Kaiju Academy *REBOOT*

Kat Attack

| Wasted You†h |







Monster Appearance:


Monster Abilities/Powers:



Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly)

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.



ALSO!!! Once we reach about 6-8 people I'll be closing the RP until someone drops. This will limit confusion.


NOTE: The Headmaster, (also known as @Kat Attack) is not someone you can interact with in the RP. She is simply here for the purpose of answering questions in OOC Chat, to start the RP, and move plot along. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS A NARRATOR.
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Name: Lillith *Persephone (*a greek name probably composed of the elements persô "person; human being" and phonos "murderer, slayer," hence "person-slayer.")

Age: 17

Grade: First Year

Gender: Female

Species: Demon



Lillith is slightly on the taller side, (for a female anyway.) She has piercing sapphire eyes that stand out against her pale white skin. Her black hair flows freely to the middle of her back. Peaking out of her hair are two large ram horns that curl tightly against either side of her head. She has yet to get a hold of her "human form" and stick with it. She abides by the school dress code, except instead of the formal top Lillith wears a white, tight fitting, Victorian ruffled blouse.

Monster Appearance: In her true form Lillith is returned to her formal Outer Ring attire, much like that of an old Victorian dress. (Although there is always those pesky blood stains scattered about the pure white fabric.)

Her entire right arm is then transformed into a large black blade that, when standing, almost reaches the ground. The blade is extremely sharp and thin, yet powerful nonetheless.

Personality: Lillith is a spitfire to say the least. She is very outspoken and has no filter, which tends to get her in trouble. She is loud and always makes herself know in a room. Hardly timid, Lillith must pry away until she finds whatever it is she is looking for in you. Her pride is a large factor in who she is. She'll never admit to defeat and must always find a way to be right. She never shows compassion towards her victims, yet these new acquaintances seem to be bringing out a strange, sickly feeling inside her. Could that be… empathy?

Monster Abilities/Powers:

  • Hell Fire Manipulation: User can summon the fires of Hell at will
  • Fear Inducement: The user can evoke and increase fear and horror in others causing the target's brain to release fear-inducing chemicals. The victim's perception may be altered, causing them see their environment as ominous and the user as dark and foreboding
  • Telekinesis: The power to manipulate objects with the mind
  • Swordsmanship: In her true form, Lillith's entire right arm shifts into a large black blade which can be wielded at will

Bio: Lillith was born from the 7th Circle of Hell; otherwise known as Violent. Lillith spent her early years living peacefully in the Outer Ring. The Outer Ring suited her. After all, this ring was home to the Violent against people and property. At an early age this vixen began tormenting the souls dammed to suffer an eternity in her homeland. She was being groomed to become the next ruler of the Outer Ring like her father. After years in the shadow of her father, Lillith was ready to take over. She contained great power, yet the ruler of Violent, Minotaur, deemed she was not yet suited to come into command. The light inside her soul was something much too bright for eternal darkness. She was missing the shadows of evil within. Therefore, at the age of 18 Lillith was banished from Violent until she proved she could rule. Minotaur has given Lillith a task: kill 100 innocent souls and return home an emperor. Yet Lillith is conflicted. She finds these "earthly" creatures a bit too fascinating. Could they be bringing out her softer side?

Extra: Being from Hell, Lillith has no knowledge of pure water, (however the 7th Circle has a lovely river of blood.) Therefore she is easily frightened by large pools, drinking fountains, and rain.

Signature: Lillith Persephone (Although I will make no such promises to your dense terms and agreements.)

Name: Luther Balan* (*A Prince of Hell)

Age: 19

Grade: Senior

Gender: Male

Species: Demon



Luther stands at a tall 6’3”. He has piercing red eyes that stand out against his pale white skin. His black hair falls around his face and down his back. On either side of his head you will find a set of 3 horns that peak out of his hair. Luther is always dressed in high class clothing, looking like a true king no matter the occasion. His favorite look included a black button down with the sleeves rolled up a bit, a gray vest, black pants, and black leather gloves.

Monster Appearance: Same as above

Personality: Luther is, to put it bluntly, an asshole. He’s snobbish, loves to torment, and cannot keep his mouth shut to save his life. If he has a thought, it’ll be said no matter who he is talking to. However, Luther likes to put on an act. He’ll play the sweet, charming, romantic boy of your dreams until he gets what he wants. He’s cunning, manipulative, and would do anything for power without a second thought. If you thought Lillith was arrogant, wait until you meet her rival.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

  • Enhanced abilities, speed strength, ect.
  • Possession
  • Mental manipulation
  • Dark element manipulation

Bio: Luther was born from the 7th Circle of Hell; otherwise known as Violent. Luther lived a pampered life as ruler of the Inner Ring. He came into power at a young age after killing his family to gain control. Feared by all in Violent, Luther decided he needed to expand his control. Luther started a war against the Middle Ring. After what seemed like no time at all, Luther had taken over the Middle ring. Luther, still hungry for power, decided to visit the Outer Ring. Here he met Lillith. Luther devised a plan, marry Lillith and take control of the last ring, becoming King of Violent. However Lillith wanted nothing to do with him. Angered by the rejection, Luther began planning to launch another war against the Outer Ring. He has moved to Kaiju Academy to recruit more souls for his army.

