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Fantasy Kaizoic: Earth Reborn

Shortly, the young Vindav that Bom was tutoring passed by to return the metal-cased scroll he was reading. He glanced down at the picture of the Apexes battling with curiosity.
Putting away his own scroll, the young yellow-crested reptilian returned to Kairo's scroll and flipped through some pages until stopping on a particular entry.

"I heard stories of these monsters." He spoke in a quiet voice unexperienced with the English language.
"They weren't really alive they say. Only shells made to destroy.
Glad they aren't around today."

He returned to browsing the library, leaving the creature he referred to visible from Kairo's view.

It was of a stylized depiction of an armored giant bearing one glowing eye like a visor in a helmet and one arm being a bloody bladed weapon that was spitting fire from where the hand would be.

Even through the artstyle, it was recognizable as a mechanical weapon of war like the Crusaders.
Kairo watched as the Vindav made his way to the books, before looking back down at the illustration that laid before him. The Crusader mech that was depicted looked warped, almost as if it was designed to strike fear in the hearts of the public. He wasn’t surprised that the Vindav wasn’t so fond of them.

But he wasn’t going to let someone disrespect those brave pilots who drove the machine. The Vindav didn’t know the full side of the story, and Kairo would be damned to let it remain that way. Even if that meant divulging to much information.

He stopped mulling, and grasped the scroll. If this act would arouse suspicion, then maybe it wasn’t worth it. But he was willing to take his chances. He quickly walked towards the young Vindav. “I’d like to think they were fighting for a reason.” He answered, one hand on the vindav’s shoulder. “Sure they acted like bloody killers. But the old world needed someone to protect them too.”
The Vindav looked at the mechanical monster.
"Those ones aren't from the Old World." He said with confusion at Kairo's comment. "Those came from the skyships in Arvekii long ago. Bom told me that they started attacking the Sabris before the Sky Kings fought back."
Kairo’s eyebrows perked. This wasn’t what he was expecting as an answer. But nonetheless, it peaked his curiosity.

“Do you happen to know more about what happened then?” He asked. “I’ve only heard vague telling of those events.”
The young saurian glanced at the shelves.
"Bom showed it to me a few months ago. Something titled 'The East Arvekian Wars' or something."
Kairo followed the Vindav's eyes until it reached the one of the shelves. He wasn't entirely sure if this book would still be in English, but it would be worth a try. Checking it out would never hurt. Besides, it would be a good idea to get back to the research, considering there was still so much more to learn in such a short time.

