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Multiple Settings Just looking for an RP friend

Roleplay Skittle

Eternally Awkward
So, I completely fail at making these super long, well thought out, and fancy looking partner request posts with all the pairings and ideas and suggestions because I work better when I am bouncing ideas off of someone, so I’ll just leave the basics here and maybe I’ll get a bite.


- I've been an adult for over a decade, if that’s an issue, please feel free to move on. :)

- I’m flexible with the gender of character I am playing and I would like for you to be as well.

- I am flexible with my characters’ sexual preferences, of course each one has their own preference so if romance is something you would prefer, please let me know. I’m also totally okay with there not being romance or if there are just one-sided feelings.

- I don’t like to plan an RP step by step, I’d rather get the setting and basic story laid out. This also kinda’ goes for relationships, sometimes I just like to see what happens. Maybe they will hit it off, maybe they won't and just remain friends. Maybe they are only acquaintances for the duration of the RP and would go their separate ways at the end.

- I don’t like the inclusion or exclusion of certain themes though there are some themes that just fit better in certain settings and after a pairing is decided. So I think this is something that can be discussed.

- I am seeking a long-term partner. That doesn't mean that we are limited to one story for the extent of our RP relationship, it means that I would like to play with someone who is available for play over time and that we both can feel free to say if we are getting bored of the story and need to improve on it or change it up.

- I am not a dictator when it comes to post length because I believe that being concise can also be a gift. In other words, you should be able to post enough to accurately describe what is going on in the scene, or what your character is doing, but still make it interesting to read. It doesn’t have to be a million paragraphs long to get the point across but should still reflect some effort.

- I don’t care if you use capitals when they are supposed to be used but punctuation and proper grammar is a must. Of course there is room for mistakes, we aren’t all perfect writers all the time and I know there are a lot of people on RPN whose first language is not English. Effort is what matters.

- As I said at the beginning of this post, I work better when I am bouncing ideas off of someone. This doesn't mean I am coming up with all the ideas. I would like some input from you. We are co-writing so it's important that I get your input. I'm not GMing and creating the whole world or scenario for you to play in and I don't expect you to do this for me. This is a cooperative effort so please don't be afraid to make a suggestion if you have an idea, we all have them even if we act like we don't.

- Genres I typically enjoy playing in are:
  • Modern
  • Historical - Medieval, Regency, Victorian, Edwardian
  • Supernatural
  • Steampunk
  • Low Fantasy (Any era I’ve mentioned)
  • High Fantasy (Any era I’ve mentioned)
  • Realisitc (Any era I’ve mentioned)
  • Anime (modern, feudal)

- I typically don’t play fandoms but I am open to discussion. The same goes for any genre I didn’t list.

- Secretly, I absolutely love situations where two characters that dislike each other are forced to be around each other for an extended period of time for one reason or another. This basically can be done in any setting with any characters for any reason and I find it absolutely hysterical most of the time. Also, it's so open ended because it's hard to tell how these characters will get on since all we really need to do is pick characters and give a reason why they are stuck with each other for the duration of the RP.

If I come off as stuffy or mean, I assure you it’s just for this post. I am as serious or as goofy as I need to be and if you can’t already tell from my avatar, handle, or title - I am a total goofball most of the time.

Questions? Comments? Feel free to PM. :)

* I am a full-time adult with a full-time adult schedule so while I am generally available to respond for chat, it's harder for me to reply to RP posts during the day (mainly because my phone totally has a conniption when I try to type a big post).

** I won't ghost you. I will also respond if you message me regardless of whether or not you immediately drop an idea in my lap. Even if I don't like it, I'll let you know because just ignoring is kinda' rude in my book. :)
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