Extra: Luther and Lillith have history. He likes to call Lillith, “Lilly pad”

Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly): XO, Luther

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.
Name: Neal Satou

Age: 17



Species:demon/human hybrid


Monster Appearance: Royal Demon


Personality: (split personality)

  • human form: kind, smart, caring, protective, creative,
  • Demon form: Sadistic, destructive, protective, smart, Brave, Willful

Monster Abilities/Powers:super strength, super speed, can make any type of sword (holy or demonic) that can be changed at will. powers grow stronger while in devil form

Bio:His original Personality was his devil form but had lost all of his memories about his past.Neal always has to keep his anger in check otherwise his devil form starts to take over.it's hard for Neal to make friends due to the fact that he is a destructive demon.

Extra:Carries a sword handle. Neal's father related to a former ruler of hell. Had to leave school in the middle of the year last year to learn to control his demon form yet somehow passed to the next year

Signature: Neal Satou

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.


Name: Alexandria

Age: 17

Grade: 3

Gender: Female

Species: Celestial-Human


5'7/125 Ib

With Armor: 150 Ib




Alexandria is a tomboy in sense, she doesn't enjoy much of the same things as normal girls like, she likes to fight and spar, often fighting with anyone she meets; whether verbally or physically. She hates anything fancy or girly like, and is completely oblivious to love. Despite being prone to fighting, she is actually not mean and likes to help out others if you earn her respect.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

Brute strength: Self explanatory

Aether manipulation: The ability to manipulate the energy of the universe, able to do impossible feats by human standards. She is able to increase her own strength with this, along with creating/changing items, and defying physics by being able to walk up walls, etc.


She hails from Asmodae, a strong military country from a distant plane; her country is very military centered as it dominates much of the world she comes from. In her younger years, she showed much promise in becoming a warrior and by the age of 14, she had become the youngest commander in the army; and one of the best. She has an amazing military prowess, able to turn certain defeat into overwhelming victory, and combined with her physical might, she is someone who you do not want to mess with


+ Fighting

+ Training

+ Food

+ Arguing

+ Sparing

+ Yelling

- Arrogance

- Bullying

- Losing

- Anything sour

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual


I,Alexandria, swear to not kill anyone

William Cerberus

Name: William Cerberus

Age: 17 (Human years)

Grade: 3rd

Gender: Male

Species: Cerberus


Human form: 6'2/125.5 IB

Cerberus form: 80'0/400 IB



Monster Appearance:



William is a very mixed person, sometimes he can be nice to someone, sometimes he is a complete douchebag to them; it just really depends on how he feels that day, he has a hard time showing his true emotions, but does honestly try. He is very loyal to a fault, often obeying even the simplest of orders down to the fault, even more so when from a high ranking demon as he is bound to by his masters will. He very much loves blood and bloodshed, often going coo coo for it when its around; he claims it is a medical condition but yeah... If this is your first time meeting him he can be cold and distant, but over time he will open up to you.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

Flames of Tartarus: He has the ability to conjure the flames of Tartarus itself, the hottest thing to ever exist as it can burn/harm even demons and gods. He is also able to teleport and transform using this skill. He is also able to use this skill in order to contact his master and search through all the information of hell itself

Ultimate Necromancy: The ability to control all forms of the undead, including zombies, spirits, skeletons, etc. He is not limited ot one option, a perk when you guard hell itself.

Shadowmancy: The ability to control darkness and shadows.


William, or Cerberus, is the three headed dog who guards the entrance to hell, something he has been doing for thousands upon thousands of years. He makes sure that only the dead get in, and no one gets out. After thousands of years of this, he has been commanded to come to this school, though he does not know why, he still obeys his masters words to thss day.


+ Obeying commands

+ Heat

+ Hell

+ Demons

+ Fighting

+ Eating

- Angels

- disobeying commands

- Losing

- Arguing

- Questions

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


I,William Cerberus, hereby agree to keeping my human form and swear not to kill anyone...unless commanded by my master to do so.
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Name: Warren Atkinson

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male

Species: Reaper


Monster Appearance: None as of yet, although high-class reapers can potentially transform into a ghostly apparition:


Personality:Warren is a rather laid-back individual, not really caring about superficial qualities when making friends. He is very outgoing, yet tactless, and he sometimes ends up offending someone unintentionally.

