Other Justa Spill...


Balls 4 LIFE
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Hey y'all. This thread is gonna touch some real subjects, so here's the content warning. Nothing too graphic, just real life stress and struggles.

I'm Angel, I'm almost a real teen. (In my mind at least) And with that comes the crushing reality of life. And I've had my real life experiences. They're never that bad...

It just takes a lot outta me. I've been struggling a bit lately. Mostly to reach out and be social.

But I am not an anti social person tho. Actually, I love to talk, in this case type. But I love being social.

That's why I'm here. I wanna make new friends. I wanna have fun roleplay experiences. But I need to take my time with it.

For my mental stamina is short right now. And mental limits are tight around the edges.

But, as I have talked with several people and the message from all of them, that I got was: You have to face your fear, but at a reasonable pace for you.

And I've never known my pace. So that's what this is for! This summer/school year is a time to find myself!

I've been trying to get back into the things that I love. Which in itself has been hard. For my brain can only find the time to do a few things a day.

But, that's okay. I've been trying to make a schedule. Which has been somewhat helpful. I've started small, with just a simple few activities throughout the week.

So now I'm trying to add a few more, so I can be productive.

If anyone can give me any advice, or if any of y'all wanna reach out to talk, do it! I'll be waiting!

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