Just a Walk in the Park (Feel free to join anytime!)


New Member
It was one of those perfect days... Well, as perfect as a winter day could get. The snow had already fallen, leaving a soft, white blanket on the ground. Someone had already come along and shoveled the side walks, leaving a nice path for the daily walkers of the town. The playground was covered in snow and ice, and the mall, or the big, open, grass area, was covered with snow, even the trees were covered. It was silent, accept for the sound of whirling wind and... woman's feet? Yes, woman's feet. She was walking on the side walk, her mid-condition moccasins hitting the cracked cement. She was wearing her old, dark denim jeans that had holes at her knees and thighs. She had thick, black leggings underneath her jeans, so no skin showed and her legs stayed warm. On her torso, she had on a white camisole

, a some-what see through, long sleeved shirt, and a thick jacket. She was shivering, for she didn't grab her winter coat on her way out the door. She looked around, and no one was outside, walking the side walks. Everyone was in their cars, whizzing past, some giving her weird looks when there was a red light. She stopped walking on the path and brushed off one of the swings o the play ground, sitting down and lightly pumping her legs to swing. She wrapped her arms around the chains, then stuffing her hands in her pockets. She also forgotten gloves... She was always so forgetful.
A Little Girl, About Four or Five Years. Walked infront of her. She gave a Pleasent smile. Her Bright Green Eye's Shimmered Bright. Her Sweet, Curly Bkack Hair Was Pulled into A Ponytail. With A Lime Green Ribbion Rapped around It. She Didnt Wear Nothing Special. A White Blouse, A Pair of Denim Pants, And A Fluffy Winter Coat. The Younge Child Held her Hand Out. Hopingly for her to Take The Item Locked Inside.

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