Just Another Human...or Am I?


New Member
You shall never know my species, because I simply do not wish to specify it.


You may guess as you please.

You may believe your guesses as you please.

You may do whatever you please, as I'm sure it will either amuse or please me.

I aim to please and amuse, to have a good time, and to write freely for fun and laughter; not for the red pen of the scholars of long forgotten kings.

Now please feel free to comment as you wish.

How any times did I use the word 'please'? (No don't really answer that.)

Let's see-

My history in the art of roleplay...

I've been on many sites, for approximately two years now, and role played copious amounts of crap on my journey to improve my writing, and sledgehammer my fine-tuned procrastinating skillz. Finally, I believe I am ready to begin my *hopefully many* adventures here.

(I believe many things that never show their mysterious faces so we'll see...)
Welcome to RPNation, I'm Sukai. I hope we can rp sometime! I have a habit of assuming/guessing, so forgive me if I assume that we will never actually rp. Anyway I hope you enjoy your time here! And I hope you do go on many exciting adventures! ^_^

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