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Futuristic Jumpers | Character thread



Mock CS

You can copy and write your character in. Mace Windu as a placeholder just to show how it's supposed to be formatted + brief instructions. Codes are fine if they're mobile friendly.


Samuel Jackson

Age | 71 (18 years is minimum)

Build | Average, 6'0"

Marks & Piercings | (Visible tats, scars and piercings)

Profession | Wanderer of the earth

Origin | Washington D.C - United States

Background | (Character history, as much or little as you'd like but cover the basics)

Training & Experience | (Qualifications, stuff they're good at, education etc)

Enhancements | (What enhancements do they have right now? Change this section on the sheet if you change enhancements IC)

Random Fact | Played himself in Star Wars

Theme song
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Maria Sanchez-Abadi

Age |

Build| Short and skinny, as if she’s only subsided on coffee for the last fifteen years

Marks & Piercings| Pierced ears, a small burn scar on her elbow from trying to type and cook eggs at the same time.

Profession | Adjunct professor, post-doctoral student

Origin | Miami - United States

Background | Maria is the result of that great American melting pot. She calls herself “ethnically ambiguous brown,” which is a pretty accurate description since most people can’t place what she is at first glance. Through her parents, Maria has a bit of English, Mexican, Cuban, African, Portuguese, Spanish, Syrian, and (if you go back far enough) Japanese heritage. “Yes” would be an accurate answer if you ask where her family’s from. Her parents each remarried twice, so she has a horde of siblings, half-siblings, quarter-siblings, adopted siblings, and even more aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Maria discovered her love of history thanks to Mr. Baker, a name she praises and curses with equal measure. Her middle-school history teacher was a phenomenal guy, encouraging their interest of the subject, lending out books on every era imaginable. Maria’s passion for the subject never faded. She even went to college to study history on a partial scholarship. She sort of… fell into academia, deciding to pursue a Master’s because she wasn’t sure what to do next, and that program was from a decently prestigious but very private (read: expensive) university.

Then she went for her PhD, teaching baby freshman the joys of history while crying about her thesis into coffee cups. Maria discovered that she actually liked being a professor, and she wouldn’t mind doing it full time. If only a university would hire her with tenure… she’s getting real tired of eating only peanuts. Maria finished her PhD (Thank all the gods!) and she’s doing her post-doc research at Oxford, which is amazing. But she knows her chances of getting tenure there are less amazing.

So Maria’s been grinding herself to the bone, desperately sending out resumes and eyeing the interest rate on her student loans...

Training & Experience | Her specialty is in 2000s American culture, with secondary specialties in 1900s European fabric and 1600s Renaissance architecture. Maria's also a great writer, can hit a sustained typing speed of 112 words per minute, and has a casual reading speed of 700 words a minute. She's fantastic at lecturing, both in the "let me teach you!" and the "oh, you're in deep shit" way. Despite her short stature, she's hella intimidating, probably because her eyes have the darkness of someone who's crawled through hell (aka, her dissertation) and nothing can scare her anymore. Come fight her. She's survived academia politics and arguments about the superior kind of 1600s buttons. (They are often the same.) She will gladly fight you. Come at her.

Enhancements | Enhanced strength, photographic memory, caffeine immunity

Random Fact | Has a beanie collection, is actually proud of her beanie collection, and has a decent set of novelty beanies tucked away for the right occasions.

Theme Song


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Funeral Sawyer

Age | 27

Build | mostly on the skinny/scrawny side, very little muscle or fat, 5'7

Marks & Piercings | That scar over his nose from getting in a fight with a raccoon

Profession | Wendy's Cashier

Origin | Chesapeake, United States

Background | Funeral is the youngest of five children, and his parents did not want five children. He was a complete mistake. And they hated him. They named him Funeral (which is child abuse in itself) and proceeded to neglect him for all his life. He was a very smart kid, no matter how much god hated him, and was given a lot of options when he graduated high school. he decided he wanted to be a nurse, and went to nursing school. Funeral took out a few student loans, thinking 'I can pay them off.' Little did he know, he was ruining his own life. About halfway through nursing school, he realized that he didn't really like nursing all that much. So, very stupidly, he dropped out. Still having to pay off student loans, Funeral got a job at a Wendy's. Fast forward through some very poor financial decisions and him nearly going to prison for tax evasion, and here you are.

