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Realistic or Modern Kagami High School [Characters]


drugstore perfume
Please read the IC tab before you sign up to see what roles are still available.

CS ;

Name (Japanese unless your character.. isn't Japanese..?) :

Age (Your character can either be 15 or 16 if you are a female, depending on the time they were born. Since they are new to the school they have to be the age of a first year. But if they are a boy they can be older or that if they wish.) :

Appearance (A few gifs/pictures [ANIME PLEASE] and a short paragraph describing their height, body type ect.) :

Personality (Atleast 1 large paragraph. Include good and bad traits.) :

Crush (Optional) :

History/Background (atleast 1 large paragraph. Also remember not everyone is an orphan and has the hardest life ever, but it is probably common among the boy characters since they go to a school like this.) :

[Females only] Why did you join the school? :

Family members (Optional) :

Likes/Dislikes (Catagorized with a + for likes and - for dislikes) :

Weaknesses :

Strengths :

Extra :
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Renji "Ren" Akai // Sixteen years old

>Appearance details

Ren is approximately 5'9" (175 cm) and weighs around 145 lbs (66 kg). He has large, magenta colored doe eyes, and medium wavy hair that holds the hue of honey or gold. He is slender and isn't built very muscularly, but he has lots of upper body strength. His build is ideal for activities like swimming that use lots of arm strength.


Ren, although very charming and enthusiastic, has the mind of a four year old. He loves talking and carrying people off their feet with his whimsical ways, but has an exhausting amount of energy. He is constantly jumping from one activity to another, and never stops for the sake of other people. He loves to help and make plans, but is irrationally scatter-brained. He forgets to do many things throughout the day because he is constantly moving from one thing to the next. Many people can't keep up with his energy, but he has a way of enticing them in to his adventures despite this.


Ren has a standard, everyday sort of family you would find on those happy life-insurance commercials. Well, sort of. He grew up with a mother and father until the age of about five or six, when his parents decided to have a divorce. This wasn't uncommon, for many families ended in divorce. Except, Ren's family didn't die out in a withering flame. It was supposedly "brought to life" by the Wicked Witch of the West-- or, Ren's step-mother. She was a bleach-blonde bimbo that looked as if she used to be a stripper or some sort of porn star. She was American too. Completely overshadowing their old way of life, the Witch moved in and changed everything, much to Ren's dismay. He wasn't happy with her, but Ren's father was, so the only option seemed to be moving to his mother's place. Having been completely ecstatic, Ren's mother prepared everything for his arrival; even his enrollment in to a brand new school. Ren now lives happily with his mother and made the effort to cut off all contact with his father and his witch of a wife.


+ Food

+ Dancing

+ Sweets

+ People

- Spicy food

- Pessimists

- Being bored

- The dark



~ Going in to dimly lit areas

~ Scatter-brained

~ Easily distracted


~ Persuasion

~ Cooking

~ Punctuality


Ren is mostly considered pansexual, but in reality he just likes to say that he likes whoever he likes, despite things like appearance or gender.

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Chiyo Harumi ¸.•*¨*•♫♪


15 years young

First year

Chiyo has large, bright blue eyes and long blonde hair that she wears in odango. She is known to be very cute. Her height is 5'2, which is quite short, but her hair makes her appear a lot taller. Chiyo has quite a proportionate body--a naturally thin waist and long legs with a regular bust.


Personality -

Chiyo is a bit selfish and very much a crybaby, and is lazy, clumsy, and an academic underachiever. She is also a terrible cook, as shown several times when trying to make gifts for her friends or family. It is very hard for her to focus in class, and the reason for this is because she suffers with ADHD. She can be jealous and possessive of people she likes. However, it was shown that she cared very deeply for her friends and family. She is very trusting, and believes that everyone has a better nature; this could be both a character strength and a character flaw at times. Chiyo appreciates that she is quite popular among the boys at the new school, and seems to like the attention and comments she gets about her appearance. The girl is also very energetic and as she meets people, tries to make them think that she's something she's not--this usually doesn't work well.

History/Background -

Chiyo lives at home with her family in a rich neighborhood. Her mother is a housewife who had a good relationship with her daughter, but could be quite the disciplinarian when it came to studies, and was often disappointed in her poor school performance. Her father is a magazine editor who to some extent still viewed Chiyo as a little girl. She also has a little brother who she finds quite annoying and argues with a lot, but sometimes finds him useful as he is also very smart and helps her with her schoolwork.

She joined the school as her parents thought it would be a great oppurtunity to help her study more often (from the lack of girls there.) They were terribly wrong.