He gave the saurian a smile, thanking him before heading back to his readings. He'd read more about the apexes when he calmed down. He head straight to the shelf with the East Arvekian wars scroll and began searching for the thing.
What he found was a historical account of a Sabris scholar of the Arvekian Territories dated almost 300 years ago.
It told the story of three massive ships of metal descending from the skies into the East where the Kendian tribes lived. What came a few years after were the Sabris's larger cousins fleeing the continent entirely after the warring invaders drove them to near extinction, to recover upon reaching Hennasian shores.
The invaders were discovered to be humans, which according to the scholar had been extinct on the face of the planet for over 9,000 years. At first his people's fascination at contacting a once lost race had soured once their armored metal giants stomped from the recently renamed Eastern Wastes.
What Kairo would read on to learn was that the Arvekian territories were divided into twelve states. Each capital is built around the designated nesting sight of one of their gods, the Children of Imofernii. Each one of these cities worships that specific Hypodraconis as its patron deity. The attacking mechs targeted one of these cities and the patron goddess, Aroki, retaliated fiercely. This sparked the Arvekian Council into declaring war against the humans.
Evidently this was the first of three wars against the three human ships, clearly Noahs, each one scarring the border of Arvekii and the Eastlands with remnants of battle.
The third and Final War involved the Rithian Empire who had long been hostile to the Territories. In this one, which had occured almost a century ago, the united human alliance attempted to establish a foothold in the South Arvekian Territories, which were primarily desert. They no longer had any mechanical giants to utilize as they had been destroyed in the first war. Along the way, they encountered a Rithian fleet and opened fire. The Rithians were already at war with Arvekii at this point so this enflamed a war with three factions that spanned decades. The Final War of Arvekian Aggression ended in a climactic battle involving the remaining human militia, a Rithian army, and ambushing Arvekian forces in an ancient human ruin. The battle ended with the Arvekian God Romicus swooping down and setting fire to the battlefield, leaving practically no survivors and ending the war.
Arvekii took the deity's aggression as a sign to halt their own advances against Rithia under threat of punishment by their own gods.
Humans became practically extinct in Arvekii once more except for a fourth ship that landed after the Second War in the heart of Arvekii. This human colony eventually came to live in peace with the Sabris, and become a thriving city.
As for the hostile humans of the East, their own fortresses built from the ships were beseiged by six of the Arvekian gods and destroyed after the Final War.
The following page bore black-and-white photographs of rusting vehicles from Kairo's time in the desert surrounded by half-buried artillery. Accompanied by these was a photograph of a destroyed Crusader with a banner of some unknown faction painted on its chest. Another was captioned as 'A Human of the Eastland Wastes, during the Final War of Arvekian Aggression' and was of a man in armor that looked to be scrapped together metal plates of an armored suit of technological superiority. A scaly pelt of an Archosaurian was draped around his shoulders in a grim visage of what was essentially barbarism.
The next page was an Arvekian artist's depiction of the climactic battle in the human ruin. Another armored man was firing a laser rifle at a gold-scaled Archosaurian wearing silver plate armor. This had to be a Sabris. They looked to have features similar to a bearded dragon, bearing spiky barbs on their jaw and head. They also appeared to be human-sized, which could not be said for the black-iron plated Archo impaling another human to the side of the painting. The crested head was similar to the Feral's, so this one had to be an Irokai of Rithia.
The snarling soldier had a bladed weapon that glowed red with heat, and had it deep in the chest of the human he stood nearly three feet above. Nearby, a Sabris had stabbed an Irokai in the chest with a bayoneted musket weapon. More and more death and carnage was spread in the background, planting a bloody image at the amount of violence these three peoples had inflicted on the other that day.
Kairo could practically feel his understanding of this new world expand. There was so much in this scroll for him to take in that he had to read each sentence a couple times in order for him to make the mental connections in his head. It seemed most of the information he'd gained wasn't completely new. He knew that there had been other Noah's. He knew that the people within them haven't been very peaceful to the archos, but the extent to which both these events had taken place were much more drastic than he'd assumed. First off, he was surprised by the sheer number of Noah's that had landed before him. He'd remembered Bom had mentioned previous Noah's before him, but he'd believed that there had only been one. Secondly, he didn't know how hostile his kind had been to the archos. The stuff he read seemed like it came straight out of a horror movie. That illustration in particular portraying the human man had particularly disturbed him. That pelt. It belonged to that of an Archos. A living, breathing, creature that had dreams and ambitions of its own. How anyone could be so cruel as to wear the skin of another being as a trophy, he couldn't even begin to understand.

Besides that though, he did gain some tidbits of information on the factions of this world. Mainly Arvekii and Rithia. He'd only had vague understandings of what they were before, but he felt now he was able to at least paint a basic picture of how things functioned. It was a bit alarming how strongly the Archos seemed to be dedicated to the gods. They built cities near there breeding grounds, worshipped and built effigies for them, and even ended a war as to avoid pissing them off. If they were to have so much control over their lives, he wondered if they had really escaped them after these 10,000 years.

Speaking of all the years gone by, why didn't any of the humans survive? It seemed reading the article only left more questions than answers, and Kairo was determined to solve all the mysteries in his head. Starting with an answer to that previous question. Carefully rolling up the scroll, he put it back in the shelf and headed for the scroll labelled 'The End of the Old World'. To say he was curious about that topic was more than an understatement.
The very first thing he saw within was a map of the world as he once knew it. The Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia were all printed upon the page as though copied from a Republic school tablet.
An excerpt by the author, once again Rhylus Archovis, was to the side.

"Prior to the beginning of the Kaizoic Era, and the mass extinction event that ended the Cenozoic, the Earth as we knew it belonged to the now extinct Homo Sapiens; or humans as the common term." He explained.