Training & Experience | Considering he got halfway through nursing school in Virginia, he has some knowledge on medical practices. He still holds that knowledge because, to avoid the hospital, he's had to use that knowledge to help himself in the past. So hey, he isn't completely useless on the field. Funeral is still quite intelligent, and he often sits in his apartment and works through a college math book (which he found on the side of the road, it appears some poor student was so broken they gave up and tossed it), just to avoid boredom. He is very resourceful, as he's spent a lot of his time being very poor and has to avoid buying anything.

Enhancements | Nanite healing, toxin resistance

Random Fact | He has 35 cents in his bank account
Friedrich Horst
Age | 34

Build | No muscles, no fat. He eats too little to be fat, and he's too lazy to become skinny. His body is lazy incarnate.

Profession | An IT guy (For time travel)

Origin | Frankfurt, Germany

Background | First, Frie was born, and it was pretty much all downhill from there. At the age of 6, to a young Frie's abject terror, his father, Friedrich senior, also called Frie, called their son Small Frie. Doesn't seem too bad, huh? Well, first day of Kindergarten, his dad calls him small Frie in front of a bunch of kids. Frie was, of course, bullied mercilessly for this. Going on from Kindergarten to 5th grade, Frie wrongly though he was free. Then his dad said it again on the first day of school. With both Elementary and Middle School being a personal hell, Frie though High School couldn't get any worse. To the surprise of pretty much no one (Except Frie), High school was way worse. Teen drama, mean girls, social anxiety, hormones, grades, pretty much everything shitty related to High school really.

Come college, Frie's pretty much done with everyone's shit as this point. Moving to Berlin to attend an affordable college (No student loans, haha!), Frie signed up for a course in Computer Science. At this point, Frie's grown up to be the weak and dependant man he is today. Irresponsible, apathetic, and lazy, Frie never really stood a chance. Somehow, someway, Frie managed to graduate college with a PHD in computer science. Hell must've been pretty chilly that day, because Frie only went to classes if he was feeling "Adventurous" as he says.

After a month of living on saving and frantically sending out resume after resume, Frie just said "Fuck it" at some point and sent a job application out to the Scientific Institute that was, apparently, inventing time travel. Two weeks later, to Frie's great surprise, he actually got a job. Suspicious, Frie knew something was wrong. The universe hated him, this wasn't right. Then he read what job he got, and he saw he was going to be an IT guy with pretty crappy pay and long hours. Sadly, all was right with the universe at the moment. So, for the next 9 years, Frie worked on updating Firefox in dimly lit offices while scientists discovered time travel in the room over.

Fast forward a few years to the first successful test of time travel, Frie could be found drunkenly bragging about how he helped do that in a bar. And that's about it, really. Frie's life is pretty boring past that point.

Training & Experience | With the physical prowess of a limp noodle, no service record, a PHD in Computer Science, and a dead end job, Friedrich's biggest qualification could very well be the gym card on his dresser he got 3 years ago and never used. Basically, on paper, Friedrich's useless. But, in actuality, he's less then useless. He not only actively tries to go home, but all he does is whine and sleep. Fortunately, all you have to do to get Friedrich to put his seven quadrillion IQ brain to work is annoy the living hell out of him. Oh, yeah, right, Frie may or may not be a genius. Forgot to mention that part, but honestly speaking, you'll probably think his brain is the size of a walnut.

Enhancements | Cat like reflexes, Eagle eyes, and night vision

Random Fact | Has, on several occasions, actually managed to burn water while cooking Ramen noodles. Also, technically speaking, Friedrich is a doctor. A doctor of Computer Science, but a doctor nonetheless. Because of this, he likes to say "Trust me, I'm a doctor".

Theme Song
It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
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Adella Brooks


Age | 22

Build | She's one of those assholes who drinks five Redbull a day, eats nothing but takeout, and sits in her computer chair for sixteen hours straight on any given day, but still has a pretty average build, 5'4"

Marks & Piercings | Piercings all up the side of her left ear, a single hole on her right ear. All of which were done by herself with a safety pin in her bathroom.

