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Fandom Jurassic Park RPG


And I've been runnin' for a soft place to fall ...
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

I'm really craving a Jurassic Park RPG atm. I'm looking for someone to rpg Alan for my OC. But I'd also be happy to play Ellie in a pairing with him. I'd also be interested in a pairing with Ian, OC or CC.

A little note: While I have seen the prequels, I'm most familiar with the very first Jurassic Park movie which is the frame I'd like to play in. We can make up our own universe going from there if we want or need to.

A few things about me: I'm in my 30ies and I've been writing and rpging for over ten years. I like to write literate posts with a lot of internal thoughts and observations. I like brainstorming and lore- and world building.

ChatGPT: I have nothing against the use of ChatGPT for ideas or phrasing as long as I don't get replies copied and pasted 1:1 from ChatGPT. I'm here to write with YOU.

Please be over 18 if you want to rp with me.

Would love to hear from you!

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