Story Justice Wrought



I have been getting pretty into, the detective and mystery style of stories, probably a combination of too much anime and reading some really well-written books in the past few months. I really value being able to create a situation where a criminal has created the "perfect crime" and the detective being able to solve that mystery through unorthodox means. Nothing like the police procedural. Hopefully I will be able to see this story through to the end.


Restraints breed creativity. That is why criminals seem to always be one step ahead of justice.

They must do everything that is in their power to not get caught and to avoid the revealing light of justice. Yet, at the same time, the Police and those that fight for justice have so many constraints upon them, they limit their own abilities to capture the criminals, which is why I left the NYPD.

My name is Thomas Parker, I was a former Inspector of the Investigative Unit of the NYPD, I led a team of my own trained individuals that were skilled in the relatively new investigation technique known as Geospatial Investigation. It is the idea that we take how a person was killed, where that person is placed, at what time, and how does that relate to the area, and then for serial killers we database that into a profile of a killer where we can know where his next victim will be. This type of investigation has nothing to do with motives, which is exactly why I use it, you do not determine a criminal because of motives, everyone has something against someone else.

Only a few people understand how unimportant motives are, and when my department decided refrain from giving out justice, I had had enough. I turned in my badge and became a Private Investigator.


Obviously, being an inspector on the force had its perks, I went from 155k salary to barely over 20k and that wasn't even a stable 20k. I had to move into a junky little house that had the bare essentials, luckily I was able to sell my car, a BMW 3 series, for a good profit. And I was allowed to keep my gun, a Sig Sauer P226 Platinum Elite with .357 Sig bullets. I keep that close by to me at all times if possible.

I woke up that morning at 6 and went out for my normal jog, and as normal, the New York sky was a cold gunmetal gray. I ran around for about 3 miles before returning to my doinky little shack known as my business. In all honestly, the NYPD police does their job relatively well, considering how many people are actually in New York, but there are restrictions they have that I do not. I came back to my office at about 7, took a shower, shaved, and put on my clothes, khakis with a white button up, a blue with yellow stripes tie, and a sports jacket. I am not particularly fond of this set up, it becomes pretty unbearable to move around in. As I sat down with my coffee and brought my feet up to my desk a heard a knock at my door, not feeling the need to get up, I yelled for my potential client to come in.

In came a man that obviously had some anger management problems, his face beet red and he seemed to be having constipation problems. I refrained from giving him a strange look and asked him what he wanted.

"You Tom Parker?" he growled

"Indeed I am"

"Well, I need someone to look for my daughter"

I almost snorted out loud, this man had ripped muscles and could probably tear me in half, let alone have a dainty daughter.

"Are you sure shes not just out?" I said, wondering how this would pan out.

"I'm sure, shes been gone for a week now and there have been other cases of girls disappearing"

I put my feet down and began to seriously consider taking on this case, I had heard about these disappearances and they all seemed to have been the perfect crime, about five girls have gone missing and none of their bodies have come up and there is no evidence pointing to a possible suspect.

"Ok, I will take this case, but I should inform you of my daily rates." I told him

"What are they?"

I told him, he took out his wallet and straight up gave me the money in cash, I counted the bills and it was for enough money for an entire week of service.

"Where did this money come from, and why do you have so much cash in your wallet?" I said, regretting that I had asked.

"Here is the place where she was last seen, and a description of what she looks like" he wrote something down, gave it to me, and left.

As he left I looked out my window and I saw that his car seemed to have a pretty substantial dent in it, that must have been what he was so worked up about, the man drove away and I decided to go check out the crime scene.



I arrived at the site where she was last seen, and strangely, it was in the woods, why would​

the last place someone was seen be in the woods? As I arrived to the area I quickly noticed several things, it was fall and the leaves were on the ground, and from the looks of the leaves, the guy was not lying to me and the girl indeed was probably taken a week ago, the leaves showed no sign of struggle. As I slowly walked around I pulled out my plastic gloves and put them on, I looked around and noticed something on a nearby tree. I leaned in and I saw some very slight rope marks on the bark of the tree. Someone or perhaps, something, was tied up here and I had to find out why. I cleared out the leaves to see if I could find anything interesting on the ground, sadly I did not. It had rained only a few days ago and it washed away and possible evidence. I took out my notepad and jotted down the area, I also noted a couple things, whether or not the sun could shine on the supposed place where someone was tied, and I also noted the fact that this was done relatively close to civilization, the kidnapper had no problems doing something out in the open. I went back to my car and began to drive away when I noticed something on the curb. I got out of my car to find a vial of some sort, there was nothing left in it, but it was basically a scientific tube used to hold liquids. If I was still on the force I could have probably have them examine the tube for any left-over residue, but I no longer have that privilege. I pocketed the tube and went back to my car and drove away.