The next several pages were a rather impressive summary of human history from the Roman Empire all the way to the 26th century and the formation of the Global Republic.
Rhylus chronicles the events of the American Rebel War and the First and Second Emergences. These entries were accompanied by surprisingly preserved images from holovids of news reports and digital newspapers.
The lack of mention of the Noahs probably meant that Rhylus had not discovered any archaeological records of them.

"After the human empires and governments fell from the plights of their crumbling world, this was the time in which the creatures that would later be named as gods battled one another to establish the new natural order and where each creature fit in it.
As this war of titans went on, the Earth continued to shift and crack as it reshaped itself. Coupled with this, the remaining humans had little to protect them from the changing world. In the span of three centuries, the mammals that once ruled the planet were driven into extinction.
The Archosaurians would come to emerge shortly after, fleeing from the destruction of the underground ecosystems that we all evolved within, and would come to inhabit partially destroyed human architecture. The Irokai and Sabris primarily colonized entire cities and taught ourselves only a fraction of what the humans had accomplished from a technological standpoint.
Even the name of our world we owe to humanity, as do the Irokai on our capability to create seafaring ships, or the Sabris on constructing their impressive cities or their water industry.
All of our civilization and technology, albeit quite primitive when compared to what the humans once possessed, is owed to the inventors of a people now gone from the world.
We, each of us, have carved our own culture and identity upon history and the lands we lay claim to, but all of it would most likely not exist if not for the tools and teachings our predecessors left behind in their final days."
Kairo had almost expected their to be some kind of big event. A catastrophe that would have wiped out the remaining population single-handedly, but it looked like that wasn't the case. He didn't know which would have been better. If everyone were to suddenly perish, then at least no one would have to suffer through life post-apocalypse. He wondered how the last few humans on earth must have felt, living in a dying world with nothing but their on thoughts to keep them occupied. It must have been a hopeless and lonely life. He didn't envy them at all.

The scroll also helped to explain why their was so much in common about this civilization and his own. It would only make sense the the archosaurian had adopted many of the technologies used by humans, as they entered the world not long after the extinction of their predecessors. It gave him a bit of comfort knowing that a chunk of the old world still persisted, as fragmented as it may be.

Again he put the scroll back on the shelf, before looking down at the scroll still in his hand. He'd put off on reading it for long enough, especially since he felt recovered enough to continue reading. He needed to know a bit more about this Imofernii god, especially after his personal account and his apparent status in Arvekii. He opened up the scroll and skimmed until he reached his section.
The chapter on Imofernii detailed his awakening in the First Emergence in the last centuries of the Cenozoic Era. Kairo would recall stories similar to these, as they spoke of the same events.
This Imofernii was the first Apex to appear. Rising from the ruins of Paris, and with him dozens of other hibernating Hypodraconi, the Alpha Hypo left Europe an ashen wasteland in attacks that held the element of surprise.
The Republic had no response to a flying predator that size until the Crusaders arrived from other parts of the world.

After man's extinction, Imofernii established a small swarm of Hypos under his rule, killing rivals and culling the population to a manageable state. Apparently, another species of much smaller flying reptile awoke soon after and established a symbiotic relationship with the larger Hypos, Alphas specifically. These Theranodars as they are named, are 40 ft winged predators that spit a flammable liquid from glands in their mouths. They follow Alphas in the dozens and assist in hunting or fighting an enemy creature. Spraying their compound onto the target for their Hypo leader to set aflame with explosive results.
Imofernii lorded over a number of females and bore twelve children to survive until adulthood.
The ape-like Gakimos came up North and they fought with the Hypos over food and territory for centuries. The war was won, and unknown to the family of Hypos were the race of Archosaurians (later named the Sabris), were sheltered in the ruined cities of mankind watching the flying predators defend their land from the invading Gakimos. This birthed the religion of Imofernii as the Sunfather, and would eventually lead to the symbiotic relationship between Hypos and Sabris. The faithful Sabris would build pyramid-like temples near the hotwater springs the Hypos nest in, and the fliers would make use of them like birds to a birdhouse. Imofernii had the grandest of these temples, and over time the states of the Arvekian Territories would be formed along with the ruling Council.
For generations, the Sunfather and his twelve offspring soared the skies over Arvekii and maintained order as Alphas of their respectable territories. Hunting together along the coasts and deserts of their shared home, this sparked a cultural prosperity for the Sabris.

