Just another high school rp 1x1 with Marionette


New Member
'--And I will be choosing your lab partners this year.'

A series of groans and protests went through classroom 205 when their biology teacher announced that particular fact. Yep, the year was off to a great start, and June Williams couldn't help but let out a little sigh herself. In the following five minutes her fate for three hours every single school week (not even counting projects) would be sealed, and there was not a damn thing she could do about it. Why did teachers always incessantly insist on students learning to collaborate with everyone? June already could do that. Honestly. She was capable of being polite, and she was willing to cooperate with whoever was assigned to work with her. She just didn't believe all of her classmates would return the favor, be civil, and do their part. There was little room to "collaborate" if one of two partners was gonna be a total ass about it, which she just knew some would be. See, high school politics and social rules were tricky subjects. Teachers didn't seem to understand the full extent of it-- and had probably forgotten what it was like to be young as well.

'I hope we get paired up again,' Lauren, June's only friend in this class, whispered at her. She'd been one of the people who'd pulled a face at the teacher's announcement. Lauren was an academic high flyer, and she hated surprises like these.

June nodded, and leaned a bit closer to quietly reply. 'Yeah me too… I mean, we did do all the work, and got good grades last year, too so--'

June fell quiet again when their biology teacher started reading out the pairs. She would just have to suck it up, cross her fingers, and hope for the best.

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