This vial seemed pretty interesting, although there was something in it I went to my friend, DAICHI NAKAMURA and I asked him to replicate the serum for me, or whatever was left of it. I drove to his house, house is stretching it, its more of an apartment on the 5th floor of a dinky building. He was room 57. I knocked on his door.

A muffled yell came through the wood "WHO IS IT?!"

"It is I, the great Thomas Parker" I snorted.

"COME IN!" more yelling, "THE DOOR IS UNLOCKED"

Why he did not come into the door was the question on my mind until I saw a slight glimmer on the door, it happened to be a string that attached to the door knob that went through opening in the bottom of the floor, it was cleverly colored to match the dark mahogany wood almost perfectly. The string was wrapped in such a way that if the door knob was turned than the string would fall down and go into the room. I carefully gripped the string from the knob and took it off, I then turned the handle so that the door was no longer locked into place and I kicked the door open while dropping the string and quickly moving to my right. A giant soccer the size of my head came flying outside of the door and bounced into the wall behind me. When I peeked into the room I saw that the string had cleverly kept a large slingshot from launching the ball. As I gingerly entered the apartment I saw that everything was spotless, all of his books were organized alphabetically on the bookshelf to the right with a white couch slightly in front of the bookshelf so that there was room to grab a book from behind the couch and also use the couch as a make-shift stool. I then saw desk with papers stacked neatly and a laptop with a printer at the foot of the desk. There were two doors leading, one going to the right room and the other going to the left room.

I scoffed and asked, "Why did a soccer ball almost decapitate me?"

Daichi came walking out of the right room chuckling to himself, fool.

He answered and said, "Well I hold some pretty valuable, and possibly illegal things in my apartment, I would not want the government barging into my room now would they?"

Cutting to the chase I told him what to do while holding up the empty vial

"I have this vial here that contains some questionable residue in it, do you think that you can replicate whatever was originally in here? And when you do so, I do not want you to tell me what it does because i want to try it's effects."

Daichi's expression quickly hardened and he took the vial from my hand and told me to follow him as he walked towards the left door. As we entered the left room what looked like to be a government chemistry lab was fully equipped in the left room. It was spotless with hard tile white flooring on the bottom and stainless steel cabinets with several tables lining each wall of the room. To my right was what looked like to be something boiling in a solution, in front of me was a table with a furnace built into it. mostly likely for heating things, and to my left was a table with various instruments and a computer with a scanner attached to it. He went over to left and placed the vial directly under the scanner, he typed up a few lines of code and the computer beeped and a pop-up appeared that said,

"All materials available in lab"

Daichi read the computer a little bit and turned around and went to the right table and grabbed a couple of liquids and went to the middle table where he turned on the furnace and placed the vial in a holder over the furnace while pouring the liquids into the vial. After a few minutes of waiting he turned off the furnace. He then put on some thick gloves and grabbed the vial, he opened one of his cabinets and he took out a container that said "LIQUID NITROGEN" he also grabbed pliers out of the cabinet and opened the lid of the container, the container spewed out the steam of the nitrogen and he dunked the vial into the liquid nitrogen, waited two seconds and took out the vial, it was solidly frozen and I could not see what was inside of the vial. He put everything away with the vial on the table while it quickly unfroze. He turned to me and gave me the vial and said

"The materials that we needed to make this were both uncommon and common, you have to find the exact liquid and mix them correctly. You then have to heat it and then freeze it. I did the freezing part quickly, but anyone could have made this solution. I already know what it does and I suggest that you not take too much of it."

Daichi then walked past me and went back into the right room and told me to close the door on the way out. I walked out slightly impressed and got back into my car and drove back to my office.