Because of the way he was raised, he has a slight prejudice towards certain types of sentient undead creatures (i.e. vampires) due to the fact that they have effectively cheated death (and thus, defied the Reapers on a fundamental level.)

Reapers are promised every morally-neutral soul, but the wicked and good are reserved for demons and angels, respectively. Reapers are given a small percentage of these souls as well, similar to a sharecropping system. However, they see the amount as minuscule, and because of this Warren and his kin hold a negative disposition towards both factions, seeing them as "free-loaders" and "thieves."

Monster Abilities/Powers: Functional immortality, e.g. he can die, but not permanently. As is the case with Reapers, Warren possesses a scythe which can harvest the souls of living humans. HOWEVER, he has not nearly reached that level of skill and ability, so thus far, it's really just a stick. As mentioned above, high-class reapers can turn into an intangible being that is quite powerful. Warren is not quite obviously not high-class. He can also see into the very souls of beings, and can decipher certain things from that, such as being able to see their emotions, etc.

Bio:Warren Atkinson was born into a family of 3; His father Thomas, mother Claudia, and older sister Janine. What most people don't know, however, is that the Atkinson lineage is notorious amongst the astral planes of existence as Reapers; Servants of the Netherworld tasked with the harvesting and policing of souls. The Atkinsons are "nobility" of sorts, and are an offshoot of the Grimm Family, the highest tier of all Reapers. Warren's sister is a recognized prodigy of the community, and is renowned for her aptitude with the necromantic arts. Warren's ability, on the other hand, pales in comparison to his older sibling.

His parents are adamant on making sure that the family's reputation stays intact, and has since sent Warren to Kaiju in order to train him correctly, and ensure that he lives up to the family's expectations. Warren isn't exactly keen on harvesting souls for the rest of eternity, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to appease his family, and bring honor to the Atkinson name.

Extra: As Warren becomes more experienced, his power will increase, and as such, so will his scythe's. He is vehemently attached to the weapon, and keeps it with him at all times.

Signature: (Warren Claudia Atkinson)

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.
Name: Kain veilstorm

Age: 5,654 yrs old( he was asleep for some of it.)

Grade: junior

Gender: male

Species: Void dragon


normal red eyes they glow only when angered. Skin is is pale white, hair same color as pic.

Monster Appearance:

Personality: kain has a strong sense of pride, and is very intelligent. While not so direct in searching searching for friends he does not mind some. Kain is dedicated to any task he sets his mind to as such he is very driven.

Bio: Kain was born to a powerful union of the two strongest draconian blood lines. Although seen as heresy by some in both kingdoms the union provided a semi stable peace between the two blood lines. As a child he was trained in various forms of self defence as well as offensive fighting techniques. He was also trained in swordsmenship, archery, spear throwing and in flight fighting. In his teens( which all these time frames were in the hundreds of years given the dragons aging process which they stop at 20.) He learned various academic skills ranging in all the basic categories math, science, history and various languages including culture.

Monster powers: Twilight manipulation: Capabilities:

User can create, shape and manipulate twilight, mixed essence of light and darkness.

In some worlds Twilight is also an access to the Twilight Realm, an alternate dimension of sort which can also be considered a "Shadow World", of which has some mirror-style influence on the "Light World" depending on what happens in the Twilight Realm, as it is a world between light and dark. Any objects or area covered in twilight may also be transformed based on the nature of the said objects.

(I will do my best not to make him op if I do go over board please do let me know)

Light magice: using holy energy or healing magic.

Darkness magic: control over dark energy black magic.

Extra: He enjoys science, and loves to experiment. Does have a duel Personality given his split nature so he will be dark sometimes while friendly at other times.


Kain Valance Veilstorm

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.(Hope this is ok :) ! )
Name:Haruka Shimazu




Species:Shadow speaker

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/original.png.25efc101d840234944c5efbf01dbafcb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47631" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/original.png.25efc101d840234944c5efbf01dbafcb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Monster Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Shadow.png.e3ec8dc306c4a5dbc16cbca4869006e4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47632" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Shadow.png.e3ec8dc306c4a5dbc16cbca4869006e4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Happy and care free she is rarely provoked but her shadow has a short tamper and will not hold back getting rid of something it doesn't like.

Monster Abilities/Powers:Haruka can use her shadow to attack and defend but the shadow has a will of its own and will protect Haruka without her saying it is very fast and can be tougher then steel. Haruka can also wear Kai as armor and being coconnected to him has given her super strength

Bio:As a child Haruka played with an imaginary friend named Kai but she soon found out Kai was very real and was bound to her through her shadow. Haruka didn't understand but she liked having a friend Kai was happy to have a friend as well and will do anything for her. They go to the academy

to make more friends and learn what Kai is.

