The Ashen One

I have been roleplaying quite a few years now but am always trying to boost up these writing skills.
So as you may have seen by the title I've had a few K Pop centric plots pop into my head and I'd like to see if anyone would be up for doing them with me.
Before you dive into some of the ideas feel free to check out my samples here in this thread to see if you think we would write well together : Notebook
I do prefer to play female main roles, my supporting cast vary in gender and sexuality. I am open to trying doubling in some plots where it makes sense as well as possible fxf.
Starting platonic is fine, but I've found my interests lie in pairings with potential to drift into fluffy romance territory.
While I prefer quality over quantity i do find it can be a bit disappointing to get back three sentences from over three paragraphs. It just tends to fall a bit flat.
I don't have any limits or triggers but please do make sure to mention yours if you have them, comfort is important.
I like to have an ooc message or discord thread going, because i find open communication tends to make for better plotting and RP enjoyment.
I utilize both real and anime face claims but in this case i do feel real face claims make a tad more sense.
Please be over the age of 20, i am an adult and it is simply a comfort thing to roleplay with other adults.
Currently I'm in a masters program so sometimes i do think i may take longer to respond. Feel free to nudge me here and there.
I make as much of an effort as possible not to ghost, if things aren't working i will try and see if we can make tweeks if not I'll let you know and we will both continue our hunts for new RPs
To make skimming easier I did try and highlight the details.
Now then, on to the juicy bits.

The Amateur Idol contest, where a pro idol takes on an unknown hopeful as their protege' to compete with their fellow industry vets. With the prize of the competition being a fully funded solo tour in the states, with their team mate as the opening act. He'd done a few tours in Korea, but some questionable recent press and head butting with his mates had made things a bit rocky as of late. So when the offer came in for the show he found himself agreeing even though he wasn't all too keen on being kept out of the selection process. Things couldn't be worse when he's the only idol to get paired with a foreigner. She's clearly the odd one out and it's rather obvious they're merely meant to be fillers for the sake of having a couple more episodes. But the contracts already been signed so it's not like they can drop out and save themselves the embarrassment. Not to mention she actually seems to think she's got a chance even with her half assed broken Korean she learned on duolingo and meager following online. At least it's free promos for a little while right ?
Concept 2

Sasaeng are on the rise, the trouble crazed fans have caused can't seem to find a limit. To where some idols don't feel safe without a little bit of extra supervision nearly every where they go. He however thinks its cute how obsessed his followers have become. Afterall they got him to where he is now. His management company doesn't fully agree and has warned him to be a bit more cautious about how much he shares. For now they're just rushing tables and selling out anything they catch him using but other idols haven't been so lucky. The head butting becomes a part of day to day operations until he starts to see weird pictures in the comments of posts. They look a lot like the inside of his place, but not ones he took himself. At first he thinks it might just be a bit of editing. After all techs at the top these days. The following week he notices things missing from home that he swears he had a special place for. Then again when he is burnt out from getting all the new routines down it's not so strange to forget. Not to mention he hates the idea of admitting that the management might be right.
At the end of the month he lives to regret it as the Sasaeng is emboldened enough to finally take a picture of the idol himself. The authorities are called and the incident hits the news. But problem is, the dude was just some regular convenience store clerk, if someone with so little resources could get that close than those with more might just be inspired. After numerous sleepless nights behind him he finally caves to the managements demands for a full time body guard. To avoid the chance they might hire the very thing they hope to protect the idol from they decide to work with a foreign agency. Some miscommunications later, she walks in and they wonder if they'd have been better taking their chances else where. But after mentioning her acolytes and signs she couldn't possibly be a fan they decide to give her a chance . After all , she can at least be a stand in while they look for a better replacement.
Concept 3

It's rare to meet someone who doesn't know you when you hit it big, and after a while wandering about covered head to toe gets old. So traveling to middle of nowhere towns seems like the only way to get a bit of peace. He's been doing it for the last couple vacations and while it means a bit less to do going out it's worth the serene bit of quiet he gets. He just wishes once in a while he'd have someone to see the boring sights with. He just can't risk telling people where he's headed because, the risk of one little post spoiling his vacations is too high. After another summer vacay he's headed home, accept the flight gets delayed. Along with some other travelers, one of which strikes up a conversation with him to pass the time. The two end up at the same hotel overnighting continuing their conversation over dinner. Then the next day they find themselves in seats next to each other. He thought she might recognize him, but not once did she squint her eyes or tilt her head as if it sank in. He found himself playing tour guide during her two week trip. The whole thing was all too refreshing to where he found himself living the lie well and agreeing to go see her back home in a couple months. One trip turned into four and things got a bit more serious and complicated. What was a lie turned into a second life and now he's not sure how to keep it going without the risk of all the cards landing face up.
And That's it folks .... feel free to leave a post or send a message if you're interested. P.s open to other plots as well
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