Just Goofin'


it's funny bc his name is MAX too
Hey! I'm Max, but you can call me... anytime ; )
i'm so sorry

I'm new to this site in particular but I've spent about six-eight (I'm really not sure anymore) years doing roleplay and writing on-and-off on another site that holds quite a special place in my heart. However, I'm expanding my views to other sites, and I've really liked this one from what I've been seeing while I was exploring and looking around! I'm semi-advanced, because I'm usually hella busy, and don't have a lot of time to formulate SUPER long replies, but I love writing so much that I can't give it up no matter how much time I have on my hands. I can't guarantee high activity, but I'm here, and I'm excited. : )

I'm a super dork, I like anime and multiple other tv shows (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, anyone?), I love reading but haven't actually picked up a book in... too long. My favorite color is green, I love making vine references and going on rants about how much I love my friends *cough cough* Eli I followed you here *cough cough* and I'm super into all types of music, I love listening to music whenever I get the opportunity. I also like singing but I'm not much for it so that's just kinda an on-my-own kinda thing.
Warm Greetings from the site! We hope that you enjoy your time here and make fond memories!
Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself lol I'm Misty, it's nice to meet you :) I hope you have a wonderful time on the site! And never do give up writing, it's a special talent and a fantastic outlet for creativity!
Lipstick? In my Valentino white bag?

Hi! And thank you so much! I hope never to, it’s my favorite hobby :)
Its Wednesday mah dudes


oh wait its Thursday oh crap

i' m just gonna... uhhh

-majestically yeets out of the thread-

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