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Multiple Settings Just Trying to Find an RP (1x1)

Endless Grimoire

New Member
Trying to get back into RPing.

I’m male, well into my 20s, happily in a relationship: Is that weird to mention? I just know some folks are wary about RPing with a guy for potential weirdness, so…. Yeah! I promise I’m only the normal amount of unhinged and weird!

I love High Fantasy, Cyberpunk, Supernatural, Horror/Body Horror… So much. Even Slice of Life, but that isn’t my priority right now.

I don't really do Historical settings or generally realistic things, I find it boring. That’s just me.

I don’t want to RP Just some 1920s-30s RP of Gangsters and Prohibition, I’ll want to add some steampunk in there, or fantasy elements and turn it into more. Savvy?


Fandoms: I’m familiar with a number of Anime, Manga and Video Games. I don’t mind Fandom RPs. I will not RP with realistic face claims or using Live Action shows, it's just weird to me.

Instead of me just listing everything, come ask. Ask about a few specific fandoms if you want. My DMs are open and I am a flexible person.


I would love to do Action, Adventure and generally something Heroic. In any kind of setting.

I do like Romance, but it's not a necessity.


  • To Slay Giants

Inspirations: Attack on Titan/SNK, Nordic Culture, God of War (2018)

In a snow-covered world, constantly covered beneath a layer of snow and ice under dark clouds, the Jotun rule. Giants. They are great and mighty, titanic and seemingly all powerful. The creatures of the realm smaller than them are slaves, they live to serve and feed them. The small are weak and are cattle to the Jotun. This is a High Fantasy tale of Danger, of Action. Powerless humans gain great powers to fight back against the mighty Jotun.
Heya!! I'd be interested in building a rp with you!!! I love fantasy and I basically need romance to function lol!!!
Hey, if I'd be open to a steampunk or high fantasy rp if your still open. The to slay giants is interesting, I've not played GoW franchise, but am sorta familiar with its stories.
Hi there! I am a female in relationship as well and I feel like you would be a lovely partner!
I'm not sure if I am permitted to post links to out-of-site locations, but I'd love to get a roleplay going with you. I believe I have an OC who would fit in well with your plot as well.

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