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Fandom Justice League: Civil War


The New Boy Wonder
Beginning Team Rosters:

Superman's Team

1. Cyborg (@Elephantom)

2. Green Lantern (open)

3. Flash (@nerdyfangirl)

Batman's team:

1. Hawkgirl (@nerdyfangirl)

2. Green arrow (@NostalgiaOwl)

3. Black Canary (@The Succubi Queen)









Character History:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Batman-v-Superman-41.jpg.dace1cd1afa74592839c303105663f6a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140069" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Batman-v-Superman-41.jpg.dace1cd1afa74592839c303105663f6a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Name : Bruce Wayne

    Age : 43

    Gender : Male

    Occupation : Philanthropist/Vigilante

    Alias : Batman

    Height : 6'4"

    Weight : 231 lbs

    Hair : brown but greying

    Eyes : brown

    Build : Muscular and Stocky


  • Name : Clark Kent/Kal-El

    Age : 32

    Gender : male

    Occupation : Journalist/Superhero

    Alias : Superman

    Height : 6'3" here

    Weight : 193 lbs

    Hair : dark brown

    Eyes : green

    Build : slim and muscular

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/jena_malone__first_look_as_robin_by_binbynku-d8avrre.jpg.327130d0425b9d55b488a67441592e88.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/jena_malone__first_look_as_robin_by_binbynku-d8avrre.jpg.327130d0425b9d55b488a67441592e88.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Name : Carrie Kelly

    Age : 19

    Gender : female

    Occupation : college student/vigilante

    Alias : Robin

    Height : 5'5"

    Weight : 116 lbs

    Hair : red

    Eyes : blue

    Build : slim



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  • Name : Bartholomew "Barry" Allen

    Age : 30

    Gender : Male

    Occupation : CSI

    Alias : The Flash

    Height : 6'

    Weight : 180 lbs

    Hair : brown

    Eyes : hazel/green

    Build : runners build, slender

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  • Name : Kendra Saunders

    Age : 25

    Gender : Female

    Occupation : Vigilante, Temp

    Alias : Hawkgirl

    Height : 5' 8"

    Weight : 145lbs

    Hair : brown w/blonde highlights

    Eyes : brown

    Build : muscular, slender

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Black Canary

Name:Dinah Laurel Lance

Alias:Martial Arts Sensei, Student

Occupation:Black Canary, The Canary




Build:Short, Slight Ectomorph


Personality:Dinah is.. fiery. That's the best word to describe her. She firmly believes that actions speak louder than words, and she's determined to make her actions speak loudest. She's one to hit hard first and ask questions later, and she's basically ruled by her emotions and her instincts. While her guts don't tend to be wrong, her poor tendency to run wild with her passions has often landed her and those around her in trouble.

Dinah has a big problem with authority- she never listens to those who haven't earned her respect, and the list of people who have is terribly short. At this point, it might just be Batman and the Birds of Prey. Still, she's pretty good at acknowledging when someone has the upper hand, and while she's not polite to those above her, she is pretty good at taking the orders she needs to take.

In a more personable sense, Dinah is a bit of a jokester. She's dry and sarcastic, yet still emotional. Her brand of humor involves a lot of touching on feelings and deep inner thoughts, and she'll joking connect almost anything to "Daddy Issues" especially when it comes to her fellow Birds.

Character History:Dinah Laurel Lance ran away form the home of Dinah Drake Lance and her husband Larry Lance at the young age of 12, after discovering the violent abilities of her Canary Cry. Unbeknowst to young Dinah Laurel, her parents had been involved with the JSA, and, while carrying her daughter, Dinah Drake was exposed to a metagene, which caused slight mutations in the unborn child.

Dinah Laurel lived for several years on the streets of Gotham, involved in gang violence and a lot of criminal activity- always on the run from the mysterious Batman and whatever tiny sidekick he had running around with him. She almost landed in juvenile hall, several times, but she always managed to get out on some technicality or other. At age 16, she was taken in by Desmond Lance, who offered Dinah a place to live if she enrolled in school and helped at his martial arts Dojo. Again, unbeknownst to the young girl, Desmond was a close relative and friend of her parents, and also a former member of the JSA.

Dinah skipped school a lot remaining entangled in drug runs (never actually doping up herself) and other gang territory wars. When the life came to her new home and shot Desmond, ending his life, she finally cleaned up her act. Now 18, she tested for her GED, used what little funds and connections she had to reopen the Dojo, and enrolled in online community college.

When not teaching at the Dojo or studying for her Bachelor's of Psychology, Dinah was found donning a mask and cleaning the streets of the gangs she had once run- still a youth herself, she could be a little harsher on the young gangs of Gotham than Batman could, and harsh she was. Still, she wasn't fully undetected, and, at age 21, a year short of her Bachelor's of Science in Psych, she received the first of many emails form Oracle.

Dinah traded in her dark slacks and thrift store mask for the formal title of The Canary, and turned form a solo act to a core member of the Elite Crime Fighting Organization The Birds of Prey. Since then, Dinah has joined the league, and is currently studying for her Masters in Psych, while continuing her night activities as Black Canary, and continuing to run her Dojo. She still operates with the Birds from time to time, but her many faces and masks keep her busy.

Powers: Canary Cry- A sonic pulse Black Canary emits from her mouth, which can be destructive, or merely repulsive, depending on how she manipulates it. She takes excessive voice training and vocal lessons to have a full command of this power, and to ensure she had full control over it's destructive potential

Strengths: Martial Arts, Speed, Quick Instincts

Weaknesses: Physically Small, Cannot Fly (that's totally a weakness in the JLA), Overly passionate

  • Green Arrow (???)

    Dinah Drake Lance (Mother)

    Oracle (Former Commander, Friend)

    Huntress (Ally, Friend)

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/proxy.jpg.b6d7434083a3a8ed51ed6c1402c1b6be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/proxy.jpg.b6d7434083a3a8ed51ed6c1402c1b6be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Name : Richard "Dick" Grayson

    Age : 27

    Gender : Male

    Occupation : Vigilante/ Haley’s circus owner

    Alias : Nightwing

    Height : 5’10 ft

    Weight : 175 lbs

    Hair : Black

    Eyes : Light Blue

    Build : Gymnastics build, slender



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  • Name : Kon-El

    Age : 19

    Gender : Male

    Occupation : Superhero

    Alias : Superboy

    Height : 5’7 ft

    Weight : 150 lbs

    Hair : Black

    Eyes : Blue

    Build : Firm muscular built

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Name: Harold 'Hal' Jordan

Alias: Green Lantern

Age: 33 (Doesn't say in the wikia, so I kind've guessed here.)

Gender: Male

Personality: Hal is a righteous hero with a strong willpower and an ability to overcome great fear. Those traits are what make him worthy of becoming a Green Lantern. Having a strong sense of right and wrong, Hal is guided by his own conscience rather than the general rules that most of the Green Lanterns follow.

Powers/Abilities: Complete Mastery of Green Lantern ring. Indomitable will, and proficient boxing ability. Good pilot.

Weaknesses: Fear - If he is overcome with fear he is unable to utilise his ring.

Anger - Same as above

Loss of ring/low battery - Without his ring he is just a normal human being.

Lack of willpower - Then he cannot use green lantern ring.

Character History - Hal was just an average joe, who happened to be a pilot. He then is chosen by a ring, and becomes the greatest green lantern in the Universe.

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