The final pages told the story on how this golden age for Arvekii came to an end. How a fleet from the newly founded Rithian Empire landed upon the shores of Arvekii. This was first contact of the Sabris and Irokai, and it did not go peacefully. The leader, an Irokai prince named Othek Archovis lead raiding parties throughout the land. According to records, this was done so due to the religious differences between the two species. The Irokai see the great beasts that rule the planet as Tyrants that must one day be overthrown, whereas the Sabris see them and the Hypos as part of a global ecosystem and divine. Pillage and plunder were dealt by the iron-wielding Archos, but the greatest crime dealt was one that left a scar upon the Arvekian people.
Through means not quite confirmed, and in a side note by the publisher, still debated. Othek Archovis hunted and slew Imofernii and upset the ecological balance that he established. His children became territorial toward each other and the Territories became culturally divided. Rithia and Arvekii have been in multiple wars and attempted invasions since, with the Empire attempting to gain a hold on Arvekii's flowing silver abundance, and the Territories seeking retribution for the murder of their prime savior.
Most of the information he'd found here had been hinted on in the other scrolls, but that didn't mean that Kairo wasn't any less interested. Doing his best to be emotionally detached from the topic, he slowly read each word to make sure every little aspect was glued into his mind. He'd remember hearing about the destruction of Europe. Back then, he was the only hypo people had to worry about. Not that Kairo would have known. He was born pretty far after the first emergence.

The fact that apparently Imofernii had gasoline-spitting dinosaurs on his side must have made him a force to be reckoned with. Thank gosh this only happened after the extinction of his race, a flame breathing dragon may have been cool in theory, but not as much when replicated in real life.

What probably shocked Kairo the most was how influential Imofernii and his children were. Even though the way that this had occurred was probably just coincidence, it was still surprising how far their influence went. It must have caused them a lot of grief when Imofernii was slain. It was only acceptable that Rithia and the Arvekian territories don't really get along that well.

Mulling over the information for a while, he then closed the scroll. He'd get more time to learn about the apexes later. For now, there was still many other scrolls that he wanted to read. This time going from left to right, he grabbed the first scroll that he hadn't read. This one read 'The Archosaurian Study' in big bold text on its label.
The book was a biological study on Archosaurians. Much like how scientists before the formation of the Republic studied the ancestry of human evolution, Rhylus made accounts on his research on the origins of the Archo species and the 5 breeds surviving today.

He cross-referenced the fossil record created by humanity and found the link between the Archos and their prehistoric ancestors. Apparently, Archosaurians are descended from a small theropod from the Cretaceous period; Troodon.
Rhylus mentions he would try to learn how dinosaurs survived the extinction long ago, as he did not have the answers at the time of the book's publishing.

The majority afterward was information on all the breeds of Archo.
The Irokai and their reputation as the most predatory Archosaurians. Originally native to North Hennasia before being driven out by Apsanoth. They migrated south and across the sea to discover Rithia and founded the Empire after learning how to reverse engineer leftover human mining equipment into a multitude of inventions to aid them in surviving in the harsh climate. There were entries on Irokai vocal chords and their strength in roaring, the evolutionary purposes of the armored crests males possess, and a few pictures of newly hatched infants bearing colored feathers before they fall out in their pre-adolescent stages.
Sabris are a desert-dwelling species that have a diet specialized for hard-shelled fruits and eggs. The spikes they possess are evolved to deter predators, and there is a note on how they are the only Archos bearing such defensive features.
Kendians are in the same evolutionary family as Sabris, but are nomadic hunters that prefer dense forest and wetland. The largest of the Archos, but reputably the most docile when passive. When threatened, their throats will flush with color and they have impressive strength when forced to fight. There were several notes on their hunting customs and rites of passage into thei respectable clans.
Vindav are distant cousins of the Irokai, and the smallest breed of Archo. Ambush predators in the Kaveran jungle, they live in scattered villages around mountains to have a means of avoiding larger predators. They have quills on their heads and neck that grow into colorful plumage in the spring.
The Prophenii are the most illusive of the Archosaurians, being nomadic and living a mostly aquatic life along the coasts of the world. They are another cousin of the Irokai, but taller, leaner, and coated in feathers and colored plumage around the head and tail. Rhylus made notes that they have no instincual territorial instincts, being as they swim and fish wherever the catch is plentfiful. Very docile despite sharing some similar features with their predatory, crested cousins.
The rest goes into different color patterns of each species and more specific features each on possesses.
It was pretty impressive how different the 5 different races were, especially since they had all come from what was assumed to be the same genome. He was never one for biology, but he was pretty sure such diversity wasn't very common. Each subspecies had developed such different traits. The Sabris's spikes, the Irokai's armoured crests. It seemed that the archosaurian's had taken adapting to the environment to the extreme. Besides skin colour, human diversity didn't really get that much more complicated. Then again, the archons did have much more time to evolve, ever since the end of the dinosaurs by the looks of it.