Family -



34 years old





35 years old

Magazine Editor






Likes/Dislikes -



+Cats and Dogs


+Her family

+People saying how pretty she looks





-Swimming (she can't swim)






-Thunder and Lighting

-The dark


Extra -

Chiyo suffers with ADHD and finds it hard to focus -- especially in school, which is the cause of her terrible grades.

She is heterosexual.

She loves shopping, and usually has a high allowance due to her father's high-earning job.

Despite the fact Chiyo doesn't like sports, she usually goes to dance class on the weekends- she is a highly talented dancer and this helps keep her figure in shape.

Her (future) crush is Kato Tsugiya.


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Name: Rivai Yamaguchi

Age: 16



He is 160cm tall, and has the weight of 65kg because of his muscular appearance and body type, despite it not showing much.

Personality: He is quick, imaginative and strategic, hard-working, determined and open-minded. However, he is arrogant and overly analytical, he is abrasive and not very approachable. He rarely shows emotion, giving a cold impression to others. His manner of speaking tends to be blunt and insulting, his comments are frequently coarse or otherwise inappropriate, and he is not about provoking or belittling those who oppose or irritate him. His sense of humor tends toward the vulgar, insulting and dark. All of this makes him unsettling to a great many people. He isn't very good at making friends, or any relationships at all, he usually just backs away or doesn't even try, knowing he will fail or make a fool of himself.

History/Background (atleast 1 large paragraph. Also remember not everyone is an orphan and has the hardest life ever, but it is probably common among the boy characters since they go to a school like this.): His mother died at his birth because of pneumonia, and his father blamed the death of his wife on Rivai, making his father hate him and push him away. He never had any friends for ten first ten years of his life, so when he was forced into communicating with other children, he didn't know how. Since that point, he has shut himself off, or the best he can, since he doesn't really know any better. He does't have any aspirations, and doesn't know what he wants in life. He had to fend for himself as a young child, since his father pushed him away and wanted nothing to do with him, in fact, they never spoke. Rivai did all the house work, he cooked and did everything on himself. He was bullied horrendously, and so took it upon himself to stop that, as well. So, he then spent time building up his strength and tolerance rate, making him seem violent and emotionless. He hasn't been able to entirely drop the act, it now rubbing off on his everyday life, but he always smiles and tries his hardest to just not interfere with anything, which so far, is working very, very well.

Likes/Dislikes (Categorized with a + for likes and - for dislikes):

-small talk

-public speaking

+being ignored

+being alone

-most people

Weaknesses: He is clueless in romance, arrogant at times, judgmental (Despite keeping it to himself), overly-analytical and doesn't know how to respond when people try to be nice to him.

Strengths: Quick, imaginative and strategic minded, he is hard working and decisive, and he has an amazing strength and sense of wits.

Extra :
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Fushimi Kuroo/ Seventeen Years Old



Kuroo seems friendly but that is a misconstrued opinion that could get someone beat up. Or maimed. But for the most part, Kuroo is good at hiding his violent and possibly self-endangering tendencies behind a goofy smile and 'helpful' attitude. He really gets a kick out of scaring other students but because this is frowned upon, he had focused his negative energies into putting up the most convincing, most idiotic facade ever.


If asked, Kuroo would tell you he had a fantastic childhood and a wonderful mother who loved him very much. But you can't ask Kuroo because he's practically brainwashed when it comes to his mother and past. His mother was not wonderful, no where close to it. His mother forced him to participate in less than savory activities such as street fighting for cash and other unspeakable things. When he would come home, she would pet his hair and speak sweetly or beat him depending on how much cash he raked in. The one pleasure she allowed him in life was a mangled old cello without a bow so he could just pluck the strings so every time she hit him or he failed her, he would sew another x into his arm, thus the strange pattern the curls up his arm, under his eye or in line with his jugular and thence would lock himself away to play on his broken instrument. When childcare services came, he wouldn't let go of his mother, kicking a screaming. It took years of therapy to convince him she wasn't healthy for him and to convince him to go to school. His mother sends him letters from jail but at least now he has the common sense to burn them.






+Playing the Cello






~His past

~Lack of sleep

~Quick to violence




~Loyal to a fault


Kuroo is homosexual. oops :P

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Sayuri Mochizuki


Mo // Mochi




Mo has waist-length black hair which is tied with two red ribbons by each shoulder, and angular blue eyes that sometimes appear to be gray. She stands at 5'4(164cm), weighing in at 110lbs(49kg).