Profession | She checks security openings in large companies' computer networks as her day job. Her side hustles include animating and selling shitty hentai and defrauding people.

Origin | Minnesota - United States

Background | Adella is the real-person incarnate of min-maxing a character with killer intelligence, a dash of wisdom, and then zero charisma.

Born and raised in Minnesota, Adella was never one to spend much time outside. It's cold out there. Who wants to be out there? Not her. So, she never had many complaints when her parents gave her all the more reasons to stay inside. She grew up almost entirely on the internet. She learned her social etiquette from Reddit, her communication skills and vocabulary from Urban Dictionary, and her common sense from YouTube compilations. What she lacks in tact she has literally nothing to make up for it with. She's spent her life using her intellect for hacking, reading interests that take her anywhere from shitty Wattpad novels to freaky Killing Stalking kind of manga to Lovecraft, and scamming nasty internet virgins for their money.

From a young age, Adella was homeschooled. Her parents spend most of their time working, which left most of her teaching up to private tutors, nannies, and the internet. She excelled in her schooling. Her unfortunate intellect made it easy for her to rocket through her high school education, graduating at the age of fifteen, at which point her parents expected Adella to go to college. Adella did not go to college. They tried to make her leave the house and get a real job. Adella started bringing in bank through poking holes in Fortune Five Hundred companies' security systems and, digitally animating and then selling tentacle porn hentai, and committing fraud through the internet. They decided that she did not, in fact, have to leave, as long as they had access to her bank account. Her parents grew even richer than they already were and Adella got half the mansion to herself where she can sit in her pile of Redbull cans and takeout containers in peace. It's a win for everybody.

Training & Experience | Most of what she can offer is in her computer skills and whatever she can do with a hoity-toity private tutor-taught high school education. And, like, a lot of money.

Enhancements | Photographic memory.

Random Fact | If you've ever received a scam email from an Egyptian prince desperately needing money, there's about a 5.7% chance it was from Adella, created through her automated system that breaks into databases to steal emails and then sends out the aforementioned money plea.

Name | Harlow Season McClemon

Nickname | Harley

Age | Twenty-five

Build | Lean - 5'7"

Marks & Piercings | She has basic ear piercings along with a hoop nose ring on the left side.

Profession | Interpreter

Origin | London, United Kingdom

Background | Born to a British father and a German mother, being bilingual was always a given for her. Even though she lived in London for all of her life she found that she enjoyed the sound of German more. Much to her father's dismay she and her mother would often just talk in German leaving him out of many conversations. The few times she visited Germany she vowed to move there when she was older but never got around to it.
As she grew older she declared she would be the Picasso of language. When asked what it meant she would simply shrug her shoulders. In college, she majored in German with a minor in Langauge History. Once she graduated she found herself feeling lost, and decided she wanted to learn more languages.

Training & Experience |
⚬ Fluent: English & German
⚬ Advanced:
⚬ Intermediate:

Enhancements | Photographic memory

Random Fact | She's dyed her hair so much she can't remember the natural color.

Theme song
Nora Jay
Age | 22

Build | Slim/Athletic - 5'6"

Marks & Piercings | Ear piercings, usually empty. A few small scars on the right arm from a bad fall. One tattoo on the shoulder in memory of a lost one.

Profession | Astroid mining

Origin | Galveston TX, USA

Background | Nora's childhood was dreadful, not in a horrible depressing way but with boredom. No one's ever said "I love Galveston" because there adventure lacks -- the kind of place where "fun" is monopoly night. Talk about hell for Nora with travel thick in her blood; the small city caged her. Depressing with litter-beaches and slumped streets Jay grew resentful, wantjng change.

At 18 years she'd make it so; leaving family was hard but savings and temp positions - communes and couch-surfs held her down as she wandered nomadic. It was romantic and novel how she lived, very interesting and fun to stay on the move. Nora knew it was insane but with soul satisfied she'd make due. If tenable she would've continued endless but reality wouldn't allow. Eventually it would kick in and remind her that "No, this shit is not going to put bread on the table forever" -- that her temp job in Cali wouldn't cover her for life, that no communes in the lower 48 needed help and that a high school degree didn't mean shit. Nora would have to adult up and quick, but what to do?

