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Multiple Settings Just looking for some friends to roleplay with.

Silver Fae

Thesaurus The Pro Hero
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
So, I am not very picky when it comes to roleplaying, all that I ask is that you try your best and I'll be fine. Oh, and please don't expect huge paragraphs, I don't expect them so please don't expect them from me. I will when I feel the need but there doesn't need to be a detailed response every time, that's not how writing works, there is a balance. Anyway, I love fantasy/action/romance roleplays and I like to keep things PG-13, I look forward to roleplaying with you!
Hey! I'm interested ^^ everything you said interested me and I to love the fantasy/romance/action.
Hmmm.... i hadnt thought that far ahead XD But i;ve always loved stories where death falls in love....... maybe? that to weird?
Not at all. I have a character who is cursed, but creatures of death love her. Cause, I wanted an edgy character.
Not at all. I have a character who is cursed, but creatures of death love her. Cause, I wanted an edgy character.
Who doesnt? ^^ So maybe i play death then and they meat.... when she's dying? or when someone next to her is dying?
Who doesnt? ^^ So maybe i play death then and they meat.... when she's dying? or when someone next to her is dying?
She kills anyone who threatens her precious house of outcasts. so, it could be during a night that she ravaged an angry mob.
I like it! Also... are you one who enjoys OOC chat?
I like it! Also... are you one who enjoys OOC chat?
These random nicknames confuse me. But I find them amusing, I was once BLACKJACK but now I am Bust :( which I feel is a significant demotion.
And I am not sure what OOC chat it, I am relatively new.
OOC mean Out Of Character. For instance. How was your day today Qrow/Bust?
OOC mean Out Of Character. For instance. How was your day today Qrow/Bust?
Hahaha. I am once again New Member. Alright, My day has been wonderful, and yours?
So, This out of character chat is for random discussions or posts, like status updates on deviantart?
Basically. ^^ it's a nice way to get to know your partner. And it's been pretty decent other than my anxiety being a little high.
Oh no, don't worry, making me uncomfortable takes quite a bit ^^

Hey, sorry skit this, but I gotta go, talk later ¡

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