Mo is a very intelligent girl, often seen as either a hard worker or try hard depending on how you view her. She has a tendency to be blunt and often points out faults in other people, putting up a cold front and unfriendly demeanor. Tries to maintain an elegant and dignified appearance despite her cold personality. A competitive person willing to win any competition officially and unofficially to prove to herself and refuses to lose. Although she is still capable of understanding other people and being kind and compassionate but in her own way. Disliking when people see or catch her softer side which she only shows when alone or in certain situation. Short-tempered and easy to tick off, she won't hesitate to punch you if you bother her. Overall she's not a terribly bad person, her personality just makes her seem colder than she tries to be. Once you warm her up, she won't hesitate to laugh and smile in front of you, but don't expect that often even if you're friends with her.





Mochi's family was often on business trips, resulting in her being alone most of the time when she was younger. It never bothered her has much due to the fact that it had always been like that so she just assumed it was normal for all families. She was actually quite a crybaby when she was younger but had to toughen up when her siblings were born. Growing up wasn't particularly hard, excluding the bullying, but being the oldest meant she needed to be a role model for her younger siblings and that's what her parents expected of her as well. Therefor she always kept her grades high and joined clubs and sports for her siblings to take after.


Why did you join the school?

The principal is good friends with Mochi's parents, convincing them to enroll their eldest daughter to attend the school to help out their good friend.




+Cold // Winter





-Obnoxious Lights

-Girls who act weak

-People who act weak in general





Mochi is extremely good with sports such as judo, tennis, soccer, volleyball, etc, often even beating the boys due to her competitive side that is unwilling to let herself lose. She is also good in academics and extracurriculars, standing out first in all subjects throughout her school life. Cooking is another good talent of her's although she doesn't show it often due to the fact that the boys would often call her "house wife material" in middle school.


Despite her many strengths, no one is perfect and Mochi has quite a few. Rides and roller coasters always scared her due to an incident when she was younger, now even feeling nauseous at the sight of a roller coaster or tall building. Moths, need I say more? Mo is also terrible at handling alcohol and spicy foods, often appearing weak to her knees when she consumes such foods or drinks. In order for her to maintain her high GPA, she has to study like a mad women, pushing herself to exhaustion at some points but refuses to take second place. She probably won't like you at first.


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Name (Japanese unless your character.. isn't Japanese..?): Nao Fukui

Age (Your character can either be 15 or 16 if you are a female, depending on the time they were born. Since they are new to the school they have to be the age of a first year. But if they are a boy they can be older or that if they wish.): 16

Appearance (A few gifs/pictures [ANIME PLEASE] and a short paragraph describing their height, body type ect.):

Nao is around the average hight of any boy his age, standing at 5'6 and weighs 134 pounds. Nao is rather thin and not in shape. His eye colour is natural, and so is his hair. He has done nothing to change his appearance, due to him thinking that the looks of person doesn't determine who the person is. However, he can be seen as attractive himself.


Personality (At least 1 large paragraph. Include good and bad traits.):

Nao's personality is rather mysterious as he hardly comes into school. Despite not coming in, he always get's full marks which has made him very arrogant at times. He is always scheming, planning ahead to have the easiest way through life. However, if that doesn't work, he is also a quick thinker, thinking up plans as he goes along. There is times where he can seem caring. If he is friends with someone, and cares for them deeply, he will be somewhat kind. But, that doesn't mean he will drop everything for them. If he thinks he is doing something important, he wont stop doing it randomly for his friends. At the end of the day, he does what will help him out in the future.

Crush (Optional) : None of yet.

History/Background (at least 1 large paragraph. Also remember not everyone is an orphan and has the hardest life ever, but it is probably common among the boy characters since they go to a school like this.): Growing up, Nao was a genius. He would always get straight A's in his test's without trying. Anything he done was perfect, except from P.E, which he sucked at. He began to think that P.E was a waste of his time, so he stopped going to it, going to casino's and using his intellect to win almost every time. His parents got suspicious of where he was getting loads of money. Then, the school called up, informing them that there straight A son was bunking and they were kicking him out. His parents weren't angry, just disappointed with him. For a few years he had been going to different schools, getting kicked out for the same reason each time. Then, he joined Kagami High School. He didn't decide to go in right away, so they didn't put him down as bunking. Yesterday was his first day of actually going in.

Family members (Optional): Father- Michio Fukui. Mother- Ayame Fukui

Likes/Dislikes (Categorised with a + for likes and - for dislikes):



+Being right

-Physical activities


-Being wrong

Weaknesses: He is weak and can't defend himself. He get's kicked out of schools so it is hard for him to make friends. He is very arrogant.

