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Doctor B*tchcraft
Hello all! I've been roleplaying for quite a few years now, and am looking for some new partners. This post may not look pretty, and for that I apologize. I'm a 20 year old lady, and for that reason I prefer my partners to be 18+. I tend to match my partners post length, and quantity is not always quality. But, I would prefer more than a paragraph, as I tend to be pretty detailed.

No one liners.

Now, onto some ideas! I enjoy playing fandoms, though I usually like to do canon x oc and oc x oc. When it comes to romance, I like to play a female in a m/f relationship. BUT! If we are doubling, and you ask for mxm or fxf, I could be convinced if i'm inspired. I just write what I know, and as a heterosexual female, that's where my writing tends to be the most comfortable. But do not be afraid to ask!!

Fandoms I am comfortable with
(I will put a * next to the ones I really enjoy, and a ** next to the ones i'm craving. I will also put the canons I am comfortable playing, and the ones I am craving for someone to play!)

Sherlock **
(preferably canonxOC, and I'm looking for a Sherlock!)

MCU ********
(I can play Thor, Natasha, Wanda, Pepper. Those are the ones I'm comfortable playing, if you have someone you're craving to play with, let me know I may be able to pull it off for you!)
(I'm looking for: Loki, Tony, Steven Strange, Bruce)

Lord of the Rings
(preferably oc x oc, but I would love to play with someone who would play Legolas!)

(I can play Betty, Cheryl, Veronica)
(Looking for Jughead or FP)

I also enjoy slice of life or fantasy roleplays, here are some ideas!

Angel x Demon *
God x Goddess **
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ***
Teacher x Student *
Celebrity x Fan
City girl/boy x Country girl/boy
Police officer x Criminal
Superhero x Villain *
Superhero x Civilian *

I'm also very open to ideas! Please, send me a DM if you're interested! And let me know what your favorite fruit is. Mine's a strawberry.

I look forward to creating something fun with you!

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