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New Member
Hello lovely people,

I'm Aimee, in my 20s, from the UK and desperately seeing a few role-playing buddies who I can click with and together write amazing stories.

I love realistic modern stories, dark romance, vampire x human, werewolf x human, exs meeting up again, I'm super open and love hearing other people's ideas and cravings.

I am looking for long term semi lit, I need a decent amount to work with in order to do a decent reply, have very few triggers and do tend to seek out the darker and more toxic romances.

I am a huge fan of moodboards, songs, and that kind of thing as I feel it really enhances the story, nit a fan of anime though please so realistic pictures only.

Hopefully I have not bored you too much, if you are interested then jump into my IMs and let's get a story going :).

Hugs and kisses
Hello lovely people,

I'm Aimee, in my 20s, from the UK and desperately seeing a few role-playing buddies who I can click with and together write amazing stories.

I love realistic modern stories, dark romance, vampire x human, werewolf x human, exs meeting up again, I'm super open and love hearing other people's ideas and cravings.

I am looking for long term semi lit, I need a decent amount to work with in order to do a decent reply, have very few triggers and do tend to seek out the darker and more toxic romances.

I am a huge fan of moodboards, songs, and that kind of thing as I feel it really enhances the story, nit a fan of anime though please so realistic pictures only.

Hopefully I have not bored you too much, if you are interested then jump into my IMs and let's get a story going :).

Hugs and kisses
Hello there! I like those romance ideas you have posted here. (I'm a bit young, hope that isn't a problem if I was to RP with you)
~ Duende

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