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Just a Slave? (Mobius - DizjayDeathPride)

"Dont put a blocked off hallway they said. Connect the whole house they said. Look whos laughing now! Muhahaha!" He raised his hands, wiggled his fingers, and stepped
He pulled her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her like a bear "raaawr im gonna eat you" then he laughed "did that sound as stupid to you as it did me?"
Zack ran his hands up her body and held her face, never once breaking the kiss. He began to kiss across her jawline when he caught himself
Marley smiled as he ran his hands up her to hold her face.When he started to kiss her jawline and she raised an eyebrow when he stopped.
Marley blushed lightly."Aw,you're too sweet," she told him before she kissed his lips gently,waiting for him to continue.
He picked her up, wrapped her legs around his waist, and continued, walking to the room she oddly wasnt too far from, deciding to finish there
Marley sighed as she rested her head against his chest and flipped through the TV channels."Is nothing on this thing?" She asked him as she glanced at him.

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