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Just a Slave? (Mobius - DizjayDeathPride)

"Sounds romantic," Marley joked with him in a flirtatious voice,blowing a kiss his way before she got out of the car.
Marley rolled her eyes playfully at him when he 'caught' the kiss.She then looked both ways before she pointed somewhat towards the left."How about left?" She suggested.
He grabbed her hand, linked their fingers, and walked left. "Left is the long way. If I didnt know any better id think you just wanna extra time with me"
Marley chuckled a bit and shrugged."Honestly,I had no idea,but I like the idea of more time..." She told him.
Marley smiled and looked at their hands for a moment before she looked back at the lake again.When he mentioned the bench,she nodded and smiled before she sat down.
Marley watched as the ducks came up to them."What could we feed them?" She asked with a chuckle.
Marley chuckled when he bit her cheek.Then she looked at the ducks and pulled her legs up."No,I don't think I'm edible to a duck," she said as she looekd at the birds.
He turned her head, pulled her closer, and kissed her deeply. "Well then you're all mine. I'm sorry ducks." He went back to kissing her as they waddled around, pecking the ground
Marley chuckled and kissed him back for a while before she pulled away and looked back at the ducks."Maybe we should get them some bread..." She thought out loud.
Marley pulled away and looked at the ducks."Aw,come on...look at them.They're hungry...you would let them starve?" She asked as she looked over at him,playing the guilt trip.
His jaw dropped "I... well.. sigh. Fine. Ducks sit here we'll be back." He stood and they waddled away. "Come on lets go get the stupid ducks their stupid bread"
Marley chuckled a bit and leaned back against him."Okay," she said before she nibbled cutely on his scruff.
"Yeah,you're not that bad," Marley giggled a bit before she looked up at him."And your arms are cold," she added as she looked down at his arms that were around her waist,which her crop top didn't cover.

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