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Just trying to re-establish myself in the roleplaying world


The senpai who noticed
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Good evening, or morning if it happens to be morning where you are. I'm interested in inserting myself back into the roleplaying circles, but I figure that it is best to start with a solid base of one on one roleplaying. I'm extremely busy through the week for the most part, I work two surprisingly demanding jobs, but I will most likely still be able to reply at least once every day. If I cannot, I'll try to inform you a day in advance that my jobs are being a pain and scheduling me too close together. Unfortunately, I do get called in at last second so there may be days I cannot give you that much of a warning.

With that little warning out of the way, I will post what I'm interested in. I'm more of a FxF roleplayer, but I have no trouble at all with heterosexual roleplays. In fact, I play male characters quite well.

I enjoy medieval roleplays, vampire/human/were roleplays, angel/demon roleplays, and fandom roleplays. Honestly, I'm not familiar with most fandoms, but I am capable of a crossover sort of thing combining animes. For video games, I'm much more knowledgeable. Final Fantasy is my go-to game series, but I love Fire Emblem, Dragon Quest, Persona, Suikoden, and many others whose names have escaped me. To be honest, I'll probably consider most roleplay ideas unless I completely have no clue about them, like Supernatural. Even Twilight is fair game since I generally know the world mechanics.
Hello there. :) I'd love to do something with you although I'm not sure what. I have several female characters. Some of them I use for apocalypse plots, some I use for trouble teen or best friend roleplays, some are for romance, and some are for master x slave. Whatever floats your boat.
I'm not a stickler for post length to be honest; I just need enough to go off of to create a proper response. Considering I'm coming back from a three year hiatus, I think I'm the last person to be demanding.
Verdi said:
Hello there. :) I'd love to do something with you although I'm not sure what. I have several female characters. Some of them I use for apocalypse plots, some I use for trouble teen or best friend roleplays, some are for romance, and some are for master x slave. Whatever floats your boat.
Thank you very much for the interest; it is sort of uplifting to receive such positive responses so swiftly. I generally like to have romance in my roleplays since I think it is such an integral part of the human experience. Or I'm just a diehard romantic softie..whichever sounds better. xD Do you have some ideas of your own you'd like to try out? If not, I think you may have given me a slight plot bunny combined with a dream I had last night.
redroseknight said:
Thank you very much for the interest; it is sort of uplifting to receive such positive responses so swiftly. I generally like to have romance in my roleplays since I think it is such an integral part of the human experience. Or I'm just a diehard romantic softie..whichever sounds better. xD Do you have some ideas of your own you'd like to try out? If not, I think you may have given me a slight plot bunny combined with a dream I had last night.
Oh by all means, tell me about your idea! I don't have anything in particular in mind right now.
CountDracula said:
Do you happen to have a preference on time period setting?
Verdi said:
Oh by all means, tell me about your idea! I don't have anything in particular in mind right now.
Character A and Character B were good friends in high school, but unfortunately, life has a way of pulling people a part. They each go their own way when they reached their senior year, having decided to travel different life paths. A few years down the road, one of them stumbles upon the other via social media. Nostalgia sets in, and tentatively one of them reaches out to the other to rekindle the friendship. So much has happened in four years, however. Can they some how manage to fit into each others lives like they did before, or are they destined to be two ill-fitting puzzle pieces? Close to the same, but just different enough to never perfectly mesh.
It isn't terribly much for a plot bunny; more of a starting point for a kind of slice-of-life, potentially drama filled role play.
redroseknight said:
Character A and Character B were good friends in high school, but unfortunately, life has a way of pulling people a part. They each go their own way when they reached their senior year, having decided to travel different life paths. A few years down the road, one of them stumbles upon the other via social media. Nostalgia sets in, and tentatively one of them reaches out to the other to rekindle the friendship. So much has happened in four years, however. Can they some how manage to fit into each others lives like they did before, or are they destined to be two ill-fitting puzzle pieces? Close to the same, but just different enough to never perfectly mesh.
It isn't terribly much for a plot bunny; more of a starting point for a kind of slice-of-life, potentially drama filled role play.
I can get with this! I can see it leading to some drama, maybe some romance, and plenty of other things. Do you have a specific character in mind for this? And do you prefer anything specific from my character? Such as a certain age, a real life picture or anime one, etc? I'm guessing since this is about 4 years out of high school, they would be around the age of 23?
CountDracula said:
@redroseknight I need some medical equipment for my chars, so either modern or steampunk would work
Modern setting it is then. I'll set up a thread for it in a moment, unless you would prefer to do the honors since you have specific characters in mind.
Verdi said:
I can get with this! I can see it leading to some drama, maybe some romance, and plenty of other things. Do you have a specific character in mind for this? And do you prefer anything specific from my character? Such as a certain age, a real life picture or anime one, etc? I'm guessing since this is about 4 years out of high school, they would be around the age of 23?
I was thinking along the lines of early twenties; 23 sounds like a nice solid number to go with. I'm not real demanding when it comes to pictures for characters, especially about whether it is anime or real-life. As far as my specific character, it depends on what type of romance you prefer. I have a couple of male and female characters I've created who would fit nicely into this plot.
redroseknight said:
I was thinking along the lines of early twenties; 23 sounds like a nice solid number to go with. I'm not real demanding when it comes to pictures for characters, especially about whether it is anime or real-life. As far as my specific character, it depends on what type of romance you prefer. I have a couple of male and female characters I've created who would fit nicely into this plot.
I'm fine with either MxF or FxF. In your original post, you had stated that you want FxM. So either way, I don't mind. Although I do prefer to play as a female.
Verdi said:
I'm fine with either MxF or FxF. In your original post, you had stated that you want FxM. So either way, I don't mind. Although I do prefer to play as a female.
Then I think I have the perfect character for this, I haven't had the occasion to trot her out in public yet. I meant to say that I prefer FxF roleplays, actually, so I apologize if it came across incorrectly.

CountDracula said:
@redroseknight We still need to talk about the story... but can we please do this a bit later today? It's 07:30am here
Oh goodness gracious, of course! I hope you have a great night and sleep well!
redroseknight said:
Then I think I have the perfect character for this, I haven't had the occasion to trot her out in public yet. I meant to say that I prefer FxF roleplays, actually, so I apologize if it came across incorrectly.
Oh okay, that's fine. :) And she doesn't have to be perfectly thought out yet. I like some of the character coming out in the RP anyway. Me and my partners usually don't even post character skeletons. Anywho, can I see your character? Or if you wanna get the RP started, you can make the thread or PM me with the character and introduction. Whichever one you prefer.
I generally have a personality and appearance in mind for a particular character and that's what I go with. I'm glad you don't mind if I wing it; I am not skilled at making the templates yet. ^^ I'll just jump straight in and send you the introduction via pm. No sense in waiting, eh?

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