Signature:(Haruka Shimazu and Kai)

Me and Kai swear to not hurt humans.



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@Lord Anubis I'm just a little concerned with the Twilight Realm. I know you said "Any objects or area covered in twilight may also be transformed based on the nature of the said objects." I feel if a char was covered in Twilight it would seem unfair to them because they would have contrl and we don't want that. Thoughts?

@Nenma Takashi Accepted! Welcome to the Academy!
Kat Attack] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5069-lord-anubis/ said:
@Lord Anubis[/URL] I'm just a little concerned with the Twilight Realm. I know you said "Any objects or area covered in twilight may also be transformed based on the nature of the said objects." I feel if a char was covered in Twilight it would seem unfair to them because they would have contrl and we don't want that. Thoughts?
@Nenma Takashi Accepted! Welcome to the Academy!
I was only going to have it effect the environment not the person example being normal trees twisting in unatural ways, etc. Is that ok?

Name: Ruby Stones

Age: 16

Grade: sophomore

Gender: female

Species: Brachydios/ Human hybrid



Monster Appearance: she cannot change into a monster, since her monster parts show already.

Personality: When calm: She is very friendly and sometimes shy, but extroverted nonetheless.

When angered: she is very stubborn and volatile, and those who try to stop her rampage must either be really fast to wear her out, or underestimate her and get hurt. When she is angered, she will blindly rampage until she falls asleep from exhaustion. just stay away from her when she is mad, or YOU WILL DIE.

Monster Abilities/Powers: Aside from enhanced strength, agility, and speed, she is more than that. She can produce slime that can explode from the size of a firecracker, to the size of a 20 lbs wad of c4, depending on the size of the puddle. Along with this, she can survive extreme temperatures, and has a thick shell that only .50 caliber (or bigger) bullets can penetrate. but with all that slime, it all can be washed away with water (unless she is showering, then she is fine with it.) The tail is used for 3 things, Balance, as a pillow, and as a weapon. she can also remove her shell when it is damaged or too tight.

Bio: ruby was abandoned as a baby, until she was found by a human woman and her wife in a dumpster. that woman happened to be an elementary school teacher, and the wife was a scientist that learned to care for her as years went on, but at age 14, that was when the powers came to light, and had to be “Observed” a little more than usual, since her aggression rose immensely since then. now she attends kaiju academy, where she will learn to cope and control her abilities.

Extra: she loves to eat a lot of fruit, especially grapes, and she loves to bathe in lava, to kill any parasites in her shell. she also swings both ways.

Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly)

Ruby Stones

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.

@Kat Attack
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]I was only going to have it effect the environment not the person example being normal trees twisting in unatural ways, etc. Is that ok?

That's fine. Accepted! Welcome back to the Academy. :)


Odin4Life4Life said:
You still accepting or nah?
If you are I call a reserve spot while I make my Cs
I'll leave the last spot for you. Go ahead and make a char.

@Steel Zinogre Accepted. Welcome back to the Academy. :)

Name: Xavier

Age: 16

Grade: 1st

Gender: Male


Chimera/Human hybrid


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/1214592038_3060_full.jpg.75bbc8163ba9acca5490294326e176e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47643" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/1214592038_3060_full.jpg.75bbc8163ba9acca5490294326e176e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Zeke is not really into talking unless he absolutely has to, or if he is singing. He has a tough time making friends due to him preferring not to speak to people, and can come off as cold and distant; in some cases he is very cold and distant. Other times he is sorta friendly and easier to talk to, he suffers from mild MPD. He is not a big fan of fighting though as he finds it boring and a waste of time.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

Symphokinesis: He has the ability to control, and produce, music and sound through any medium possible. His music and sound are hindered by liquid.

Clones: He is able to create clones of himself, having a maximum of 3 clones. These clones are also able to use Symphokinesis. If he uses Symphokinesis for his clones, it uses up a lot more energy and can tire him out. If he becomes too tired he cannot use either of his abilities to the fullest extent.



Xavier grew up not knowing his parents, and so was raised in a orphanage for most of his life. He never really socialized with the other kids as he did not care to nor liked their company, and so kept to himself. He naturally found out about his powers over time with a lot of experimenting. He was brought out of the orphanage this year by the letter he received from Kaiju academy, a chance for him to start a new.


+ Music

+ Practicing

+ Being alone

+ Anything BBQ

+ Lemons/limes

- Anything too sweat

- Arrogance

- Fighting (Will if he has to)

- Harming his real instrument


- Runs a band

- Satanist

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual





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