One thing he wondered though, was how these people managed to go unnoticed for so long. He would have thought such an advanced civilization would have been easily able to find dinosaur people under the ground, especially if they've been coexisting on the same planet for millennia. Maybe humans weren't as smart as he chalked them up to be, that seemed plausible, since they didn't figure out that there were giant monsters literally below the ground either. Either they were dumb, or really unlucky.

The scroll did teach him a lot about the different Archosaurian's that inhabited the land though, and of practical use, this one might have been the most important. But alas, there was only so much he could get out of one scroll. He went for the next one in order, fitting the biology them again, this one was on the Ecology of the Kaveran Jungle. He'd seen a lot of the Kaveran jungle already, but it'd be nice to learn the science behind it. Besides, there was still much he assumed he hadn't seen.
It listed in great detail the vast variety of animals that lived in the tropical part of Hennasia. Some Kairo had seen before, like the side-striped Deer or the nocturnal Tyravi. Others were impressive to witness even from upon parchment. The Cerataur was an elephant-sized herbivore that roamed in great herds across the jungle and beyond. They were noted to travel in groups of females lead by an aggressive male. Bearing armored heads and feathered frills over their downed bodies; there was a prehistoric beauty to them.
Next was a Pavem Laetopteryx, which was a 20 foot long omnivore that mostly ate the insects that dwell in rotting logs or hollowed trees. It bore a sharp tipped beak for piercing through wood and had one sharp spear-tip claw on each arm for similar purposes. Its appearance was quite relative to a peacock with its greens and blues across its thick-feathered body. To Kairo, it looked like if someone mixed a dinosaur with an extra flamboyant peacock. A creature listed as the top predator of the jungles is the giant lizard Nirothak. Kairo had seen one of these on the Noah when one of the robotic drones scouted the area shortly after they landed. The Nirothak was the size of a building, and a mossy green color with blue crests over its eyes. It bore similarities to a monitor lizard in body-shape, but the posture was made for chasing down prey. Teeth poked from out of its mouth, and there was a drawing of the inside of its mouth bearing retractable fangs. These were as long as 6 feet typically and bore a potent venom that is found in its saliva but concentrated in the fangs.

There were dozens upon dozens of mammals and dinosaur-like creatures to be found in the forest, but those ones looked to be the most notable of the list.
Kairo's eyebrows cocked. These creatures that roamed here were much larger than the ones he was used too. He would have expected the tyravi to be a one off situation, but as it seems that just wasn't the case. When the competition was big, he guessed that everyone else had to get bigger too. That original Cerataur he'd seen paled in comparison to the other creatures. It seemed that reptiles had again taking their dominance as the most abundant species. Which made sense, considering even the intelligent life seemed to be reptiles. With all these big creatures wandering around, he truly wondered how civilization could have even be possible. Considering a big predator could probably destroy a village in nothing but a day. Then again, nothing about this was expected in the first place, so it wasn't too surprising.

Finally, he was at the last notable scroll. He could learn about the spices later. He put the scroll back and reached for the scroll on the Rithian empire.
The introduction was a foreword by Rhylus. It stated how he wrote this historical document with no bias based on his race or religious influence.
Another foreword was by an Arvekian scholar who stated that she added on to Rhylus's work centuries after it was written.

