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Fantasy Just Savin' A World...


One Thousand Club

As Jacob was resting, he felt something cold. He knew it wasn't his bed, his bed was always warm. Never hot and never cold, warm. Jacob also heard someone trying to wake him up. The voice was was that of a man's, this very voice wasn't familiar to him, not one bit. He managed to open his eyes and he saw a tall man sitting on a throne. His hair is long and colored dark brown, he was sporting a fly-a way near his scalp. His eyes are colored red, and his outfit consists of a red robe covering armor. Did I mention the king was a vampire? Jacob got up quickly and looked around. He stepped back and accidentally stoped on a boy's hand. Jacob jumped as the boy got up fast. "What....Where...Huh?!" The boy said out loud. The king stood up and said "Ah, they're here! I guess we should wait until the last one wakes up." The two boys stood in awe and confusion.

Dust Bunnies Dust Bunnies
A peaceful sleep was all that seemed to bother Odile Swan, it seemed something normal for her. To fall asleep to the bitter chill biting at her toes, and sinking into her wore clothing. An oversized coat she stole draped over her body. But this night was different, not only the location was a new one for where she slept, but something held a warmth in her very core. Her long hair covered her dirtied face as she laid there, in a foreign realm still unknown to her. Only the smallest of movements found a warming heat cook her skin, almost as if she was in a warm bed, made of the lightest and most comfortable materials a girl could merely imagine. The sound of an echo called her from sleep, and her eyelids fluttered open, in a room of fine beauty. A beautiful woman merely sat at a small table, with a simple smile on her face. "What a dream this may just be..." Odile commented rubbed her eyes with an eager mean.
Harry and Jacob looked at the girl who got up. Harry pinched himself and looked at the girl again. "Now, everyone is awake. Allow me to introduce myself. I am King Conan, ruler of Jade." Conan whistled and there came a tall lady. Her hair was black and her eyes were also red. She was wearing a big navy blue dress. "And this her is Queen Suzie, my wife." Suzie waved. "Welcome to Jade!" Conan said with excitement. "Jade?" Jacob said. "Yes!"
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Odile felt a sense of nerves around the people she was yet to know more about, though the warmth this new world gave her didn't bother her completely. Actually, in all truth she welcomed it, pulling a blanket from the warmth of where she slept. Calmly wrapping it around her shoulders. Trading short glances between the men around her, something was odd about them. Like she had seen them possibly once before... Maybe in a dream? Or back in their own world or realism, where she was the girl who bummed for coins or food in the trash. Quickly she followed after the King and his Queen, hearing their welcome, she rose a mere brow. "I thought Jade was a land of mere fairy tale, something of myth..." Odile stated in a soft tone of voice. Tired, it was clear in her eyes, and tone.
"Oh, before I forget." Conan gave everyone a a gemstone bracket. "What's this?" Harry asked. "A bracelet that turns you into your dream self. Go on. Wear it!" Harry and Jacob put on their bracelets. "So..." Harry said. All of the sudden Jacob and Harry started to change. A few second later, they were now their dream selves. "This is the most bizarre dream." Harry said, examining himself. Jacob looked at himself too. "Wait, why did you call us here?" Harry asked. "There is a man who calls himself The Phantom King, he is turning my people into phantoms and trying to overthrow us. We need you three to help me destroy him." "Why us?" Jacob asked. "You three have very active imaginations. Without one, you wouldn't have a dream self." Harry and Jacob paused.
Carefully Odile found herself fixing the clasp on her bracelet, looking down at the gemstone in the bracelet. It must have been worth a pretty penny, that's what she thought about... The possibilities of having a better life with it. Yet, a sense of warmth filled her inner being upon a glow began to shine from the gem. Her body eaten by the light, before she changed into the appearance of her dreamself. A beauty, with crimson locks falling at her sides. Her cheeks were pale, kissed by milk, her lips pinkened and plump. Her appearance was completed by two beautiful blue eyes, along with a stunning gown with drew out her finer features in the form of curves.

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