Juniper Sagethorn

Juniper Sagethorn

Solitary Fae
Just submitting my character sheet! I've been playing this character for a long while now, and this is really the first time I've ever written anything solid down for it.

Feel free and offer (constructive) feedback!

~Juniper ♥


Character Name: Juniper Sagethorn

Age: Aphen (475)

Species: Faerie

Court: Solitary (Pooka)

Occupation: Mead Brewer


  • The first thing most would notice about Juniper is that she has long, fiery red hair that reaches down past her backside. It falls in loose waves and curls down her back and shoulders. Upon her head on the right side is a medium sized fascinator-type of headband comprised of various twigs, branches, and dried juniper berries (hence her namesake). She tends to favor clothes that require the least amount of fuss, and provides the most ease of movement. Her clothing is woven cloth, dyed various shades of green to help her blend into the environment. She wears leggings that appear to be leaves, simple shoes, and a longer, tunic-type top made of more flowy material. She has larger, rounded, doe-like eyes framed with plush, dark eyelashes and groomed, naturally arched brows. She was born with one blue eye, and one green eye. Her nose is a bit large, but is still strangely proportionate to her face which is more round. Her top and bottom lips are full, and are a light baby pink in color. Her skin is porcelain pale, unmarred by scars or other markings, and she has dimples in both cheeks.
  • She moves with an almost feline grace through any sort of rough, forest terrain. She can also move silently if need be. When she does speak, her voice is calming; pleasant. When people approach her or even when they see her from a distance, they suddenly feel this warm, fuzzy feeling. It's familiar somehow, and very pleasant. Her posture is fairly lax, and she can often be found lazing about on a tree branch or a moss covered rock when she isn't working on brewing her mead.


  • She's a friendly, semi-introverted Fae with a curiosity for Humans that sometimes gets her into trouble. Her smile is infectious, with dimples in both cheeks showing in full force. She has an immobilizing fear of anything remotely metallic, and prefers the comforts of her natural habitat. She's got a very sound, keen knowledge of plants, particularly those that could pose a danger to others. While she is able to track both Humans and animals, she's not nearly as good at it as most of her Fae brethren. She is an excellent navigator, and knows her own home forest like the back of her hand.


  • Juni was raised in a fairly normal Fae household. Several siblings, loving parents. Her life was almost...boring in comparison to some of her friends and neighbors. She's always been so curious, and has always had an affinity for learning about new places and new things, and always had a thirst for adventure.
  • Present Day: While she still clings to her love of adventure, she's much more cautious than she used to be. She has made a name for herself in the meadery business, and has been known to trade or sell her mead to those of both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts for their lavish affairs.
The unusual eyes are worrying, but I think you can be allowed one offbeat quality. Lots of questions, but any critique depends on the purpose of your character. Interesting characters are different than aspirational characters. A character intended to reflect a person is different than one intended to move events. Always keep a purpose in mind before creating and refining a character. Otherwise, the character will be muddled and undefined.

What is her underlying motivation? Brewing mead is what she does, but why does she do it? This is important for characters that move events, but not those that reflect people.

Second is, what about her needs improvement? Interesting characters always need work on their personality, while aspirational characters never do.

Keep in mind that aspirational characters tend to gravitate towards the edges of narratives, while interesting ones occupy the center. There is always room for both in a narrative, but make sure that you're willing to accept the limitations of the one that you pick.

What role or function do you see her playing in any RP? Gamer examples: tank, dps, support. Relationship examples: the smart one, the fun one, the dependable one, the wise one.
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