Strengths: He is a certified genius. He is an amazing bluffer and can tell when people are lying.

Hisato Kawate


Name: Hisato Kawate.

Age: Seventeen.

Personality: Hisato is quite the human being, even though some people could say that he is the reincarnation of the devil if they know him very well. But that had not happened much since he had not let anyone close to him since the start of high school. He puts on a “princely” image in school which is actually a mask to cover up the fact that is slightly a sadist. He treats everyone in a sweet and polite manner until they would test his patience and eventually explode in their faces, though this had not happened yet in school itself. The people he had been hanging out with in middle school and actually got to know him told him that he was actually a tsundere.

Crush: Yet to come.


Background: Hisato had been growing up in a family who did not have too much money but they got around as they had been working hard all day. Maybe a bit too hard in his opinion but he really appreciated it. So when he became the age of fifteen he decided to also take on a part-time job to help them out though he keeps that a secret from everyone and just tells them that he wanted some extra cash to spend on useless stuff. Even though that almost never happened and actually used the money for food and sometimes to even pay his school trips as he wanted to make his parents happy with joining them whenever he could so he could still have some fun. If that made him happy, than who was he to argue with them. However, despite being nice to his family, he is quite distant in school and is reluctant to let anyone get close to him since the previous time he trusted someone he was betrayed by them, like when he could borrow the money of a friend but the day after the other asked his money back because he changed his mind. Beating Hisato up since he did not have the money anymore.


Family Members:

- Mother / Chitose Kawate.

- Father / Satoru Kawate.


+ Beach.

+ Family.

+ Body art.

+ Coffee.

+ Good night rest.


- Bitching.

- People who annoy him.

- Carrots.

- Chocolate.

- Mornings.

Extra: He is homosexual.


You won't be able to achieve anything if you worry about everything.



Name :

Mori Hikaru

Age :


Appearance :

Hikaru is a rather small guy, standing bare-footed at 157cm and weighing only 46kg. He has a very high metabolism and takes it for granted, eating whatever whenever he feels like it. The only characteristic to his appearance that usually stands out is his dark green eyes, which often has drawn attention from his -usually- messy black hair that is kept just past his ears. He doesn't have very many feminine qualities, but can be seen as androgynous due to his rather youthful features. Even though he often has a perpetually bored look on his face.



Personality :

Hikaru seems to possess no desire to partake in anything. In fact, he usually only finds amusement when he is tricking people in order to get out of doing something. He can be blunt, manipulative, and mischievous, but never purposefully rude. unless he doesn't like you. Despite what most see as a weak, apathetic attitude, he actually does care about others...just not half as much as he should. In fact, he tries to keep up his wall of indifference when he manages to make friends in order to keep from hurting them. However, will let the wall down in times that they may need comfort.

Hikaru takes advantage of the fact that his indifference has basically made him invisible to some students, and will observe them in order to see how they all interact together. On the other hand, he has made a name amongst a couple of students and teachers for being a manipulative devil.



Crush :


History/Background :

Hikaru has grown up with just his mother and "brother" ever since his father left them in the dust. This "brother" is actually a family friend, Haru, that they took in and Is only a few years older than Hikaru, and has acted as a brother to him since Hikaru was little. Haru, with the help of Hikaru, worked up enough money to buy Hikaru's mother a small building that neighbored their home and turned it into a little family-owned restaurant to help bring her from depression. It was something his mother always wanted. Now days Hikaru will help around the house since his mother and Haru both work in the restraunt, but will also take over in times that the restaurant isn't busy or his mother is ill. Haru is the one who pushed Hikaru to go to school, claiming it would help his mother in the long run. Seeing as he wouldn't have much to lose, Hikaru took his advice and applied for Kagami high.

Family members :

•Mori Koyuki / Mother

•Kurosawa Haru / "older brother"

Likes/Dislikes :




+behavioral observation

+some animals




-loud people


Weaknesses :

Hikaru has many weaknesses. For an example, he can't stand the cold, and isn't athletic. People who are observant enough to catch on to his tricks always get to him, but he will rarely care if he gets in trouble. He also has soft spots that he won't care to mention, and can actually get embarrassed if people catch him "observing" others. Hikaru's naps will often get in the way of him finishing homework as well, which often leads to him rushing to finish them.

Strengths :

Hikaru is a good liar, and can trick people easily. He is smart, a quick thinker, and can get away with a lot of things. He sees his apathy as a strength, as it keeps him from getting involved in drama.

