

The First Iron Warrior
The secret war is only beginning, bands of magical creatures have started to form to help defend and hide themselves. The Paladins hunt the terrors night and day to stop an end to their long defeated foe. The Clerics seek to help the innocent, protect virtue, and bring peace to the chaos that has enveloped the world. Everyone well have to pick a side, what side is right?


Race: (for magical races name two because you can be an elf vampire technically)




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Name: Loraine Rose

Race: Human, turned Vampire

Sex: Female



History: Loraine worked as a medicinal alchemist, and though magic had been banned her practice wasn't bothered. Until one day her fate turned ill. A customer entered her shop after closing hours, but he had been no ordinary customer. She was attacked by a starved vampire and though she managed to slay him, it had been too late for her, the bite was already taking effect. She quickly abandoned her home and shop knowing that if she was discovered she would be killed. Still practicing as an alchemist, she now sticks to the shadows and the darkness of night continually on the run.

Personality: She was kind and tenderhearted in her human years, but being turned into a vampire and being on the run has made her closed off, distrusting and reserved though that kindness still lies deep inside her now non-beating heart.

--- Double Post Merged, May 11, 2014, Original Post Date: May 11, 2014 ---

Name: Nisha Daeris

Race: Elf

Sex: Female



History: Born and raised in elvish clan that's focus was on stealth and combat rather than magic the purge didn't effect her life greatly. Later on she left her clan using the skills she learned from a young age to become a rouge for hire.

Personality: Calm and collected she sticks to her own strict moral code. She is typically reserved but can be openly friendly. She is always cautious and keeps an open mind about everything and everyone a habit of her training.
Name: Zemi Zakarah

Race: Human Shadowmage (like a mage but forces on using shadows to either sneak up on people, to hide, disappear, make a clone of himself or travel short distances mostly for fights)

Sex: Male




Zemi is the first ninja in 1000 years to unlock the ancient, forbidden ways of shadow magic. He defied his clan and master, casting off the balance and discipline that had shackled him all his life.

An orphan, Zemi was taken in and trained by a great ninja master. Only one other student appeared to be Zemi 's equal - the master's son.

It seemed Zemi could never win the favor of the master, as every match between the rivals ended in a draw. Frustrated and jealous, he sought an advantage. The young ninja ventured into a sealed part of the clan's temple, where he found an ornate, foreboding box. Sensing the dark knowledge within, Zemi knew he should not open it, but he peered inside nonetheless. In an instant, shadows touched his mind, revealing techniques that had long been hidden. Now armed with a secret edge, he challenged his master's son, and this time he defeated the master's son. He expected praise and recognition in his moment of victory, but somehow the master knew Zemi had used forbidden ways, and banished him.

Humiliated, the young ninja wandered for years. His bitterness turned to ambition, his power grew more and more , but he knew that without the box, his technique would never be perfect. One day, Zemi went back to the clan which he left. At the gates, he was surprised to find the old master waiting, receiving Zemi as if he was a welcome guest. The old man laid his sword at Zemi's feet, declaring that he had failed Zemi as his master. By banishing his former student, the master had doomed Zemi to the shadows, instead of leading him to the balanced path. The old man implored Zemi to enter the temple, destroy the box, and lead his followers to balance. The dark ninja followed the master inside. Soon after he entered he walked out with the box and his blade's was covered in blood the blood of his past master. Zemi escaped from the rest of his old clan and is now sticking to the shadows as a mage.

Personality: Zemi is a quite person this is due to his ninja training and the fact he now sticks to the shadows. When people get to know Zemi they will see he isn't as quite as he lets on. He is Upset about killing his past master and other past actions not talking about them directly but making quotes about his past one of them is "What I have done... cannot be undone".
Name: Abe Donnavan

Race: Human, Cleric

Sex: Male



Claudia, the chicken



Abe had been a bright young boy who was reconstructing smoke bombs and exploding her little sister's Darbie dolls during playtime. Good for him that his parents were immensely successful in the restaurant industry that he was pretty given everything he desired. Granted, his parents were a little afraid in what their son can do and his sister pretty much abhorred him, but it didn't matter to Abe. All he wanted was to have some fun.

His former nanny, probably his biggest influence, was a woman named Matilda who also happened to be a mage. She was a bit mad herself, and in this, nanny and boy immediately connected. She taught him about the magical folks and the importance of balance in the world--- in her own distorted perspective. Before she was executed, she gave him his one and only pet, a chicken named Claudia.

Abe excelled in his studies, naturally, and decided to pursue the life of a Cleric. His excellent intuition and ingenious contraptions made it easy for him to become the lead inquisitor for the Southern District.


If Abe can have one thing in the world, it would be to have a hand in making the best entertainment Juwana has ever seen. And what could be better entertainment than war?

And so, Abe works hard to be an influential part of the society. His methods are unorthodox and sometimes without remorse. This makes quite unpopular among his co-workers who can't do anything about it because his actions and decisions "works". It won't be long though, before his infamy will work against him.

Although no one can confirm it yet, Abe's intentions are questionable. He likes to bet on the underdogs whoever they are. Now, he focuses his time to find out as much as he can about the magical creatures that had started showing up and figure out a way to give them the upper hand.

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