Well.... why not the most dangerous job off earth? Asteroid Mining, the new gold rush for rare minerals and ore deposits. In the stars lay diamonds and gold - platinum, titanium and tungsten! What Earth craved lay in asteroid fields and a brave few left earth to mine them. The job paid well and while it required training no degrees were needed. Most companies openly took applications too, an inclusive job field but why? You'd think it'd be an employers market with high demands right? You're damn wrong! Maybe it was the cramped rooms with four people per broom closet. Maybe it was the huge fatality rate from blasting accidents and hull breaches. Maybe it was the stories of miners drifting into dead space to die slow. Perhaps it was the increased cancer rates and shit food? All the cons made for good pay and despite them there was adventure for the pros. So Nora applied and within two months she was in an exosuit running power drills in the asteroid belt.

For the last two years she's been in the field becoming adept, working three month rotations with equal time off in between - as mandated by government health regulations. All told she has 12 months space-time with one very close call of her own and a work-met BF who died six months ago on the job. Faulty wiring, suffocation and death, a terrible way to go....

Nora memorialized him on her shoulder with a simple tattoo; as you can see its not a job for everyone.

Currently Jay's on shore leave between rotations. While on R&R she was contacted by Uncle Sam with the Jumpers' job opportunity. Turns out she has some "one in a million mutation" on file -- something about her "qualifying for a high paying job" from it was enough to gain interest, but when the gig was explained in detail? The adventure called and she went running, taking the first flight from San Diego to London.

Training & Experience | High school diploma (lmao), two dozen mining and Extra-terrestrial work certifications, basic first aid, can handle a gun but is no expert.

Enhancements | Thick Skin & Cat Reflexes

Random Fact | "Borrowed" a shuttle from the mining base for a scenic drive with her departed boyfriend.
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Alexander "Ale" Woods
Age | 18

Build | Zero muscle, 5'4"

Marks & Piercings | a crescent-shaped birthmark on his left ear which he covers

Profession | full time living in his parent's basement, part-time drug lord

Origin | FL - United States

Background |
Borned in a high-end family, Ale didn't have to worry about his life at all. He went to fancy private boarding schools since elementary school. Then one day when he was fifteen, his father took him to his "secret hidout" in Florida to get high. Ale didn't enjoy one bit of it.

Still after going back to school, he found his life to be dull and boring. So he dropped out of school and lived in his father's "secret hidout". When Ale's mother discovered this, she filed for divorce. The case has been on for three years now, and Ale lives in his basement undisturbed. He rarely moves.

Also has a side job as a drug lord, of course he is not putting that on his resume.

Training & Experience | Highschool dropout, with a lot of experience looking intimating, hiding his face, and toying with people.

Enhancements | N/A

Random Fact | His favorite drink is Ginger Ale, hence the name. Did an interview with some TV channel once.
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Emerson "Em" Quint

From Pinterest -- unfortunately I could not find the original artist :(

Age | 39

Build | Slender and wiry, 6'2”

Marks & Piercings | An off-hue gold ring piercing on his left ear; a small scar extending from his lower lip that he’ll tell you he got in a fight but is actually the result of an unfortunate lawn-mower mishap (don’t even ask how that happened)

Profession | Archaeologist specializing in Ancient Egypt and other Near East civilizations; responsible for identifying and interpreting objects at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts (MFA); also conducts his own research and peer-reviews the academic papers of others

Side note: once you get him started talking archaeology he’ll be wont to stop, so take caution; reserves a special loathing for “Western archaeologists” and their Euro-centric, colonialist bullshit

Origin | - Boston, MA, United States

Background |

Em spent his childhood living in an apartment in downtown Boston with his mom and grandmother, with a daycare on one end of the street and a juvenile detention center at the other. His mother, an overworked teacher burdened with depression and a desperate desire to provide her students with everything they needed but she couldn’t give, struggled to connect with her son. Em’s grandmother, who he affectionately called Mi-ma (which carried on from a time where he couldn’t pronounce her name, Mina), spent the most time with him and was mostly responsible for his day-to-day care. They had an extremely close relationship, and Em was profoundly impacted by her death following his freshman year at NYU. He regrets not being there for her when she died, as she had always been there for him. Since Mi-ma’s death, Em has tried to reconnect with his mother, better understanding the pressure she was under when he was a child.