Extra :

He honestly couldn't give two flying tomatoes about gender.

Whoops, I posted before even signing up... my bad, please let it roll though.

Name - Daizukan Agame

Age: 17

Appearance (A few gifs/pictures [ANIME PLEASE] and a short paragraph describing their height, body type ect.) :


Personality (Atleast 1 large paragraph. Include good and bad traits.) :

(A paragraph? Geez that's too much) Chivalrous at times, clueless, goofy, sometimes selfish. Is obsessed with getting his own mansion from the money he will get as a chef. Is modest for the most part, and likes to give people a hand, so long as they don't ask for money.

Crush (Optional) : Nein

History/Background (atleast 1 large paragraph. Also remember not everyone is an orphan and has the hardest life ever, but it is probably common among the boy characters since they go to a school like this.) : Was born an orphan and was taken in by his new mom and dad, and acclimated to the new fam. Hates his brother because his brother always pranks him and does mean things.

Family members (Optional) : One brother, a dad, and a mum.

Likes/Dislikes (Catagorized with a + for likes and - for dislikes) : + Cycling, + Cooking, +Art, -Stupid People, - Giving people money, - arrogant people, - Chinese Food, - School.

Weaknesses : A Girl could kill this guy with dose charmz

Strengths : Bold, and Confident

Extra :
[QUOTE="Zahir Nelson]Whoops, I posted before even signing up... my bad, please let it roll though.
Name - Daizukan Agame

Age: 17

Appearance (A few gifs/pictures [ANIME PLEASE] and a short paragraph describing their height, body type ect.) :


Personality (Atleast 1 large paragraph. Include good and bad traits.) :

(A paragraph? Geez that's too much) Chivalrous at times, clueless, goofy, sometimes selfish. Is obsessed with getting his own mansion from the money he will get as a chef. Is modest for the most part, and likes to give people a hand, so long as they don't ask for money.

Crush (Optional) : Nein

History/Background (atleast 1 large paragraph. Also remember not everyone is an orphan and has the hardest life ever, but it is probably common among the boy characters since they go to a school like this.) : Was born an orphan and was taken in by his new mom and dad, and acclimated to the new fam. Hates his brother because his brother always pranks him and does mean things.

Family members (Optional) : One brother, a dad, and a mum.

Likes/Dislikes (Catagorized with a + for likes and - for dislikes) : + Cycling, + Cooking, +Art, -Stupid People, - Giving people money, - arrogant people, - Chinese Food, - School.

Weaknesses : A Girl could kill this guy with dose charmz

Strengths : Bold, and Confident

Extra :

I haven't accepted your character, mainly because you haven't met the guidelines I set for the character sheet. It's not 'too much,' it never is, other people have done it and not complained.
Sigh and you won't even give me a chance to fix my character sign up, and you deleted my post after I went through all the work making it, and catching up to current in this RP. Sigh, thanks alot.
Whoops, I posted before even signing up... my bad, please let it roll though.

Name - Daizukan Agame

Age: 17

Appearance (A few gifs/pictures [ANIME PLEASE] and a short paragraph describing their height, body type ect.) :


Personality (Atleast 1 large paragraph. Include good and bad traits.) :

(A paragraph? Geez that's too much) Chivalrous at times, clueless, goofy, sometimes selfish. Is obsessed with getting his own mansion from the money he will get as a chef. Is modest for the most part, and likes to give people a hand, so long as they don't ask for money.

Crush (Optional) : Nein

History/Background (atleast 1 large paragraph. Also remember not everyone is an orphan and has the hardest life ever, but it is probably common among the boy characters since they go to a school like this.) : Was born an orphan and was taken in by his new mom and dad, and acclimated to the new fam. Hates his brother because his brother always pranks him and does mean things.

Family members (Optional) : One brother, a dad, and a mum.

Likes/Dislikes (Catagorized with a + for likes and - for dislikes) : + Cycling, + Cooking, +Art, -Stupid People, - Giving people money, - arrogant people, - Chinese Food, - School.

Weaknesses : A Girl could kill this guy with dose charmz

Strengths : Bold, and Confident

Extra :/SPOILER]

no. i see none
@Zahir Nelson

I have the right to decline your character, you have no valid opinion.

-You did not write atleast a small amount of text describing your character's appearance.

-You said that writing atleast a paragraph was 'too much,' sure, it might be for you, but don't join the roleplay if you can't handle it.

-You did not write atleast a paragraph in your personality and history section.


gotcha SO goodly.

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