The story of the Irokai had it's origination in myth, as all Archo breeds had. What life was like before the planet reshaped was now lost to them. Their underground sanctuaries that saved the dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures from extinction were now lost to time and impossible to rediscover in this technological era.
What can be pieced together, are particular carvings along human ruins depicting tribalistic Irokai competing with human survivors after the Cataclysm. Rhylus states how it may have been possible that these first generations of Irokai on the surface had a part to play in man's extinction.

After five thousand years of adapting to the new world, the ancient Irokai fought with each other over food and land. These tribes housed themselves in crumbling human cities, and waged war with each other. Eventually, Apsanoth awoke in the North and came down to wreak destruction upon the warring clans.
This time of death and ruin repeated until one Irokai chief named Arinvahl waited for the Crown of Ruin inside a delapitated human skyscraper. He had laid traps for the titan, made of salvaged human artillery that he had positioned high in the surrounding buildings. When the Ruiner came, the trap was sprung and dozens of explosive weapons were fired in the beast's face, stunning it and leaving it open for Arinvahl to destroy the buildings with bombs. The crumbling towers buried Apsanoth beneath rubble, and drew blood from the ancient creature.
Arinvahl stood in the wake of the trapped beast and pried off a tooth loosened by the attack. Once Apsanoth freed himself, he turned and returned North in what was seen as a defeat.
The other tribes hailed Arinvahl as a hero, and sweared loyalty to him. The soon to be King made a headress of iron and feathers with his tooth of Apsanoth as the centerpiece.
Years after, once he had united the tribes under his banner, he lead the united Irokai out of the desolate lands that would eventually be named the Scarred North.

Through Hennasia he led them, past the areas where the Kaveran jungle was beginning to bloom, until they reached the Tattered Isles on the southern tip of the continent. Caught in the territory of the now extinct Pheridos's, Arinvahl taught his followers how to understand leftover human technology on a basic level and utilized this cooperation to slay a number of the beasts to their eventual extinction. Using their hides and salvaging derelict human sea vessels, he further led the remaining Irokai across the sea with the promise of a place free of the Tyrants that plagued them for so long.
Eventually, they discovered a continent that had blossomed after being frozen in the Old World. Arinval named it Rithia after his old tribe; the Rythos. Arinvahl led the colonization of this land, and eventually bore two sons and created his familial line; Archovis.
The twin brothers; Rhylus and Othek learned under their father how to survive in this harsh land of brutal winter. Rhylus was smaller than his brother, and more scholarly than his warrior-eager sibling. He eventually came to find human mining equipment built to dig in snow, and invented a thermal vent device that is used to this day to provide a blanket of heat to Rithia's cities in the winter.

By the time Arinvahl died, he was seen as a God-King to the Irokai. Their savior, their leader, their One King. In honor of his memory, they buried him in the heart of Rithia and built the first city of Rithia around his tomb. This was the foundation of the soon to be Empire. Othek and Rhylus assisted in organizing the Irokai without their father; Rhylus documenting for historical purposes and further studying human technology.
Othek built fleets and organized the remainders of the old tribes into the Hierarchal Houses of the Empire. These families rule over Rithia in separate provinces in alliance with the other. No centralized, single being would be their leader in honor of Arinvahl the One King of Rithia. In later years, when the Empire was established and in its youth, Othek desired to carry on his father's legacy and journey away from the land he discovered. Taking ten of their ships, the young prince led a fleet across the sea, surviving an encounter with Tiatritus only to crash on the shores of Arvekii.
The following pages were a telling of the events that transpired there that Kairo read in a previous scroll. Rhylus describes his brother's deed as a 'misguided way to follow their father's legacy'.
Rhylus himself protested the following war to the Hierarchy and his brother, and took ships to assist in establishing shelter and aid to the Sabris fleeing the raided cities.
Upon discovery, Rhylus was apprehended by his brother and brought to Rithia. Afterward, Rhylus left Rithia with the intention to broaden the Empire's knowledge of the world without the aggressive expansion his brother preferred. Rhylus spent the majority of his life traveling the world and documenting much of what would become modern academia. He named the Archosaurian breeds and catalogued much knowledge in his vast collection of writings. Returning to Arvekii and Rithia on separate trips, he made sure his works were published by both nations to ensure no one people would grow with awareness of their world. After his works were published, he went back to his travels and was not seen again. Othek never claimed the title of King after the war, as the Hierarchy found his ways too brutish for the Empire's future. At this point in time he had taken the tooth of Apsanoth claimed by his father and fashioned it into a warpick that he used to fight the Sabris. In a bitter state, he went on a hunting trip into Hennasia and was too not seen again. The trophy of Arinvahl lost along with his bloodline, yet the Empire endured and eventually began manufacturing firearms and technological advances not seen since early industrial humans.
Their feud with Arvekii led to a few brief skirmishes and wars that always led to temporary non aggression as neither could fully reach the homeland of the other. The Empire began colonizing the Tattered Isles of Hennasia in a goal to one day reclaim their ancestral homeland from Apsanoth's rule. The Great Reclamation is a religious symbol of the Irokai's return to home and them overthrowing the 'False Gods' that terrorized them in their early history.
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Kairo found lots to marvel in this piece. Never had he even thought that the Rithian empire had such an interesting and notable history. He was half expecting some rich guy to come out of nowhere and draft some kind of constitution. Though that didn't turn out to be the case.

