Story Just Listen - short stories from music

I just wanted to post a story based from music/playlist. Hopefully, I can write more as time comes along.

“In the desert, you can remember your name. ‘Cause there ain’t no one for to give you no pain.” - America

He neighed as I reigned him in. The dried up river ran parallel to us, the fishbones and debris sat halfway covered in sand and dust. The ground blanketed the horizon against the orange glow of sundown. Not a single soul but the pair of us.

I took a swig of what little water I had left in my flask and wiped the soot of my brows. My friend here needed to find a watering hole, something to keep him going.

We’ve been at it for miles. My hat glued onto my forehead with the sweat that poured from the unforgiving scorch of mother nature. What was it that they said, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? Well, I guess, who ever angered the mother of the sky struck hard and didn’t ask for no repentance. She hasn’t broke out in tears for weeks.

No waterworks, no rain. No rain, no life.

It’s been hard on everyone. The flour and mill were running low and the people were getting hungry like something fierce. It was hard to watch their golden, sunny faces turn green with envy and red with anger and impatience. It didn’t take long before all colour drained altogether - their bones covered by a thin layer of pale, mottled skin.

I told them I’d find something. I had to. Since no one else knew the way back as I did. But I’ve lost count of the evenings where all I could do was watch the night sky and wish for something good to happen. I was beginning to think that I’ve lost it all since I was down to the last biscuit that I had in my pockets and my stomach felt like it was chewing itself from the inside out.

‘Oh, go on boy,’ I put my arm around his neck, running my fingers down to keep him calm. He’s been moving slow too. It feels like we’ve been moving in circles at this point. I don’t really know for long.

I swung my foot unto the stirrups, but it missed completely. The pebbles dug into my back and the world turned upside down. If I wasn’t in so much pain, I’d dusted myself off already. But it didn’t feel right to stand. Not yet anyways.

The more I laid on my back, the more that I didn’t want to continue. All I wanted to do was close my eyes so I did. But then, the sky did the most peculiar thing.

It started rain.

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