Kaiju Academy *REBOOT*

Kat Attack

| Wasted You†h |
Here students can give plot suggestions! Be descriptive on what you have in mind.

  • If you are rp-ing with one other person you may move freely

Remember Headmaster has the final say in major movements!


Take time to relax, studying can be hard. Everyone needs a break.
Question: For the "At least 6 sentences" rule, can there be exceptions for when, say, two characters are conversing?
jamaicanviking said:
Question: For the "At least 6 sentences" rule, can there be exceptions for when, say, two characters are conversing?
I would really like you to TRY and be descriptive as possible. But I understand some situations make that hard to do. In that case, use AT LEAST 3. That sounds fair.


AvidElmV2 said:
@Kat Attack I guess I can't recycle Blake now.... Wait, does Satan have multiple sons?
PM me Blake and I'll reread his bio and we can work something out. :)
@Steel Zinogre @Odin4Life4Life @Silvey @AvidElmV2 @The Akolite @Neal Satou

Attention students!!! I'm about to post the starting thread.



I do NOT want the Char Sign Up and the In Char Rping threads to be cluttered with little things.

PLEASE REMEMBER!!!! (this rule starts now cause I forgot to enforce it in the char sign up lol oops.)
Sorry @Steel Zinogre I didn't see your post until I went back. For some reason, I blame my phone, I got all flustered and posted out of order. My b. But it's all fixed.
Oi, @Steel Zinogre from now on, if you reply or mention anyone's char in your post could you put "@(insert username of person)" instead of the reply button? The thread gets crowded otherwise. Thank ya kindly.
Sorry for not making first post i have bin really buisy with work, but i will post soon currently doing personal stuff know. Any suggestions on how i should introduce myself or should i just come in, as if i was arriving on the first day?
@Steel Zinogre : I don't think Ruby should know Williams' name, he hasn't reviled his name yet. Also just to clear stuff up he said "I don't know your name" to @Kat Attack ; just to clear it up, sorry for any confusion.
Kat Attack] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5069-lord-anubis/ said:
@Lord Anubis[/URL] it's the first day and we have hardly even started anything so you're on track to post your introduction as if the assembly just ended.
Ok thanks!

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