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Fantasy Just a Couple Ideas


Black Market Witch
Just a few ideas that have been floating around my head. But I don't want to flesh them out too much if people aren't interested so I may as well test the waters here.

Untitled: (fantasy/action/adventure)(3-6 characters)

This story takes place mostly in a fantasy kingdom and revolves mainly around 3 of the royal children. The second eldest son, renown for his battle prowess and marked as a cold-blooded killer, who's beginning to question whether or not killing all these people is best for the kingdom. The eldest daughter, known as the most beautiful in the land, constantly being used in political engagements and wants to prove that she is more than a pretty face. And the youngest daughter, a girl who "shouldn't have existed", as she tries to figure out the real reason she is locked away. As simple wishes and questions lead to secrets and plots, will they need to save their kingdom from falling to ruin?

If possible, I'd like to include other characters such as maybe a suitor or fiance for the first princess or a warrior that admires or hates the second prince. I don't know.

The Story of Evil: ("historical fictional setting"/action/"realistic")(2-6 characters)

Loosely inspired by the Prince and the Pauper, this rp tales place in a kingdom where the citizens are taxed heavily and oppressed by a young and cruel king. Fed up with their poor living conditions, a small revolutionary army is formed and a couple members sneak into the castle in an attempt to assassinate the king. Their plans are interrupted when it's discovered that one of them, a girl, looks identical to the king and is then assigned to be his shadow. Normally, this would be good considering her plans to kill him would go smoother if she has to stay with him all the time, but it turns out that the king is not the heartless monster she had originally thought. So now the group must decide if killing the king is the right thing to do. And it isn't easy with corrupt nobles and impatient rebels breathing down their necks.

The Omega Guide to Normality: ("slice of life"/random/silly)(3-6 characters?)(title is a work-in-progress)

Our hero is a young boy who enrolled into a prestigious academy in hopes of becoming a well-respected member of society with a nice job and normal life. Too bad his grades end up putting him in the Omega class, which not only is just a handful of students but pretty much just where the school places the idiots and rejects. Still, he could somehow make this work, right? Except everyone was put there for a reason, from the lolicon teacher to the girl who keeps using her classmates as guinea pigs, everyone seems to be insane. And they keep dragging him off on their outlandish adventures. Will he manage to keep his sanity until the end of the year when faced with aliens, robots and magical girls?

I don't want to play the new kid. So really need to find someone who doesn't mind playing a tsukkomi-type character.

Reaching for Stars: (fantasy/action/adventure)(?? characters)

Humanity is born with a certain innocence, a sort of light, that keeps the ugly things lurking in the shadows away. However, centuries of corruption and sin have extinguished that light so that even newborns are found without it. Now this would've gone unnoticed if those monsters under your bed and in your closets weren't real. Losing their "light" made everyone prey to these dark beasts. And for decades they have had to live in fear. That is until the first "star" was born, beings who possessed the light they had lost long ago. And their light was stronger, too. Capable of not only warding the darkness but defeating it as well and also lending that power to humans. However, the light of a fallen star is fleeting and these "stars" more often than not die before their 15th birthday though no one knows why. And as a "star's" birth is rare, there is that constant fear of sinking back into the dark. But rumor tells of a "star" who managed to reach adulthood and the world wants to know why.

So if I could sum it up. Fantasy land. Dark monsters. Badasses with kid sidekicks.

Legend of Noob: (fantasy/action/adventure/silly)(2-4 characters)

2 friends get sucked into a videogame and must complete the game to get out. Pretty much. This rp is meant to be nonserious and fun, making fun of rpg tropes and cliches. Along with the players, I was thinking of having some people be npcs of the game if possible. This'll probably be a rather short rp.
I like the Legend of Noob and the Omega Guide to Normality :)
. . . You guys do now that all these are unfinished ideas, right? This entire thread was meant to pitch ideas to choose which ones to pursue and figure out. I'll need a few days to think up what I want to do with this. Though if you can't really wait, I see Deadkool already has a recruitment thread for a similar idea.

I'm not sure if one should play the big baddy as their main character as he/she will most likely not have much consistent screen time. I had originally thought of the npc characters being the other characters of a party.
amdreams said:
. . . You guys do now that all these are unfinished ideas, right? This entire thread was meant to pitch ideas to choose which ones to pursue and figure out. I'll need a few days to think up what I want to do with this. Though if you can't really wait, I see Deadkool already has a recruitment thread for a similar idea.
I'm not sure if one should play the big baddy as their main character as he/she will most likely not have much consistent screen time. I had originally thought of the npc characters being the other characters of a party.
I was planning on handing it over to you once you returned
It's fine. I don't own the idea plus it's not like you stole anything. I'm sure this sort of thing has been done a bunch of times before. And I wouldn't want to kill everyone's interest by taking too long. Besides, more people were interested than I anticipated, especially since I recruited a friend to that idea as well. I fear too many characters may make this a bit more than I can handle, so you can keep your thread and idea.
How do you feel about the Omega Guide to Normality? I would like to pursue that idea further.
Well, Life, with the Omega Guide to Normality, our biggest concern wopuld be finding someone who would like to play the tsukkomi new kid. As it's more of an anthology type thing, story arcs could be thought of as we go, it would be easier to set up. Though I'd like an overarcing theme of sorts. Then there's the issue of me trying to explain the "ability" system while being clear but not confusing.
Tsukkomi means normal-minded yes? One who keeps a calm facade but eventually is thwarted by all the abnormality? I wouldn't mind being that new kid.

And yesh yesh I see what you mean...perhaps little stories rather than an overall plot would be easier to do along this line of an idea.

The system is about the school, yes? Well would it be difficult for you to describe the school? If you describe the school I can perhaps try to help you with the system description.
Well, sort of. A tsukkomi is kind of like the straight man in a comedy duo. Essentially, he is meant to be a logical or serious mind in an illogical world. Questioning how these things are possible, being the responsible or moral one when even the teacher isn't, and trying to actually learn something while the class just leisurely fools around. He'd be doing things a normal person would, like studying before an exam, while the rest of the class sort of looks at him like a weirdo for doing so. Though this isn't exactly what a tsukkomi is, it's sort of the image I had for him.

And the "ability" system isn't the school. It's essentially the "superpowers" of the students. But they're not really powers either. Basically, they'd either be able to do something extraordinary but with a normal explanation or do something normal with an extraordinary explanation.


  • Someone who claims to have control over thunder but is just using a stun gun.
  • Someone who can pull just about anything out of their bag but says it's just because she has good organizational skills.
Mmmm yesh I do not mind playing the tsukkomi new kid at all :)

In fact I feel like that is my daily life between family and school >.<

And I see. Kids who believe they have superabilities yet not really, makes the story even more intriguing :)

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