Back at the office I took out the vial and sat at my desk. Daichi told me not to drink too much of it so I popped the cork and took one of my coffee mugs and poured about 1/4th of the vial into the mug and the mug filled about half an inch. I took the mug and took quickly downed the liquid.
If you notice in the last post, there was some references to games, this post also has a few references to a couple of games, it makes it funny to those who get it.


After downing the liquid, I sat there for a few seconds, nothing was happening, and while I got up from my chair to see if the liquid had any effect on my motor abilities, the shock wave came and hit me like a train. I fell onto my knees as I felt my mind being pulled apart. I tried to stay on my knees as I desperately grabbed onto my desk. I felt the memories of my mind fade away as I tried to keep hold of them, the images in my head of Daichi's apartment, the man coming into my room, the forest, all of those memories were becoming fuzzy, I felt as if my soul was being pulled away from me and a new one with no recollection of who they were coming back to me. As I began to black out I could only remember one thing. My name, is Thomas Parker.

I woke up on the floor with my saliva pooling around the front of my mouth. I got up from the ground groggily and I looked around this strange room. I looked at my hands, how did I get here? The last thing I remember was leaving the police force. What happened? I groggily walked around trying to recollect what was happening. This was my office, my name was on the door, but I do not remember ever getting this office how? I looked around and when I looked at "my" desk I saw it was neatly arranged, but it looked like someone, probably me, fell out of it, the left side of the desk was clean and the papers were neatly stacked but on the right it looked like as if someone was grabbing onto the desk. I picked up the papers and I saw a strange vial with liquid inside of it, thats when it hit me again. My memories flooded back so haphazardly I threw up onto the floor and fell onto my knees again. The memories of the past day came rushing back to me as I came to the realization as to what this liquid does.

It strips you of memories.

Thanks to those that prevented my story from getting lost in the purging of the messags


As I settled down after my little fight with my conscious, I sat down and just thought. I stared out the window into the familiar gunmetal gray sky and I began to piece together what little clues I had. All I know is that the culprits had a vial of this serum and that if I had taken anymore, say, the entire vial, I most likely would have lost my entire life's memories into the nether. I also realized, that I had touched the vial without any gloves on, so did Daichi. Obviously it was too late to find any fingerprints on the vial even if there were any.

A couple days past as I tried to gather information, there were no news of any kidnappings and it seemed the culprit had decided to lay low for the time being. I was at an impass when the red-faced angry man called me, the client.

"Did you make any progress?" I heard his voice and then quiet, he seemed to be at home, or, if he was outside he was somewhere quiet.

"Not really, I found some interesting stuff," I told him, "But I would like to touch bases with you and see if we can meet."

I heard some whispering and then, "Sure, why not meet at my house." He then proceeded to give me the address and abruptly hung up.

I drove to his house, which was about a 30 minute drive. I watched at how quickly the scenary changed, the cold sky gave way to dull patches of blue sky in between gray clouds. The color of the buildings changed as I edged away from metal buildings to more open plains as my vision seemed to be infused with new color. I arrived at a quaint single home with two cars in the drive way. I took note of the license plates and proceeded to walk to the front door. The door seemed normal enough, these people were probably not as delusional as Daichi is so I was not expected any traps, but I kept my hand closed to my gun in its shoulder strap just in case. I knocked on the door firmly and waited a couple seconds, I heard some kind of movement behind the door but it was too muffled for me to hear it. The client introduced himself and welcomed me into his home. I walked in slowly, taking in the entire house and committing it to memory. Directly in-front of me was the staircase and to my right was what seemed to be a living room, to my left was a walkway connected to a study and then moving on to connect to probably a ktichen. I then took note of my client once again, he was wearing another white beater with plain jeans, they seemed to be worn from use and his hair was receding. He looked to be in his mid fourties and his eyes were marked by crows feet. His hands were calloused and gnarled from heavy use, he seemed like a construction worker. His left hand had a slightly lighter part on the fourth finger, he used to have a ring but took it off. The client took me to the right. I sat down in one of the single chairs facing the front door. The living room was connected to the kitchen behind me. The man introduced himself, and I realized how much I did not interact with him, considering I did not even know his name.

