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K-Pop Roleplay? | Always Open!


Person of Letters
Hi! First off, I'd like to thank you for clicking on my humble little roleplay search! x3 I hope you take interest after reading this through, and I look forward to hearing from you, either from comments on this thread or in my inbox!

About Me:

Before I get right into the meat of this roleplay search, I thought I would mention a few things about myself! I have been roleplaying for about three years, so I'm no seasoned veteran, but I do know how things work. I got my start on a site called 'Quizilla' though I began branching out when I learned that it would be shutting down on October first. I am a female, and I am currently under the age of eighteen. I know that matters to some, but the age nor gender of my roleplay partners doesn't matter to me, so don't fret about that! ^^


Now, there are some things that you'll need to know before you ask me to roleplay - requirements and limits and the like. So please look them over! I'll try not to over-elaborate.

Allowances and Preferences:

1. Romance is a must in my roleplays. Of course, I do like to have other interesting things happening in the plot as well, but I like to have romance as a central or predominant theme. I most prefer OCxCanon, but if we double I wouldn't mind doing a secondary CanonxCanon or OCxOC pairing if you want.

2. Violence and gore are fine with me. In fact, action and fights are a plot candy of mine. Of course, I don't want excessive gore, as I won't enjoy such a roleplay, but some gore is a-OK with me! No guts no glory, right? (I am so sorry, ignore me...)

3. Sensitive, dark, or possibly triggering themes don't bother me. If you wish to have them included, just let me know and we can do it. In fact, drama is another plot candy of mine, so if you want to use a dark theme to push the plot forwards, that is completely fine by me! If you do have any triggers or things you just wont even begin to touch, please let me know so I can respect your limits!

4. Doubling is great. I love to double, or triple, in my roleplays. As a note, my doubling is often a result of playing my own character and my partners crush(es). This doesn't have to be the case, of course, though it is my favourite way to roleplay! That being said, doubling is not a must. However, if you don't want to double, I would strongly prefer the female role.

5. Roleplay through forums or PM's. I am completely fine with either, so it's really whatever you prefer.

6. Novel-Length replies are rather fun for me! They are not required by any means, but if they're your cup of tea then I am completely alright with that! However, please do be aware that it may take me a little longer to send out a reply of this length.

7. OOC chat is alright with me. If you want to strike up a conversation go right ahead, but be warned, I'm not very good at small talk. Sorry!

Limits and Requirements:

3. MxF only. I'm sorry if this offends you somehow, but I will not do MxM or FxF pairings.

4. One liners are an absolute no for me. Never will I except a one liner. I'm sorry, but one line replies bore me, and I can not keep up a roleplay like that for very long. Honestly, about five lines is the least I can put up with, though more is preferred. A few paragraphs would be wonderful. If your reply is less than what I require without a really, really good explanation, I will ask you to make it longer. So, you know, be aware of that.

5. Daily replies are not always possible for me. I will try to reply at least once a week, but that is all I can promise. I am very busy and I get sick all the time, so my schedule tends to be a bit erratic. Some days I may be able to get out multiple replies, and other days I may not be able to reply at all.


These are the groups I know enough to roleplay! I've only recently gotten into K-Pop so it's not a long list but I will continue to add more as time goes on. If you have any suggestions, please, by all means, let me know! I love learning about new groups! Please also note that crossovers are fine, so we can have more than one of these groups included! AU's are also welcome.


{ } - Contains potential love interests

* - Preferred love interest

VIXX {N*, Ravi}

BIGBANG {G-Dragon}

BTS {Suga*, Jungkook, J-Hope}

Block-B {Zico* Jaehyo, Kyung}
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