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Multiple Settings kamaete's search for pals {closed}


A Golden Heart

  • kam . they/them . lgbt+ . adult
    currently: searching!
    craving: original content!​

    hello! i'm kam (thegoldenavenger over at tumblr) and i'm tentatively sticking my toe back into the rp game! i hope this little interest check is informative enough. i spent way too much time on it for what it looks like, haha. anyways, please give this a read through and if you're interested give me a shout.

    ` i work full time so i don't really have a consistent posting/reply schedule

    ` ghost friendly -- literally, if you're gone for a month and then reply so will i if i still have motivation

    ` i'm shy but easy going

    ` i don't tend to use faceclaims unless i draw them

    ` im on mobile mostly

    ` i'll update this probably with more plots / keywords / trops

    ` if you're interested please introduce yourself and what you're interested in!

    ` i'm new so i don't understand all the ins and outs of rpnation, and i think i have a pm block / posting moderation period going on? i don't know i apologize if any of that messes with threads.


    credit ` kamaete

  • genre​

    lgbt+ • queer • fantasy • sci-fi • romance • adventure • shounen • supernatural • horror


    tropes • gay • no • queer • 1x1 • oc • original plots • found family • friends • platonic • dragons • werewolves • fairytale • magic • rivals • queer-platonic • fae / fairies • psychic bonds •
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Ooooh! I really like your interest check!

For an intro... name's Arii, Flame, Crow, 'Riasq, or anything you wanna call me, honestly; I'm one of those enbies that collects names like trading cards! Pronouns are they/them, my mental energy lasts about as long as an offbrand, stratified battery, so my replies can come in slow unless motivation kicks me in the butt.

I like cursewords but not in a mean way, and really, really, really love body-horror. I reuse characters like That One Hoodie with the holes haphazardly sewn together, and I am here for just about anything found-family-themed!

I'm not too sure on your... aesthetic when it comes to roleplays, but I'm really eager to build (or expand) a roleplay and a world with someone, so if you have any base features you really want, I'll probably be up for it!
Ooooh! I really like your interest check!

For an intro... name's Arii, Flame, Crow, 'Riasq, or anything you wanna call me, honestly; I'm one of those enbies that collects names like trading cards! Pronouns are they/them, my mental energy lasts about as long as an offbrand, stratified battery, so my replies can come in slow unless motivation kicks me in the butt.

I like cursewords but not in a mean way, and really, really, really love body-horror. I reuse characters like That One Hoodie with the holes haphazardly sewn together, and I am here for just about anything found-family-themed!

I'm not too sure on your... aesthetic when it comes to roleplays, but I'm really eager to build (or expand) a roleplay and a world with someone, so if you have any base features you really want, I'll probably be up for it!

Thank you for your interest, haha! And hello!! I'm right with your there on the mental energy thing, but I'm really chill and patient. As much as I love shooting back and forth and getting immersed in the writing, I'm also casual and am totally fine if reply time varies or is consistently slower. I'm right there with you.

I also love body horror as a concept, it's real fun (horror is also generally fun, but I haven't had those themes in an rp before). Found Family is one of my staple themes, it's just [clenches fist meme] so good.

I'm not too sure on my own aesthetics for roleplays either! I'm really easy to please honestly and have a wide variety of interests. I'm not sure if you had specific ideas on mechanics or genres or if any of the skeleton plots i put up interested you as a starting point? I have other ideas for things ranging from cowboy horror to fantasy monster hunting, or god-blessed chosen ones, If you had some sort of idea or characters you were interested in I'd be down to bounce ideas back and forth!
Thank you for your interest, haha! And hello!! I'm right with your there on the mental energy thing, but I'm really chill and patient. As much as I love shooting back and forth and getting immersed in the writing, I'm also casual and am totally fine if reply time varies or is consistently slower. I'm right there with you.

I also love body horror as a concept, it's real fun (horror is also generally fun, but I haven't had those themes in an rp before). Found Family is one of my staple themes, it's just [clenches fist meme] so good.

I'm not too sure on my own aesthetics for roleplays either! I'm really easy to please honestly and have a wide variety of interests. I'm not sure if you had specific ideas on mechanics or genres or if any of the skeleton plots i put up interested you as a starting point? I have other ideas for things ranging from cowboy horror to fantasy monster hunting, or god-blessed chosen ones, If you had some sort of idea or characters you were interested in I'd be down to bounce ideas back and forth!

Haha, low dopamine goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Not really, other than not really liking loose magic all that much (I don't like handwaving things and have deep-dived into quantum physics for no reason other than to justify the ability to teleport). It can be done well, tho, so that's not so much a preference as it is an itch.

Other than craving found family, I'm open for pretty much anything

Maybe marvel-like?

Oh, yeah, do you wanna continue this here or in PMs?
Hello there! I know I am pretty late to comment this thread, but I wanted to ask if you were still open and interested (?) in a found family trope (?)
Hey there, if your still open I got some plot ideas.
To Introduce myself quickly, I like going by either Akari, or Kit these days, as for pronouns I'm not to picky as He/him is accurate and I'm not trying to hide that. But to be honest I like seeing She/her a bit more. As I mostly play female or trans female characters, and i got a fair amout of interests that swing that way so it just feels better that way to me to have it used ooc as well. I'm open for a lot of different plots. have some slice of life type ideas myself. I do mostly modern, modern/fantasy or sci-fi. But i can do regular fantasy as well just not as good with it.

as for this found family thing, sounds interesting though I've never done one of those rp's before.

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