First thing that seemed noteworthy was Arinvahl. Especially his battle with Apsanoth. It seemed just so impossible for him to have even dealt a blow to that beast. Even back in the old world, with technology far out rivalling the scrappy remains today, it was difficult to land any kind of real blow on the thing. And then 5,000 years later, and just one persons actions could have defeated Apsanoth? Whoever Arinvahl is, he didn't seem like someone he'd want to mess with. The man was a great leader too, leading his people to the founding of the empire was no small feat for one person.

Then, there was that name. The name he had read more than once in this scroll. Arinvahl had been an archovis. Not only that, but Rhylus and Othek had both been his sons. He'd assumed that Rhylus had some kind of familial connection to Othek, but he never expected the two of them to be that closely bonded, at least in blood. Their relationship on the other hand, was anything but. It must have been hard on Rhylus, knowing that his own brother had caused so much of the anguish he was trying to correct. If the Irokai was here today, Kairo would have had to thank him for all his dedication and hard work.

Carefully rolling up the scroll, he put it back on the shelf. He glanced at the spice scroll again, a bit conflicted whether he should read it or not. In the end, he decided against it. Besides, a few hours had already passed, and his brain was beginning to hurt from all the new information he gained. With a quite yawn, he walked around the library. Simultaneously to stretch himself out, and to hopefully find Bom.
The faded grey Kendian was busy reorganizing scrolls and rolled up maps on the shelves by the door. The young Vindav had left and Kairo was now the only patron within the small library.
It wasn’t hard for Kairo to find the Kendian, considering he just had to follow the only other noise being made in the whole building. Finding him near the entrance. He knocked on a nearby shelf to gain the mans attention.
Bom glanced at him, his eyes were behind a pair of glass monocles that were attached to a leather band strapped to his head.
Archosaurian reading glasses maybe?

"Ah, young Kairo." He greeted. "I did not know you were still here." A warm smile crept on his face.
Kairo waved, returning the smile. He took note of the glasses bom was wearing. It made him look very scholarly that was for sure.

“Let’s just say I got really into those readings.” He used his thumb, pointing at the shelf in question. “There’s a lot of cool stuff on those scrolls.”
"Thank you." Bom nodded. "It took a long time for me to aquire those. I traded an antique Kendian war spear for those long ago. They came from the Arvekian capital city originally."
If those scrolls costed Bom a fortune, he wondered how much the Kendian had to give up to create such a huge collection. Whatever amount of effort the man had put in, Kairo was well appreciative of it.

“Well whoever made that trade definitely lost on that deal.” He joked. “You need any help with organizing?”
"No thank you, I can manage." Bom nodded. "It's become routine for me." He adjusted his glasses and returned to his work just as a tapping came from the window.

Rufus was standing outside pointing to his wrist as a metaphor for a watch.

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