"Nice to meet you again Mr. Parker," he went to the kitchen and came back with some whiskey. He offered me some but I shook my head.

He continued and asked, "Are you sure?" he paused for a few seconds and then said, "I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Michael Dupont." He thrust out his hand, noting dominance, for a handshake.

"I like to keep my head clear," I explained, "I came by to ask you some more questions about your daughter, or anything that might help me." I grasped his hand firmly and could tell that he did the same to me, we did a quick up and down and released. Short and efficient.

The man poured himself some of the whiskey and drank as he asked me, "Well, what do you want to know?"

"I have been wondering mostly about your daughter's life, how did she do in school, what was her personality, and if you had any recent photos of her it would help me."

"Uh. . . sure I have some photos laying around somewhere," he got up and went upstairs.

For a few minutes I was left alone and I began to more closely examine the living room. There were plenty of tables around, including one next to me, but none of them had any family photos in them. There also seemed to be a lack of a TV in the living room but I did notice a computer in the study on my way in.

Mike came back downstairs with a single photo in his hand. He handed me the photo and what I saw was a stunning young woman, no older than 26, she had the same eyes her father had, they were brown and they seemed to hold more intelligence than his did. Her hair was straight and she did not wear any make-up. I was not certain of what she was wearing, it most likely was something casual because I could see her shoulders.

"Her name was Jessica Dupont," Mike said, I noted his use of past tense.

I looked up and saw sadness in the man's eyes, they seemed to lack the light of happiness that his daughters did and his eyes seemed dim and dreary. Yet, his eyes were focused, they seemed strained, even in their dim state, he seemed to be worried about something. I got the feeling that that whatever happened to his daughter, it was partly his fault.

Mike finished his story. He then put his hands in his head and seemed to sulk. I slowly stood up, and with bitter coldness in my voice, I destroyed him with each word that came out of my mouth.

"... You, sick monster, have you no idea what you have done?" I said, with cold calmness, "It is your fault that this has happened to your daughter and you have the nerve to come to me and ask me to fix your mistake? Your foolishness and greediness has destroyed a young girls life, and yet, you never even realized what you have done. . . and now shes gone, I hope that you are appalled at the realization of what you created, even the lowliest criminals in jail would be disgusted with what you have done. I won't turn you in for this, because I want you to suffer for the pain that you have caused for this girl. I'm leaving now and if I EVER hear about this again; I will hunt you down and turn you in myself."

I turned and went for the door, I heard his quiet sobs as I left his house. Before I got back into my car, I took one last look at the house, it was a two story house with several trees artistically planted around it. Strange, since this area is mostly plains. I got into my car, turned on the ignition, and drove away.
Challenge Accepted

Mike's idiocy was still lingering on my mind as I drove back to my office, yet, as the scenery slowly changed back to that dull New York, the tall metal buildings, the cold sky, I lost my red-hot anger to a cool pondering. It began to rain.

I did not regret what I said to him, even if he was my client, and these series of events were mostly his fault, but I kept faithful to my client. I will see this case through and bring that criminal to justice.

I pulled up to my office when I noticed something on the door. It looked like a piece of paper, and some of that classic newspaper cut-out alphabet garbage. I pulled out my gun just in case and walked towards the piece of paper. I tried not to lean into the paper as I read.

so THomas parker. It Seems Perfect that I should bE your enemy. i have CrEated the perfect scenariO For you, mr. PArker. this world, is full of sick PEople who will do eveRything to get their Way, I think that you have reaLized this by now, and i hope that this Little messaGe will wake yOu up to just how Baseless your infOrmation is and how useless your attempts to capture me are, allOw Me to have my way, or else.

your friend, capital letters.

I took me a split second too long to realize what had happened, I was able to shield my face before something shot the paper in the middle and caused it to burst into flames, despite the rain. The heat caused a couple of rigged explosives behind my door to explode and caused the door to be thrown off its hinges and toppling right towards me, I quickly rolled to the right when I realized that there was oil where I rolled and the fire began to spread towards me. I took off my jacket and threw it onto the oil puddle before I began running away from the fire. The fire engulfed my jacket before dying in the middle. As I cautiously walked back to my door, I looked inside my office. Nothing looked too out of the ordinary and as I walked in and turned on the lights, I almost threw up.


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