Em’s interest in archaeology was sparked when he encountered a book on Ancient Nubian civilization in the public library near his middle school (where he spent the better half of his time after classes.) Enthralled and empowered by the histories and wonders created by people who looked like him, he became fascinated by the stories ancient objects could tell if one looked closely enough. This passion did not subside over time, and Em dedicated himself to finding, preserving, and teasing out the stories and meanings of these artifacts, and eventually was hired on as an archaeologist at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. He met his husband, Alex, a high school history teacher, at the museum when he led a tour of the Ancient Egyptian exhibits for Alex’s class, who admitted he was ultimately done for upon spotting the coffee stain peeking out from Em’s collar.

A year after getting married, Alex and Em adopted their daughter, Lenora, a feisty one year-old who immediately captured their hearts when spit up all over Em’s shoulder. Em vowed to be there for Lenora in the way that his parents were not, and the next few years of his life were his happiest.

Following the morning announcement of a snow-day, Em took 7 year-old Lenora to work with him. Lenora, prone to running through the halls of the museum pretending it was her palace, left her father’s side while he was distracted by a conversation with a colleague who had just returned from a dig. Upon realizing she was missing, Em searched the museum desperately for her, eventually calling upon security for assistance. Two hours passed by. Three hours. They called the police and scoured the area, but she was gone. Weeks passed by, and then months. Nothing.

Lenora's disappearance caused a rift between Alex and Em, both who blamed Em for losing track of her. They divorced a year later, and Em has not spoken to him for two years. Following this turmoil, Em became more reckless in his work, begging his employers to be sent on more excavations and falling behind on his museum responsibilities. Noticing this dramatic shift, Em’s boss and friend, Kiera Rivera, sat him down and insisted that he take some time off to take care of himself and work through whatever he needed to work through. Kindly but firmly, she warned him that if he couldn’t pull his work back together, he’d have to leave the museum.

Three days into his break, a recruiter for Jumpers approached him with the “offer” to join the team. Driven by a sense of hopelessness and a “fuck it” attitude, Em accepted the offer, holding on to the desperate idea that he might see his family again.

Training & Experience | Archaeology, which entails meticulous digging, tent-ing, and a shit ton of analysis, logging, writing, and reading (he finds the lack of decent writing skills utterly appalling); earned a PhD in archaeology from NYU; he is also a well-versed pianist from days spent seated at his grandma’s ancient Baby Grand that took up about half of the living room, and played shows at restaurants and events to earn a little extra (much-needed) cash during his college years; can make a killer cafe mocha

Enhancements | Nimble hands; bio-metric scanning; night vision

Random Fact | Absolutely despises tea and is morally affronted by anyone who suggests even the slightest enjoyment of it. Coffee or bust.

Theme Song -- The High Road, Broken Bells


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Khione Björk


Age | 18, fresh out of high school

Build | About 5’4, lean body

Marks & Piercings | No piercings but she often doodles on her hands and arms (she does this so often you’d think she has tattoos)

Profession | Library assistant (has her eyes on a degree on geography or maybe entomology, mathematics, physics, music, visual arts, international relations; you get the picture: she’s helplessly indecisive about almost everything so she’s taking a one year break to decide before going to university)

Origin | Born in Guam, U.S. Island Territory; grew up in Australia (mixed ethnicity: Swedish-Chinese)

Background | Khione and with her twin brother Thor (yup their parents were mythology nerds) were taught Latin, Greek, Esperanto, and American Sign Language, along with the native tongue of their parents. Her father is Chinese and her mother is Swedish (because of freak genetics Khione doesn’t look at all like her younger twin brother, he’s Asian all the way). Since she didn't look Asian, Khione preferred to introduce herself with her mother's maiden surname to avoid further questions on her parentage. Her brother simply introduced himself with their father's surname Zhang.

Khione loves reading gore and psychological horror fiction; she would have this excited gleam on her eyes when they come up in a discussion (often exclaims the Latin words “mors omnibus” when she gets overly excited; it means “death to all”). Also, she often spouts out famous natural disasters and wars that transpired throughout history (most she has read from working in the library—there were no gore or horror fiction in the library she was working in, much to her dismay—while slacking off at work).

