any roll-off effects. It does not cost him motes, nor can he choose not to activate it. Kasanampa automatically possesses an Intimacy of Anger towards anyone who he views as sinful, and an Intimacy of Kindness towards anyone he views as innocent. He has no opinion on those who he feels straddles the line. He tends to view violators of societal mores as much more sinful than those who have merely broken laws.

Naughty Becomes Nice: The Harvester may spend 5 motes to have any attack deal aggravated damage against any sinful target. Upon killing a target that he has struck at least once with this Charm this scene, he may immediately craft an artifact. A single mortal can create a trinket, while a hundred mortals or one Essence-user may be shaped into a level 1 artifact. Essence-users of Essence 5 or greater may be crafted into Level 2 artifacts. Kasanampa may not use such artifacts himself, nor may he keep them for more than five days, and he must give them to people that he considers to be innocent of sin.

By The Light Of The Moon: Moonlight is a terrible bane to the Harvester of Sin, for it shows him his own sins. When bathed in moonlight, Kasanampa’s Traits are all reduced to a maximum of 5, and he cannot use his signature Charms. He also develops an Intimacy of self-loathing, and will flee from the moonlight if at all possible. If bound by sorcery, he will gain a point of Limit instead.
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