Kano Gengyo


The Bad-Title Maker



{Name (Last, First)}

Gengyo, Kano






[SIZE= 11px]Biromantic Demisexual[/SIZE]






"Humans are weird. They talk and socialize with all their little 'cults' and as soon as one does something out of the ordinary they will stab them in the back. However, that isn't the weird part for me. It is when they ask why they are bleeding..."


{School You'd Like to Be In}

Senior High School


{Color of Text}

Light Purple


{School They Attend}

Senior High School



Kano is a rather anti-social person, with a lack of social bonds easily visible by her small, small, minuscule group of friends which was more or less restricted to the student council and her immediate family. She seems to also scare people off with her cold and tough exterior, which she is rather thankful for as she rather would like to NOT participate in their weird cluster of 'friends'. She is fine being a type of loner with one or two friends at school, those two people are more than enough for her due to her letting them being the 'exceptions' to her cynical worldview.  She also is a rather sarcastic person, even to the few friends she does have (although the times she is sarcastic is marginally less than to a random student.). Her words are usually straight and blunt, not afraid to speak her mind when it comes down to it. 


When it comes to her 'dere' she is a very loyal and affectionate person when it comes to her friends, which splits from the stereotype she had put herself into. Her attitude to her 'crushes' is rather weird to those who only see her exterior personality as she ends up being easily flustered and quiet when they are in the same room with them, however, the only crushes that are known by her family and friends are anime and manga characters in the form of 'husbandos'. (The fact that she reads and watches shoujo manga/anime is frequently denied without a moment's consideration of telling the truth.)



- Cynical

- Sarcastic

- (mostly) Anti-social

- Blunt

- Violent

- Dishonest

- Bossy



+ Loyal

+ Affectionate?

[SIZE= 11px]+ Kind (Limited)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]+ Soft-hearted[/SIZE]



- Sour Food

- Parties

[SIZE= 11px]- Pretzels[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]- Amusement Parks[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]- Memorizing Names[/SIZE]



- Sweets

- Shoujo Manga

- 'The Big Dango Family'

[SIZE= 11px]- Coffee[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]- Sleeping in[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]- 'Complete' Endings[/SIZE]



- Clenching her fist

- Rubbing hands together

 - Twirling Pen/Pencils
- Scratching Eyes
- Roundhouse kicking

+ Story-building

+ Languages (Written and Verbal Translation)

+ Animation

+ Acting

[SIZE= 11px]+ Creative writing[/SIZE]




Color of Eyes :

Dark Purple



Color of Hair :

Royal Purple





Height :

5'3/160.02 cm




What Color Their Uniform Is:

Dark Brown





Honestly, her story is just as normal as the next, and nothing really stands out until her elementary and early middle school years.

She grew up in a small little apartment complex, but to be honest, it worked just the same as another house on the block.

Kano's mother did most of the housework and cleaning when Kano was not at school - which is when the two traded off the domestic responsibilities.

Her father, on the other hand, was the type of worker who didn't really come back until she was asleep but still somehow made time to have time with her during the weekends.


[SIZE= 11px]In her elementary/primary school years, she was surprisingly more popular than her current status, at least she wasn't stuck at a threshold of only two friends.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]She had a couple more, still small, but that was due to shyness rather than her own personality scaring them off. In other words, her social reputation was rather high.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]Kano's change in mood didn't change drastically until her first year of secondary school, experiencing her first betrayal from a close friend.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]The words 'shun Kano on February 14th' being passed around as a note through the classroom.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]There were fits of giggles surrounding her, most of them thinking that there really isn't anything wrong with ignoring her on that day.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]However, it was also the day that she was trying to confess to her first 'real life' crush, which pretended she was a ghost as well.
Normally that probably wouldn't be much, I mean for worst memories of childhood, that is definitely number one.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]However, it isn't 'life-changing', what was though was the actual betrayal. Her friend (the same one as earlier)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]had confessed to the male on Valentine's day, while she was being ignored by her note. 
When she had confronted her about it, she was asking why Kano was so angry about changing their roles to say that SHE had told her that she was going to confess to him[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]with no prior knowledge of Kano's feelings. The blame game had begun, and Kano eventually lost once they grew stares from others at the conversation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]As her 'loss' implied, she had lost most of her friends in the game under the circumstance that they believed that she was making the fuss for no reason.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 11px]This betrayal and lack of social interaction birth a more cynical mindset for her, ending up who she was today. A person putting up a guard that only a few attempt to get through.[/SIZE]





Extra :

[SIZE= 11px]- Her Birthday is December 25th[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]- Makes her own lunch.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 11px]- Favorite number is 0[/SIZE]




"Are you done prying through my life..."
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