Training & Experience | Khione and her brother, having been exposed to a lot of languages as children, often communicated in sign language, braille, morse code just for the heck of it (they didn’t want to be understood by the other kids).

Enhancements | Nimble hands (Dexterity) & Enhanced speed (Above peak human) [She loves The Flash]

Random Fact | She did gymnastics and Karate.

Theme Song

Walking On Air - Kerli
big boi
smol boi
Age | 5

| either 4'10 and a small lith build or 5'9 and muscular/well-toned

Marks & Piercings | none kinda unblemished

Profession |experimental AI

Origin | government facility

Background | gar was designed by a government agency as the peak of AI and mechanical technology for the time period, in any sense... it was successful producing an almost human-like robot that slowly evolved over the five years almost gaining a personality of sorts and 2 distinctive forms a more childish form that is capable of better creative thinking in exchange for physical power and a larger more adult look that has less diverse thinking but is able to pumble someone into the ground

Training & Experience | integrated skill depending on requirements

Enhancements | current form: child: enchancments= Biometric scanning Eagle Eye Cat reflexes

Random Fact | likes explosions and cake
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Dorothea "Dory" Lupei

(pic from Sword Interval webcomic by Ben Fleuters)

Age | 42

Build | A bit on the shorter side, at 5'5", and stout. She's no fitness model, but she is strong enough to lift about three to four boxes of junk and to punch you in the face.

Marks & Piercings | None besides the gauges in her ears

Profession | Medical researcher at a pharmaceutical

Origin | Bucharest, Romania

Background |
Dorothea always knew what it was like to be in a big family. At first it was her and her five siblings, running about the green hills surrounding the family farm, and as an adult, it was becoming the grand lord master of thirteen nieces and nephews because her siblings were too lazy to not let them stay at her house literally all of the time. Eh, she didn't mind, though. She kind of liked children, ever though she never married and/or had any of her own (which, come to think of it, was probably the reason why her responsibility-shunning siblings were so quick to put her on babysitting duty. They thought she had time. What a joke). But yeah, Dory's love life was a string of destined disasters in her younger years, but after 25, she just stopped trying. Oh well.

As for the rest of her life, Dorothea still isn't quite sure what she's doing with it. She's had a job at a pharmaceutical for the past fifteen years now, but she kind of hates it. Management's a bunch of snobs. All their talk about changing the world and curing even more diseases has been going in one ear and out the other for a while now. In the end, it's all about the money for them. Not to say she doesn't kind of like the work though. She's always been a chemistry nerd, ever since high school. Sort of gives a thrill solving problems and talking in terms no one understands and stuff. But then again, maybe that's a lie, because way back when, she was bent on becoming an astronaut and/or maybe becoming one of the few humans living on that Mars colony. But that never happened. How did she end up here again? She forgot.

Well, anyhow, when Dory isn't suffering through the work day, she does art and model-making and stuff at home. A bunch of landscapes paintings, a whole lot of old 20th-century planes and stuff—useless things like that. Kind of pointless. But fun. And the kids love seeing her stuff as well, even if she wouldn't dare show it to anyone else. But if she could get a few smiles out of it, it'll be worth it.

Training & Experience | Making drugs (woot woot yay). She's got a solid background in chemistry and is good at careful, analytical kind of stuff, if that's worth anything. She has a steady hand, and she's good at making things (her true passion). She sure doesn't rush stuff, anyhow. Also, she's great with kids, in a mix of genuine care and being fun-loving and also in the 'cross her and you shall perish' kind of way

Enhancements | Eagle Eye (heck yeah she's gonna use this later), hot/cold resistant (as if she wasn't already), toxin resistant (sure why not)

Random Fact | Likes to box as a workout routine thing (hasn't been keeping up lately though). Once, she accidentally (she has no idea how this happened) got mistaken for someone else and ended up in an actual fight with someone legit training for this kind of thing in a supes shady fight club underground. She lost miserably. But the other girl broke her nose so ha.

Also she likes cabbage. A lot. She will fight you. Sarma for the win.
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